Action 4 Dogs Edinburgh & Lothians Dog Trainer

Action 4 Dogs Edinburgh & Lothians Dog Trainer Professional Dog Trainer
Dog Training for Gun Dog, Sporting, & Working Line Pets

Confidence, Competence and Relationship Building! Puppy Training.

Steadiness and Obedience
Recall Training
Retrieve Training
Lead Training & Handling Skills
Behavior Consultations Action 4 Dogs Dog Training founded by Max Muir is based in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Maxwell covers all of Scotland by appointment. Dog Training focusing on pet gun dogs and sporting breeds. Personal 121 private Training Sessions in the following Skill sets:

Effective Dog Handling S

kills & Proper Use of Equipment. Adolescent Dog Training-Coping With Your Teenager. Behaviour Training Solutions. Online Zoom Sessions, Telephone consultations & Private Discreet Service. Private lessons and home visits are designed to suit a client’s needs and they can be arranged in the home or a location of your choosing. Private one to one training service also caters for puppy training, basic obedience training, and the teaching of handling skills. Training topics include:

Handling skills with the lead. Recall- Training Levels to your recall. Retriever Training. Gun Dog foundation Training. Training good manners, obedience, and greeting behaviours. Teaching dog’s to develop self control. Effective stimulation & enrichment to deal with those dogs with excess energy. Maxwell has hosted regular seminars, lectures and workshops and been guest speakers at many canine events. Maxwell is also available for you to host for presentations and workshops and virtual keynotes and presentations on a wide variety of dog related subjects. He is also open to appearing on podcasts. Visit

I don’t want to say much at the moment other than I put my old boy Jacques to sleep yesterday. He was 13 and half years ...

I don’t want to say much at the moment other than I put my old boy Jacques to sleep yesterday.

He was 13 and half years and I called time on fading health.

Just now I’m taking some time to myself but I’ve lost a fabulous dog with one heck of a back story. I’ll post a tribute to him likely later in the week.

Walk and run on my old boy…


There’s nothing more pleasurable for me than getting way off the beaten track and watching my dog hunt its heart out! What’s your favourite activity with your dog?

Having an Attentive Dog Needs ClarityWhat we say and what we do with what we say paints a very clear picture for the dog...

Having an Attentive Dog Needs Clarity

What we say and what we do with what we say paints a very clear picture for the dog…or not.

It’s underestimated how many issues owners see in their young developing dogs are due to lack of clarity.

Consistent confusion almost always results in frustration and eventually a switching off in dogs where we become white noise, or background music at best.

It is very easily done…

As humans we also tend to make a lot of meaningless talk to our dogs. Some of that is fine and it’s a distinctly human trait. However, in excess during times when we want to train something specific how can dogs know or understand that there is a more serious relevance to important associations related to recall, obedience, or feedback for calming an undesirable behaviour?

The dog simply doesn’t understand. It may seem that it does when it hears its name cropping up between the words that are used.

In cases where dogs are highly emotional, sensitive, or angry even it can prove problematic and exacerbate any current issues.

Therefore, one main factor in training is to discipline ourselves in what we say and what we do when we say it. Clarity begins and ends with the human.

Simple, clear, concise words or sounds used with actions make things much clearer for the dog but also make what you are asking or communicating doable for the dog.

In reality we often don’t even need to open our mouths. A good training practise is to experiment communicating silently through signal and movement conveying what we want a dog to do.

Movement can ease or increase pressure. It can be as subtle as a hand signal or moving your full body in any given direction. Our expressions speak volumes if we teach our dogs to look and observe that way.

Clarity doesn’t need a multitude of commands. A few things that are crystal clear may surprise you in getting the responses you want from your dogs.

If there is one thing dogs are supremely good at it is studying and knowing our intentions and movements and how we feel in daily life. Using that to communicate directly with dogs is a game changer in a dog being attentive to a clear message.

The bottom line is clarity calms in any situation.

I am on the lookout for some help folks. It’s a long shot but I wondered if any of you Labrador owners have any decent p...

I am on the lookout for some help folks.

It’s a long shot but I wondered if any of you Labrador owners have any decent pictures of your dog when puppy where they jumped up, or jumped and mouthed at yours or other people’s hands?

