Happy days. Hard work pays off, Debbie Dog Trainer, Professional Master Dog Training Instructor, GODT, APDT, Master Professional Dog Training Instructor membership & registration renewed for another year, & also my additional membership, & new registration as a Professional Dog Training Instructor with the Association of Professional Dog Trainers. 52 years experience with dogs, 33 years rescuing, working with & training domestic dogs & service dogs, my own dog training Academy, group training classes & 1-2-1 training sessions. Decades of practical experience backed up with academic qualifications in everything canine & more has finally paid off. My 2 passions in life, dogs & people in that order. I thought my professional career helping & supporting people as a Counsellor/ Psychotherapist was over after my brain haemorrhage & stroke 13 years ago, but in these last 13 years instead of feeling sorry for myself, being defeated, losing my job, my drivers licence, my purpose in life, I’ve used that time for personal & professional development, spent 13 years doing academic courses one after the other after the other. Now I am where I am. I’ve far exceeded any expectation I could ever of had for myself. Once a Counsellor & Psychotherapist, now a Counselling Psychologist, with an offer onto a Route to gain. a PHD with a specialism in Psychology, Founder & CEO of my own charity, & Professional Master Dog Trainer with my own Training business & Training Academy. However, I make a god awful business woman, because I do both out of love & passion to help others. I’ll never be rich because most of the time I give my time & services away freely & make nothing from what I do. But who cares, I cover my costs & people benefit from what I give them. They say “do something you love & you’ll never work a day in your life” I love what I do, i do what I love. I do what I’m best at & I’m the best in what I do. I don’t pretend to know what I don’t know, & every day there’s always something new to learn & I’m humble enough to know there’s always more knowledge to gain & always more to learn. Seeing the change when supporting & working with people, and training dogs. I love to see their progression, from start to finish. It’s the most rewarding thing ever. It’s taken a very long time but there are no short cuts, to success no matter what that looks like, & there is no fake it until you make it. It takes dedication, commitment, time, & literally blood, sweat & tears, but if I can do it with brain injury, disabilities, ADHD, then you can do it too. The only person stopping you from achieving your dream is you & the limitations you place on yourself. You’re never too old. Dream it, Believe it , Achieve it. Every new day brings new opportunities & new possibilities. You are the captain of your own destiny, so raise your anchor, set your compass & set sail in the direction you choose. Embrace it & go for it. GO ON DO IT NOW. 😆😆🩷🩷🩷🩷