Happy valentine's day from me and my fluffy dates 💕
I got to hang out with my boys, Ivy, Eric, and Herbie this week. It's always a pleasure spending time with them. They're such sweethearts and give the best greeting, love and cuddles 😻😻😻
It breaks my heart to share another loss for the Reservoir Cats and Dogs family.
Sweet Sylas aka Baby, passed over rainbow bridge earlier this week. He wasn't quite right on our sleepover last week but started to improve by the time his hoomans came home. Sadly, he declined quickly over the weekend and it was kindest to let him go.
Baby was just that a baby. In comparison to his cat siblings Xerena aka Missy and Xoel aka Dumbdumb, he was the only one who went out of his way to greet me. Wrapping himself around my legs, purring so loud even with headphones in I could hear him and giving me a growling meow with the softest slow blinks. He would also like to worry me the most out of all 3 by tending to his hunting duties and not showing up for meal times. Thankfully, he would always return and act like he hadn't worried me at all.
His doggy siblings loved him very much, all 3 of them went up to greet him and he would rub on them back. It was sweet to see as they always greet me with a crazy amount of enthusiasm, they were so gentle with him. I imagine a maine coon slap to the face would encourage anyone to calm down! But saying that, he had the patience of saint with them all. He was a beautiful boy, with a coat that made me envious of the colour, thickness and shine and such a sweet character with a face that looked like he was plotting your murder at times.
My love and thoughts go out to his family. And I want to thank them for allowing me to be his Aunty Mieke over the years and keeping my updated during this difficult time for them.
Baby, you were a majestic marvel of a moggie. Thank you for always being a sweet boy. I will miss you very much, rest in peace 🤎🖤
More sad news, poor Charlie boy has passed over rainbow bridge. He and his family got some test results back and it was the worst possible news. They were able to bring him home and spend some quality time with him, and him with them and Abi and spoil him rotten before it was time. And while it's never easy, I'm sure they all needed this time after all the vets visits and uncertainty over the last few days.
Now where do I start with my tribute to Charlie? From the moment we met, he was my friend. My best friend when he realised I ALWAYS had treats a plenty for him and Tommy and that I was there to take them on adventures. Him and Tommy were such a pair or as I liked to call them The Looney Boys. They used to run off and race each other, Charlie usually waaaay out in front with Tommy trying to catch up and bark his bizarre seagull like bark at him as they ran back towards me. Charlie was just so unbothered, happy to just be out and about, running around. He was always so happy, no matter the weather, no matter where our adventures took us or if he was on or off lead. Tho he was happiest running around and even happier if there was water around.
He was the goodest of good boys. His only flaw was his greed and the speed in which he needed to get something into his stomach. I started to call him Jaws in his later years as he caught my fingers on a fair few occasions and the snap of his jaws when I threw them for him to catch was stuff of nightmares. But it was part of his charm and i obviously just wasn't quick enough getting out of his way so it was really my fault if I'm honest.
Abi only joined the family recently but he is the best brother she could have. She can be a little nervous of new people but his excitement for seeing me, immediately taught her that I was her new best friend too. They were opposites in many ways, Abi loves a sniff, Charlie just loved to run or pester for a treat or 7. It was nice to see Charlie stop and sniff with Abi as him sniffing anythi
Afternoon all, as all my regular walkies are aware, I am taking some time off this week and will be back to normal Monday 9th. I won't be replying to any work related enquiries during this time unless urgent. Hope everyone has a fluffy week and the rain stays away ☂️
Today I said goodbye to my evil witch of a cat, Biscuit. So please bear with me for the time being, I'm not coping too well. But writing these tributes is very cathartic and allows me to share and relive all my fond memories with and of her.
I pestered my parents for a cat for many, many years. And at 10 years old, they finally caved when we found out my year 6 teachers cat had kittens. My sister picked Biscuit out of the litter as she was the only tortoiseshell of the bunch and in jest, i blame her for the carnage Biscuit brought to our lives. I remember how I was even happier for that summer holidays to start because that meant I could bring her home. She was nothing like I expected, I thought she was going to play with cat toys and snuggle up in my lap and on my bed. But nope. Her parents were somewhat feral and she was very much like them. She was scared and hid from us, didn't like to be touched or handled in any way shape or form and that never really changed except she was no longer scared of us. Tho like most cats she would allow me the honour of touching her for short periods of time before she'd try to bite my hand off. But that's something I love about her, I always knew no one would be able to steal her cuz she'd steal one of their limbs first. She liked my family (sometimes) and that was enough people for her. When people came round, we always warned them not to touch her even if she approached them. And those who didn't heed that warning, found out why we gave one.
When she met Horace, it was one of my happiest memories of her. I can still picture the one ferocious kitten sized swat to the nose she gave him and he knew she wasn't to be messed with. And more or less from then on, he became her toy and best friend - tho I'm not sure she'd ever admit to having friends. She'd hide in the garden, wait for him to walk by and pounce on him and he'd just let her do it. She loved coming for walks with us too, she'd trot along next to Horace sniffing where he s
For some reason yesterday's reel didn't want to upload from Instagram so here's the silent version 🤫
It's a very soggy day for Tuesdays, gang 😖☔️
I have more criminals on my hands!