I’m looking for a picture I can use for a blog where I can write about the correct way to handle and interact with pups as it’s a common complaint I recieve among owners of young dogs.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Long Line Training for dogsWhen proper use and smooth handling on the long line has been learned there are so many benef...

Long Line Training for dogs

When proper use and smooth handling on the long line has been learned there are so many benefits to progress with.

The long line is not only about controlling a dog that cannot be let off lead…

It is about establishing clear communication through training, strengthening the connection between owner and dog, providing a safe way of teaching the dog what you want from it, and taking step by step progressions towards a reliable off lead recall.

It needs carefully thought out structure and progressive training lessons each time you use the line so it becomes not only a management tool, but a learning one.

Into the wilds and off the beaten track ravaging around the beautiful terrain around Crichton Glen and enjoying watching...

Into the wilds and off the beaten track ravaging around the beautiful terrain around Crichton Glen and enjoying watching The Degas hunt his heart out in all those woodland nook and crannies.

Quality time for human and dog!

Client’s dogs when they first approach and meet me are inquisitive to all of the curious training items in the boot.I do...

Client’s dogs when they first approach and meet me are inquisitive to all of the curious training items in the boot.

I don’t mind them hopping in to have look and nose around, in a funny way it somehow helps relax them with me for the session ahead and piques their motivation to play and work with me.

Stimulating curiosity in any area is a great start in an introductory session with a dog.

What exactly is relationship building with your dog?It’s a simple concept but by the very nature of a dog it needs work....

What exactly is relationship building with your dog?

It’s a simple concept but by the very nature of a dog it needs work.

In the home humans often praise how good their dogs are:

‘My dog is great in the house…’

The issues for owners are outside the confines of the house, and in some cases even as close as the garden.

Dogs are often very good in familiarity, passive, and more relaxing settings like the home…

Once social or environmental opportunities are presented it is often a challenge when a dog learns to take no notice and ignores their calls.

Bonding and building is the human’s job in teaching the dog that we can provide an extensive variety of rewarding experiences. If we have only one or two rewards in the form of treats or a favourite ball the likelihood is that we will struggle when something much more exciting is on the cards.

Dogs love activity, processes resulting in rewarding experiences, increases in difficulty of challenge and the opportunity to use their brains.

Of course they also have social needs and want to meet and play with their own kind and preferred characters to mix with, but if we are predictable, boring, or completely uninteresting they learn to ignore us for anything better.

Relationship building has levels, it has energy and passion, it piques curiosity and interest and above all is fun and creates outlets that teach your dog your are way more interesting out of the home in the great outdoors than you are in the house.


It’s a matter of honing your attitude and creative skills to be your dog’s ultimate rewarding experience.

It’s a challenge as your dog develops through its young years and it isn’t meant to be easy. But it is meant to be enjoyable and pleasurable as dogs if anything, are one species who define what pleasure seekers truly are!

Photo courtesy of Andy Biggar Photography


A fast flowing river Esk tonight just before dusk in an always enjoyable tromp through the forest with my boy.

Why You Should Practise, or Lose it!The only way to get better at training your dog is to do it!Practise helps you to de...

Why You Should Practise, or Lose it!

The only way to get better at training your dog is to do it!

Practise helps you to develop and refine new skills…

Deliberate practise means you become more efficient and maximise specifically what you work at during your training.

You build habits and fluency…

The brain has time to learn, process, and enhance focus…

New skills require practise, understanding this helps you get past the mindset of trying to get it right from the offset and fear of making mistakes…

When you don’t practise you lose it, there’s always time to be made if you want it…

What could you improve on…?

Focus more and get better at…?

What feedback and self-talk do you apply to yourself?

Does it put you off showing up and giving it a miss…?

It’s not meant to be easy…

Anything worth having is worth putting in the time and working towards…

Learn to reset, plan it, and put it into your day…

You get better, better every day, and your dog gets better with you!

Training Equals FreedomMy work last week took me down to Dumfries and Galloway to meet the owners of this lovely young L...

Training Equals Freedom

My work last week took me down to Dumfries and Galloway to meet the owners of this lovely young Labrador female.

She is the epitome of an athletic working line dog with a strong instinctual hunting drive to match.

Nothing delights me more than seeing a dog using all those drives and senses to fulfill its purpose.

