Let horses be horses.
They like to get muddy and roll in the dirt.
They like to run around and play with their friends, sometimes resulting in the occasional scratch or abrasion.
They value socialization with other horses far beyond what any human can provide them, whether we want to admit to that or not.
They are well equipped to live outside and wired to cover a lot of ground each day. They get bored being cooped up without enrichment for most of their lives.
They don’t care about aesthetics like people do. They don’t care if they have a fuzzy winter coat or if they aren’t sparkling clean year round.
They don’t care if they’re not wearing a name brand saddle pad with matching brushing boots.
They don’t care how much money you spend on specialized supplements for them if they’re still going without near constant access to forage even with all of that added nutrition.
They don’t care if they have their own personal masseuse if it means they’re deprived of social interaction and space to move.
They care about having their most basic needs met.
It really doesn’t matter how many fancy and expensive add ons you offer to your horse if at their core they’re missing their basic needs.
It doesn’t matter how much money is spent on them if that money isn’t contributing to fulfilment of their basic needs.
Forage. (And water, of course)
It is really that simple.
Provide these 3 crucial needs, then add on whatever else your heart desires, but let’s quit pretending care is sufficient when it doesn’t cover these basics, just because there’s a substantial amount of money put into it.
If money guaranteed basic met needs of horses, there wouldn’t be so many high value horses living lives where they’re utterly deprived of core needs.
Let your horse be a horse.
Horses are outdoor herd animals.
No matter how much our industry tries to convince you of otherwise, they absolutely suffer when kept in isolation, small and unenriching spaces and without constant access to forage.
They aren’t dolls for us to dress up and do with as we please.
They’re living beings with species specific needs that it is our duty to meet if we choose to get one.
“The 3Fs” (Friends, Freedom, Forage) concept originally coined by Canadian Equine Behaviourist Lauren Fraser https://www.equinebehaviorist.ca