Agata Brzek - Dog Focused

Agata Brzek - Dog Focused Helping you to raise and train your dog to be the best dog you've ever had.

Dog Training and Behaviour Consulting based on positive reinforcement techniques and protocols. Non-aversive methods, creative and effective solutions to common behaviour problems, life enrichment for pet dogs, games, everyday manners, obedience. I hold a Diploma of Dog Training and Behaviour Consulting from Companion Animals Sciences Institute, and the Pro Dog Trainer certificate with AbsoluteDOG

S, and have attended various courses, workshops, seminars and webinars related to animal training and behaviour. I have over 15 years of experience of working with dogs, including 10 years as a pet dog trainer.

It's been a very busy summer, working with many lovely dogs and their people. As the days get shorter, we need to now th...

It's been a very busy summer, working with many lovely dogs and their people. As the days get shorter, we need to now think about the fast approaching autumn.

September's coming soon! How is it even possible?!

And with it a few available spaces for my Training Walks.

At the moment I have a Tue + Sat spot, starting on Sat 7th, and

Wed + Sun, starting on Wed 18th.

These are 1-2-1 sessions, held twice a week, for 3 or 4 weeks, depedning on what we need to work on. Price per session £35, so the 3 week package costs £210, and the 4 week package is £280.

All breeds and ages welcome. I've had the pleasure of meeting puppies, adolescent dogs, adults and seniors. From mini dachshunds, to Leonbergers.

Training Walks are a great option for you, if you've done your best to teach your dog, but you feel like you're not getting any further.

Or if you'd love to have a well trained dog, but you just don't have the knowledge, skills, or time, to do it right. At the sessions I can train your dog for you, and you'll only learn how to keep it going in the future.

Please note that not all behaviour struggles are a good fit for Training Walks, but I also offer weekly behaviour and training sessions, so please ask even if you are not sure if this is something for you.


HelloI have 2 spots available for August Training Walks. These are 1-2-1 sessions, we meet twice a week for 3-4 weeks, a...


I have 2 spots available for August Training Walks.

These are 1-2-1 sessions, we meet twice a week for 3-4 weeks, and work on yours and your dog's skills, confidence, and relationship out and about.

☑️ evening sessions available for those working 9-5
☑️ working shifts? - no problem, we can manage that too
☑️ multi-dog households welcome
☑️ great for puppies and young adult dogs
☑️ covering Perth and surrounding towns and villages

Price £280 for a 4 week programme, (8 sessions, for reactive dogs), £210 for 3 weeks (6 sessions - recall, lead walking and other training issues).

Please get in touch if it sounds interesting, or share if you know someone who could benefit from this training.

We are so lucky to live where we do. The fields are now empty, the sheep have been moved to other locations.Every day we...

We are so lucky to live where we do.

The fields are now empty, the sheep have been moved to other locations.

Every day we walk here, surrounded by nature, today the yellow flowers, aren't they pretty?

This morning I tasted first wild raspberries, but I'm not going to tell you where they are🤫😉

For Arco this place is a paradise, he loves it here. I would prefer a forest, with tall pine trees, or oaks, but I'm grateful for what it is.

Just outside the door, no need to drive far.

Where are your everyday walks? Do you have your favourite spots?

Bookings now open for Training Walks for July. Every month I work with 4 or 5 amazing dog-human teams. We meet twice a w...

Bookings now open for Training Walks for July.

Every month I work with 4 or 5 amazing dog-human teams. We meet twice a week, for 3-4 weeks, and go for these educational and often transformative walks together.

We address the WHY and the HOW, we teach the dog better ways of behaving, we teach the owner more effective handling skills, we play games, and see the improvement right in front of our eyes.

I only use methods and techniques that are kind, motivational, and ethical. But you'd be surprised how many different ways of training there are.

Every dog brings his own temperament and experiences to the table, so we need to be able to adjust to that and find the best methods for that dog. And for their guardian.

With nearly 2 decades of experience working with dogs of all kinds, and with a considerable fortune spent on education, I can easily find something that will work with your particular dog.

Why not give it a go? Your walks will be more relaxing and your dog will behave much better.

All sessions are now £35.
We start with 6-8 sessions, depending on your needs, but the programme can be extended.

The 3 week programme (6 sessions) is suited for easier trainig struggles, like recall, pulling on lead, lack of focus. It costs £210.

The 4 week programme (8 sessions) is for more persistent and intense issues like reactivity towards dogs and/or people, chasing cars, joggers, animals, and aggressive behaviour. Price: £280

Payment plans are always available. You can pay with your credit card, cash, or BACS.

