Nobody started off an expert.
We’re all born bare and new, ready to receive more than an ocean of skills and experiences. And during all of that we fall down, get scratched up and make mistakes.
We learn more from our mistakes than we ever will from immediate success.
And this is a good thing. If you’re not getting it wrong or being challenged then you’ve probably not got enough pressure on that gas pedal!
As a trainer and coach, I look to teach owners the skills and concepts they need to teach and grow with their dog! And the biggest concept I discuss is comfort.
Well, getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Even when doing simple and ‘easy’ tasks with our dogs, when we work towards a goal, parts of the process can be uncomfortable, accepting truths, getting to grips with a new technique, being consistent, managing boundaries etc. all these things can be tough to get a handle on but that is where you grow!
And it’s OK!
If you’re finding yourself getting bored or your training plateauing then consider the last time you and your dog tested the waters and pushed closer towards your limits in whatever area you’re working on specifically. Be that public spaces, a brand new trick, new surfaces, new objects or sounds etc.
Keep pushing forward and proofing your training!!
If you’re not 100% sure on how you can go about doing that, or how to get started in general then contact a trainer near you!