However, without a training foundation in place and free roam for a dog to use those powerful instincts can cause problems for owners of dogs from working stock.

This training session focused on utilising those senses into productive activities than bring owner and dog together to connect on a deeper level:

Long Line Training- An essential step in using a line correctly on walks and venturing into rich habitats.

Retrieve Training- Something owner and dog learn to love to do together. A superb bonding activity.

Basic Obedience- The core exercises of communication between handler and dog and in teaching self-control.

The main attribute for owners facing such challenge is to get the proper help and direction. That begins with a trainer who understands their needs and feelings and opens their minds to the needs of the dog.

Connecting through skills and activity bringing that relationship closer together. It can seem like a mountain at first but once broken down into structured steps and small goals it helps owners focus on the process and the outcome of which is eventual and reliable trusted freedom on walks.

I very much look forward to working and seeing the growth of these humans and dog come together.

Making Impressions With a New PuppyWhen this young rogue first came into my home at 5 months of age he was a typical all...

Making Impressions With a New Puppy

When this young rogue first came into my home at 5 months of age he was a typical all-over-the-place puppy that had no introduction to training, a chancer and opportunist by nature, his impulses dictated all of his actions.

He saw and he did accordingly to his desires…

Sits…lasted barely a second or two…

Stay…forget it!

He jumped, counter-surfed, pulled on lead, and was out to get everything he could from life’s great and vast buffet.

I love the naturally mischievous nature in some dogs, mostly in males. He was a typical young and confident dog, he just hadn’t had a proper master or the guidance and education that comes with that.

We bonded, built our trust and relationship, and worked on providing a daily life of learning and harnessing all of that energy through training.

The more time I devoted to teaching what I wanted and spent quality time with my dog, as he grew through those early years we became better together.

He needed to grow up and I needed to show him the way while providing environmental experiences for him to satisfy those strong instincts.

Small steps, focusing on solutions, bonding through the early developmental periods, and being someone the dog truly is excited to spend its time with are what gets you there.

It’s a life journey and as an owner you will deal with a variety of characteristics and temperament in your dogs. Adjusting yourself accordingly in how you handle and own that particular dog will govern how it sees and grows with you over the long term.

Having a pet dog is a great thing, a privilege...Nurturing a dog through its early months and years is a journey as we w...

Having a pet dog is a great thing, a privilege...

Nurturing a dog through its early months and years is a journey as we walk, train, play with and bring on our dog's social and brain development.

Did you know that in us humans, the preforntal cortex which is responsible for higher function develops right into our mid twenties. The canine brain also carries on into beyond puppyhood and into the adolescent period. So even although a dog may be large and physically fully grown they may have some way to go before mental maturity.

Young adolescent dogs can be careless in their way, reckless, possess crude social skills, and lack self-control. Their decisions and choices are not always good ones and it is all part of the learning curves life throws at them.

I love to train...

Walk my dogs...

Play with them...

These are all things that form the glue that builds the relationship. They are social in nature and need emotional support with the life challenges they face...and we get and need that from them also. That relationship, that bond, stems from the main thing we want from our dogs...


The ability to share emotions is one of the strongest binding qualities we share with our dogs. A dog with a great companion thrives and gets through life more easily. A person who has a closely connected companionship with a dog, or dogs, knows how special that relationship is. It is that relationship that makes everything else work so well. It is an area that should be looked at deeply if one wants the best from their dog. No training in the world will surpass a deep connection on deep companionship level.

That involves devoting time outside of other daily dog activities to reach intimate contact with our dogs on a heart level. Many of you may think this is for sure and is a given, but there are many relationships that have gaps on that level and all the training doesn't fill it.

Spending time with dogs, sharing emotions without even breathing a word, being with them on a heartfelt level opens doors to a relationship and bond we dreamed of when we first thought of getting a dog. Making the time to relax and bond together links our brains together.

Sometimes that can get lost in the midst of our busy lives. Dogs need time to grow up and mature and time for the relationship to blossom through those early years so it stands them in good stead as we both grow older together.

Apart from general foundation training in obedience which is beneficial to teach every dog, your dog also has deeply wir...

Apart from general foundation training in obedience which is beneficial to teach every dog, your dog also has deeply wired instinctive needs and traits.