More questions? Please email [email protected]
Or send a message on Agata Brzek - Dog Focused



Proud training moment!

We were walking along a field when I noticed a hare sitting at the edge, in front of us.

Arco hadn't seen it at that point, so I took out the phone to record the encounter.

I thought Arco would see the hare running (because of course it would run across the field), and then I would call him off, and he would come back. A nice recall brag.

Instead, Arco didn't follow the hare at all!

What's more, there were actually two hares, and he didn't run after any of them!

You can see the hares on the green part of the field, on the left of the screen.

I must say, the training took time and effort, but it was well worth it, as I can relax on walks, and Arco can be off lead practically everywhere.

And it was all fun and games. No aversive tools ever used.

You want to achieve the same, or similar results? Get in touch!


I was sitting on a log and Arco came to join me. We were watching the sheep in the other field together. And then...

There is only the burn between us and the lambs. The fences got destroyed by raging water.

Normally it's not a problem, as Arco will not go there, but when the two little ones decided to test his self control, it got a bit too much for him.

Did I have to grab his collar? Probably not, but I don't take any chances. I'm on pretty friendly terms with the local shepherd, and I want it to stay that way.

Once the lambs ran away, we got up and went home, as it was the end of our walk anyway.

I often walk Arco off lead around here, also on the country roads, with the pastures just next to us.

But if the sheep are close to the fences I put him on lead. It's not because I worry that he could jump over the fence and attack them.

It's because sheep get scared so easily, especially now when they have lambs. And scared sheep can even die out of stress.

I'd feel awful knowing that we caused them serious distress, or worse, so I'm proactive in this area.

Arco is big, strong, and highly predatory. He would at least try to kill a lamb, and maybe he would succeed, who knows.

So he doesn't get the chance, ever. He's off lead where I'm confident in his training, and that the temptations of the environment are not too much for him.

We live here, so we need to be responsible.

SIT! How we love this word! For most dogs I ever meet, Sit is the only behaviour they can perform on cue. At least some ...

SIT! How we love this word!

For most dogs I ever meet, Sit is the only behaviour they can perform on cue.

At least some of the time. And with a cookie in the owner's hand. And without distractions.

But it's not what this post is about. Well, not entirely.

For years I've been really interested, even passionate, about dogs' physical health. Probably because most of my own dogs have suffered from various joint issues that required medication, surgery, restricted exercise, supplements, and so on.

I lost one dog at the age of 15 months because of serious orthopedic issues.

Another had advanced hip dysplasia.

Yet another had spinal arthritis, which went undiagnosed for years (more on that later) and eventually he was in too much pain...

Arco has "something" in his back end, and can occasionally get stiff and sore, especially after longer exercise.

What it all has to do with Sit?

The way your dog sits, lies down, walks and runs, can alert you that something is wrong and needs your attention.

In the three photos below only the Collie sits properly. The Golden Retriever and the Pointer both show "bad" sit postures.

The proper sit is pretty much square and balanced. The front feet are shoulder width apart, and they are directly underneath the shoulder joints, to support the body.

The back feet are hip width apart, parallel to each other, the knees are close to the body.

Puppies often sit differently, but their jonts are not formed yet, so they are more flexible and "soft". An adolescent dog may go through various growth phases and his sit may not be correct either.

But if your adult dog sits like either of the two dogs in the pictures, take notice.

Front or back feet too wide, or too narrow, or to the side, indicate that you should ask the question Why?

It doesn't mean that your dog has hip dysplasia or other orthopedic issues, there are also soft tissue problems and imbalances that can be to blame.

There are muscles, tendons, and ligaments, that may have been injured, or underdeveloped, and they change the way the body moves, and the positions the dog is able to comfortably sustain.

That's the reason the dog may not always to want to sit, or lie down when asked. Is he disobedient and in need of more training?

Not necessarily. He may be too uncomfortable or sore to get in this position, especially for a prolonged time.

Dogs in general are very cooperative, and if they know how to do something, and have done it many times before, and suddenly they resist... I, personally, stop and listen.

Knowing that Arco is sore sometimes, I will not insist that he sits or lies down every single time I want. I accept what he can give me, which is a quiet stand, instead.

In the past I felt torn between what I could see, and what I was told by the vets. Chester, the Collie, started showing signs of pain at about 2 years of age.

Every time I mentioned it to the vets, I was told it was nothing to worry about. Long story short, at the age of 8 he was diagnosed with spondylosis which he "probably had all his life". His pelvis and a few vertebrea were fused together in a big lump of bone.

