There is no place for abuse in dog training. There are horrific videos going around the internet of one particular trainer who’s techniques are disgraceful and abusive. It doesn’t matter whether you are working with a Pug, a Bulldog or a Leonberger like this beauty here - there is zero justification for cruelty, regardless of the issue. This male trainer has a large following of people who are swayed into thinking that stringing dogs up by their leashes and collars until they defecate on themselves is ok because ultimately it ‘saves dogs’ lives’ and stops them from being euthanized. This is a myth. Please do not be conned into thinking this is ok for any dog, and if you care about your dog or dogs’ welfare in general, avoid watching, sharing or supporting this man and make your voice heard.
As an ambassador for the RSPCA, I take cruelty to animals in general and in dog training very seriously. I have fought against it for over 20 years and will continue to do so. Everything we do at VSPDT, VSA and Positively shows you effective alternatives to harsh methods, and exposes the truth behind the myths of antiquated and dangerous theories, beliefs and methods.