Dogs are selectively bred to display these character traits to varying degree.

Your dog will display some of the following:

> Search and Scent
> Chase
> Cover ground quickly
> pick up objects and carry them
> Be attracted to wildlife
> Hunt, forage, flush, and scavenge

Utilizing these traits into your training will help your dog fulfill its purpose and learn to fully be the dog it is. Your training and education will benefit when you consider and provide outlets for these natural behaviours to be expressed.

Your direction in the process is a motivational channel for your dog to direct those instincts and form a training partnership bringing out the best for you both.

Working line pets thrive with foundation training that works those instincts and makes all the difference in raising a dog with strong working drives.

The Look of Intent!

The Look of Intent!

The Reality of Puppy LifeWhen one commits to parenting whether it be children or animals they learn to put up and deal w...

The Reality of Puppy Life

When one commits to parenting whether it be children or animals they learn to put up and deal with demands on their time,
patience, and all those little inconveniences that come with it.

Animals are no more born trained and learned than any other living species. Puppies will be puprs, babies will be babies, and adolescence.....well, I'm sure you get the idea.

Your puppy will jump, nip, pull on lead, throw a tantrum, demand attention, eliminate on your floors, chew and scratch, yelp, hate to be alone and confined for long periods, and it will want to meet the world and everything in it.

Your children go to classes for the first 16 years of their lives before fully launching themselves at the world…

Puppy development is a good deal quicker and you’ll find you have an adolescent before you know it.

Therefore, organisation, plannning, and preparation along with realistic expectations makes parenting and dealing with those inconveniences a whole lot easier.

Once you know and anticipate what to expect it is half the battle.

Enjoy raising your puppy and keep in mind it’s just a pup..

Here’s to the New Year ahead.Our dogs have no concept of time in the way we do…But they do recognise our attitude, vigou...

Here’s to the New Year ahead.

Our dogs have no concept of time in the way we do…

But they do recognise our attitude, vigour, intent, our sense of adventure and the spirit that we carry into our escapades with them.

Keep that spirit of enthusiasm alive in you to march towards newer and greater quality of life with your dogs.

As long as we do that, every day is a beautiful day and a life filled with purpose for them.

That’s where The Bond with them is secured!

Happy training and new adventures folks!

Here are a few superb expressions of canine body language through play with these two familiar friends during one of my ...

Here are a few superb expressions of canine body language through play with these two familiar friends during one of my client sessions last week.

Once play had ended between the two I worked with the Golden Retriever and her owner on the differences between fetch and a structured retrieve.

Fetch is a great game and dogs love it. Owner finds it is an activity that keeps them focused when other distractions are on the horizon.

However, a focused retrieve adds so much more to the equation building both the handler’s skills as well as the dogs. It’s also a lot more tiring and satisfying for the dog as there is a greater deal of focus and concentration involved.

After Cora the retriever was sufficiently tired but being careful not to overdo it, she found her friend again and took off into another play session.

A great way to unwind after some brain work!

Tip: Make sure that play in one form or another is part of your training sessions, it’s a natural and great relief valve for the brain and powers up the learning process!




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Our Story

Action 4 Dogs Dog Training founded by me, Max Muir. I am based in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

I am proud to be Labrador Retriever Rescue Scotland Scio Behaviour Consultant & Trainer for the past 17 years.

I cover all of Scotland and the north of England by appointment.

Personal Training Sessions Empowering You With Amazing Skills Effective Handling Skills & Use of Equipment Puppy Training & The Ultimate Start-Up Guide Adolescent Training-Coping With Your Teenager Behaviour Modification & Problem Solving Solutions Online / Telephone consultations Private & Discreet Service Mentoring-Supervision & Guidance to bring the best trainer out in you! Private lessons and home visits are designed to suit your individual needs and they can be arranged in your home or a location of your choosing. Private coaching training service also caters for puppy training, basic obedience and response training, and the teaching of handling skills. Training topics include: Recall Training Specialist Obedience Training Training Impulse Control / Steadiness, and Self Control Daily Stimulation & Enrichment Canine Handling Skills and Use of Equipment I hosts regular seminars and workshops with guest speakers which are held throughout the year. A am also available for you to host for presentations and workshops on a wide variety of dog related subjects. Give me a call or please visit my website