These things are painful. But Chester was a working dog, so he soldiered on for years, until he could no longer hide the pain. He seemed happy and was very active and playful. Only at the end of the day he would look exhausted and stiff.

And that's how it is with dogs: they may not show you how bad it really is. You must learn to spot the little signs, like an incorrect sitting posture, and take action to get to the bottom of this.

Majority of the vets are not trained to recognise chronic pain in dogs either. That's why Chester went undiagnosed for so long.

So, even if you ask them, they may say your dog is fine. We definitely need better education there.

I'm doing my best to learn about this, as it's estimated that up to 80% of all behaviour cases have chronic pain as a contributing factor. That's huge.

I look at all the dogs I work with very closely for irregularities in their posture and movement. And, unfortunately, I see them pretty often.

I can't diagnose a condition based on that, but I can highlight an issue, for the owner to further investigate. It's always better safe than sorry.

I'll be happy to be wrong. But to determine that, the dog would have to be thoroughly examined. And, as stated above, they're often dismissed.

But you, as the dog's guardian, should not dismiss the wonky sit, as just "the way he does it". There is a reason behind it. Seek information, from your vet, your trainer, a massage therapist, a chiropractor.

Get curious, and you'll find some answers, and solutions. Maybe some hydrotherapy, or physio, or conditioning, change of exercise routine...

The fact is, there is plenty of info out there, you just need to ask the questions.

Because your dog can't.


Connection Practice.

Wouldn't it be nice, if your dog voluntarily engaged with you when he sees something of interest, like another dog, a sheep or horse, or when he smells something fab, like dog p*e? 😐

Well, he'd need to first learn the concept of connection around lower level distractions.

Here I'm walking with Arco around markers on the ground, and if he stays engaged and walking on loose lead, he gets released to a puzzle toy with food inside.

The puzzle can be replaced with a food bowl, or a toy. The concept remains the same: give me engagement before you get what you want.

This builds nice foundations for future training, out on walks, where it really matters.

As my client you might get a little homework with similar games, to keep you and your dog practising useful skills in between sessions.

If you're thinking about improving your dog's manners out and about, give me a shout, as I'm now open to taking bookings for June.


One of the most interesting courses I've done recently. After more than 15 years of learning all about dogs, I don't fin...

One of the most interesting courses I've done recently. After more than 15 years of learning all about dogs, I don't find a lot of new or very different info out there. This course was one of the very few exceptions.

Intro to CARAT is about animal temperament. CARAT stands for Clothier Animal Response Assessment Tool, and was developed around 2007 by Suzanne Clothier.

It can be used to asssess all species of animals, humans included. But in this course we focused on dogs.

It scores 21 traits, divided into several sections. The picture with the circle is my own interpretation of the CARAT graphic, as I'm not allowed to use the original one after this course. There is a whole certification programme available, after which the student will have access to the CARAT score software.

But all the traits in my graphic are exactly where they are in CARAT. I now use my version to assess all dogs I come in contact with, to help me think about them as individuals with unique temperament, as this will guide me with creating a better training plan for them.

CARAT is often used to assess litters of puppies for specific roles, such as guide for the blind, assistant dog, search ahd rescue, detection work, various sports, etc. But also for matching the puppy with a prospective owner, even if it's just to be a pet.

All of us have some plans and goals for our pups, or adopted dogs, we have our lifestyles that we'd like the dog to fit in. But not all dogs have temperaments suitable for what we want from them.

Very often we can help the dog to adjust, be more comfortable, learn coping skills and be relaxed. Sometimes, however, it is us and our expectations that need adjustment, so we can give our dog the best life possible.

With CARAT we could choose the right puppy for us, with just the right temperament, so she could fit in seemlessly, from day one.

CARAT scores patterns of behaviour in several situations, and at different times. Seeing the dog once is not enough to score the traits properly, as the dog may be stressed, uncomfortable, overexcited. We may create a initial assessment, but very often more observation is needed.

Without going into too much detail, the scores in CARAT are bi-directional ranging from -4 to +4, with a midpoint of 0, which is a fully functional level of the trait.

The farther away from the midpoint, the less functional the dog is in this trait, and the more he may struggle in the world. -4 and +4 are extreme scores, and not often seen.

The farther away from the midpoint also means that as the dog's guardian you'll have more work to do, to help the dog. But many working and sporting dogs will score high on some traits, as these traits are necessary for them to do their jobs well.

It's in the pet home that this dog could struggle if he was not provided the opportunities to use his natural abilities.

Every trait and score in CARAT has a specific definition, so that each assessor trained in this system will see the same things when working with a dog. This system is not open to interpretation. That's why it takes up to 3 years to get fully certified in it. The course I just finished is only an introduction, but has already provided an incredible amount of value.

The point is to really see the dog in front of you. It doesn't matter that you had 3-4 dogs of the same breed before. This one is unique. If you're able to fully embrace it, and stop trying to fit a square peg into a round holw, your life with your dog will be much more enjoyable.

As Suzanne keeps saying:


First, longer, clip: George and his Mum rocking it at North Inch this morning🙂

Second clip: a very short video of myself waking Rocket, a few weeks ago.

Both boys, but especially Rocket, were pulling on lead when I met them. George would get very excited at the sight of other dogs and also people, and would pull towards them.

George and Rocket learned to disengage from interesting things and engage with their handlers. We increased the value of the handler, so the dogs now choose to stick with them rather than look for other forms of entertainment.

Rocket, being a very young dog, is still going to be in training for a while. George is a bit older, and he did extremely well with only 6 sessions.

Both dogs have super dedicated guardians, who keep putting in the work, and that's why they see these results.

My role was to introduce the training to the dogs, teach them some stuff, and then the guardians took over, and learned a few skills themselves.

The Training Walks is a team effort, as I can't do everything myself, seeing the dogs only twice a week.

But they are much more effective than weekly sessions, and infinitely more effective than sporadic one-off sessions I used to do, even though the latter came with lots of additional resources and support.

That being said, I'm still available for weekly sessions, as not all behaviour struggles will do well with frequent meetings.

If you'd like your dog to walk like George and Rocket, message me, and we can book you in for Training Walks or weekly sessions. I still can add one dog to my schedule in April.

There is one spot available for my Training Walks in May, for either general training or reactivity. Days: Wednesday + S...

There is one spot available for my Training Walks in May, for either general training or reactivity.

Days: Wednesday + Sunday
Start day: Wednesday, May 1st; or Sunday May 5th.

The most common areas we work on are pulling on lead, recall, ignoring distractions, and of course barking and lunging at other dogs (or/and people).

I can help you with finding what exactly motivates your dog, how to get him to WANT to listen to you, how to teach him to modulate his excitement, how to support him if he's scared, and so on.

Seeing your and your dog twice a week allows me to really get to know you both, try different things, and choose the best options, that also suit yourself, as the dog carer, and fit in with your lifestyle.

As you will go for the walks with me, you can see what I do, how, and maybe most importantly: why.

Get in touch if walks with your dog are not enjoyable, you need to avoid other dogs, can't ever let your dog off lead. After 3-4 weeks of training, you'll be in a completely different place, and able to give your dog more freedom, and joy in life.

If the beginning of May is not suitable, there will be another spot open later, around the 21st of May (for Tuesday+ Saturday).

Looking forward to meeting new dogs and their awesome people😊

It was a black lab kinda day🙂

It was a black lab kinda day🙂

A few of the boys I've been working with recently:Rocket, the silver labCharlie, the Finnish LapphundArchie, the black l...

A few of the boys I've been working with recently:

Rocket, the silver lab
Charlie, the Finnish Lapphund
Archie, the black lab cross

Rocket, a typical adolescent, interested in everything, super happy and friendly, pulled on lead like a train. His education, at 10 months of age, is far from finished, but his owners now have some strategies to handle him more effectively, and make sure he keeps learning the right stuff.

Charlie, a lovely and lively guy, gets very excited, and barks a lot at dogs. His breed was developed to herd reindeer, and they use barking as a tool for moving the animals around. Charlie is still in training.

Archie also gets excited by dogs and, occasionally, people. His bark is low and serious, although there is nothing dangerous about Archie. He pulls towards interesting stuff, and struggles with self regulation. We are helping him to calm down quicker and just enjoy his walks.

If you're struggling with similar behaviours in your dog, and would like some help, please get in touch. Although I am fully booked in April, we can certainly make appointments for May.

Super excited to start this course with one of the legends in the dog world, Suzanne Clothier. I almost finished her "In...

Super excited to start this course with one of the legends in the dog world, Suzanne Clothier.

I almost finished her "Intro to CARAT", which is a temperament assessment tool, and the Observation part 1 is the next step on this path.

Suzanne is well known for her observation skills, be it of physical structure and movement, behaviour, or emotions.

Looking forward to weekly zoom Q&A sessions with Suzanne, they're always just as informative as the course materials, or even more.

Accurate observations are at the heart of great training (and great relationships). If you don't really SEE THE DOG, your relationships and training are missing important information dogs need you to know. Observation Skills Part One will help you SEE THE DOG and bring the dog into focus.

Learn Suzanne's holistic approach that includes the complete dog - physical, mental and emotional as interactive parts of the whole.

Blending techniques from ethology with the practical skills learned in a lifetime with animals, Suzanne's lessons build on each other to develop your skills.

Course opens March 31, 2024 - you still have time to join! Register now at:

Have you already completed Observation Skills Part One and looking for Observation Skills Part Two? That course is also opening March 31st - e-mail courses@ to register.


A bit of Easter scent work.

We haven't done handler scent searches for years, so it took him 3 reps to remember what he was looking for.

But, as always, once he got it, he got it🙂

Such a good lad😊

Just like humans, dogs have different temperaments. This shouldn't be surprising for anybody. A dog is a dog is a dog si...

Just like humans, dogs have different temperaments. This shouldn't be surprising for anybody.

A dog is a dog is a dog simply isn't true.

Within a littler of puppies there is a vast range of behavioural tendencies, reactions to novelty, sensitivities to sights, smells, movement, etc. Some pups are calm, others are like duracell bunnies, with endless energy.

Temperament is the basis on which the puppy's personality then develops. Basic temperament stays stable throughout life.

For instance I have never been a party girl, not even in my student years. I like dogs and books. No point inviting me to a noisy pub.

My brother loves a party, with lots of people and lots of alcohol. He's probably never read a book,in his entire life, and dogs are just not his thing.

A Dandelion and an Orchid are at the opposite ends of the temperament spectrum.

Dandelions, the plants, are robust, adaptable, virtually indestructible, no matter what we do to them, they come back. If we mowe them, they just grow shorter, to avoid the mower's blades. Extreme weather seems to have no effect on them.

Orchids, on the other hand, man, move them from one window to another, and they die... Just like that. They are such niche plants, that in the wild, they grow only in incredibly specific conditions; the temperature must be just right, the humidity, the soil composition.. they're very fragile plants. They would have no chance with me.

Dandelion dogs are a pleasure to have. You can take them anywhere and they will adapt. Stress has little effect on them, they're not prone to trauma, they recover quickly from bad events, they're resilient.

They are perfect for first time dog owners, especially families, they are sociable, both with people and other dogs; happy, playful and affectionate.

Orchid dogs are sensitive to various things, they have strong preferences of activities, locations, affiliations. They can get stressed quickly and for a long time (low resilience), they tend to avoid rather than approach people or dogs. They are not easy to travel with and need a lot of help from their owners.

Orchids are not for everyone, and not for every situation or lifestyle. They usually are loving at home and happy with those they know, but their circle tends to be very small.

As it is with spectrums of anything, there are also temperaments that lie somewhere in the middle, the Violets.

Violet dogs have their quirks, but on the whole they are pretty good at coping with the world. Once you learn what they like and don't like, and you make some minor adjustments, they can be pretty good companions. But you'll still not make them into Dandelions - they're a bit more sensitive and fragile, but definitely more robust than Orchids.

The trouble in the dog world is that many people believe that they can make any dog into a Dandelion.

They can't.

If you have an Orchid, no matter how much time you spend training, socializing, counter-conditioning, your dog is still an Orchid.

He may learn some coping strategies, he may learn to function in specific circumstances, so his quality of life improves, and he's happier, but deep down he's still an extremely sensitive individual.

Orchids are, luckily, not that common, but they are out there.

Violets are aplenty.

With Violets we can do much more, as they're already more adaptable and resilient, but still - they are who they are.

When we teach dogs, when we work with their behaviour, knowing who they are is crucial. Even just the framework above: Orchid - Violet - Dandelion, will give you some ideas for what to expect, and also how we should approach the dog.

Saying "Oh, he's going to be just fine" about an Orchid dog is harmful and insensitive. If this is what the owner thinks, he will not make good choices for his dog.

Violets may be "just fine" in many situations, but there is a difference between enjoying something and enduring it. Many dogs only endure when we think they enjoy it.

Dandelions enjoy most things in life. Good for you if you have a true dandelion. I have never had one.

Arco is a Violet, probably a bit closer to a dandelion than to an orchid, but he's definitely not a dog that can go everywhere, and do everything.

Monty is an Orchid... It takes very little to unsettle him, there are things he just can't do, everything must be just right, or he wilts and crumbles.

All my other dogs and fosters were Violets, spread somewhere between the ends of the spectrum.

Who is your dog?

I'm curious how many of you have a Dandelion? Or do you have a true Orchid?

Almost all of my current Training Walks students: A Leonberger x Alaskan Malamute, called Rebus (on the left in the phot...

Almost all of my current Training Walks students:

A Leonberger x Alaskan Malamute, called Rebus (on the left in the photo, next to his "brother" Roscoe)

Two collie crosses, Corrie (black) and Brooke (tan)

A Cardigan Corgi, Jessica

An XL Bully, Vinnie

We're missing a Cocker Spaniel, Jasper, cause I forgot to take a photo.

Variety of breeds, and of behaviours.

A challenging bunch, keeping me on my toes (or trying to pull me off them😉)

There is still some, limited, availability for Training Walks in February. Drop me a message if you're interested.

I'll try to remember to take some videos of our training next time I see these guys🙂


Walks in the dark don't have to be boring.

The dog's nose works just as well at night.

Arco loves searching for treats in the grass. This is how we move along the road, I toss a treat to either side while he's busy with the previous one.

He's quick, so sometimes I can't even hide the treat well, but occasionally I'm more successful, and he has a bit longer search.

It's an easy way to add some mental exercise to your dog's day😊

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you all had lovely holidays and are now ready to hop into a brand new year.For me it will be a year...


Hope you all had lovely holidays and are now ready to hop into a brand new year.

For me it will be a year full of learning, which is not a surprise at all, of course. I already have a long list of courses to take...

First one, Succeed With Impulsive Dogs, is starting next week.

As you may remember, toward the end of last year I introduced a new service, the Training Walks, both for general life skills, and reactivity. I had the pleasure to work with several dogs and owners, and we have made some good progress.

Some cases were very challenging, and not as successful as others, but that's the way it is with dogs and the circumstances they live in.

For reactive dogs the Training Walks are generally very effective. As an experienced trainer I can make good decisions quickly, change a strategy instantly, and easily switch between training and management, which helps the dog calm down and learn.

Once the dog is ready, it's much easier to transfer the skills to their person. This happens gradually, over a few sessions, so there is no rush, and I'm always there to take over when necessary.

All in all I'm very optimistic that this way of working with dogs will bring a lot of relief to owners, especially those who may not be as skilled at implementing the learning in real life situations. Or who feel like they're taking one step forward and two backwards.

The programmes and pricing for this year are:

3 weeks (minimum)
2 sessions per week
£180 (£30 per session)

4 weeks (minimum)
2 sessions per week
£280 (£35 per session)

payment plans available

The Life Skills Training Walks are suitable for dogs from about 4 months of age, but may be of particular interest to anybody that is currently living with an adolescent dog (7 months to 2 years), as they are typically very challenging to live with and walk.

Please note that not all behaviour struggles will be suitable for this training system, and I may offer an alternative solutions, ie. coaching sessions, or refer to another professional.

Once again Happy New Year, and I hope I will be able to be of service to all of you, either in person, or online.

New services coming!😀 In November I'm introducing Training Walks for life skills, and reactive dogs. These walks will be...

New services coming!😀

In November I'm introducing Training Walks for life skills, and reactive dogs.

These walks will be a huge help for those who, for various reasons, are not able to train their dogs themselves, maybe due to poor health, work or family committments, or simply lack of necessary skills.

With reactive dogs, walks can be pretty stressful and exhausting, and often little progress is made even when you try your hardest.

In both cases, having someone experienced take your dog out and work with them, can make all the difference, in a much shorter time.

As an owner/guardian you'll still have some homework to do, but twice a week I will walk with your dog and progress our training plan.

You're invited to come for the walk as well, if you'd like. This way you'll learn more and be able to continue the training between sessions.

I'm also opening a Support Group on Facebook for my clients with reactive dogs. If we're already working together, you'll be invited to join, for a period of time (usually 3 months after our last session).

But if you're not currently a client of mine, you can also join the group, and take advantage of the learning and tips that are there. There is a monthly fee for joining, and discounts for 1-2-1 sessions, if you'd like one.

Another advantage of the group is the ability to ask questions, post videos for advice, and chat with other members about their experinces.

So, if you like working on your dog's behaviour yourself, but would like a little help and guidance, this may be a great, low cost, choice for you.

The group is open now, Training Walks will be available from November 25, but get in touch now if you're interested, so we can book you in😊




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