Calling all Daisy dog meadow enthusiasts! We have a planning application in for 'Daisy Dog Too', a second meadow half a mile away and nearer petersfield at a beautiful site that will offer the same high standards but, we hope, with longer opening hours and allowing more than three dogs.
If you are in favour of this endeavour it would really help to let the planners know as representations are now invited. Any comments enhancing awareness for the need for this field should add weight to our case.
Please write to Chichester District Council, East Pallant house, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1TY
email [email protected]
go online to http://planningpublicaccess.southdowns.gov.uk/online-applications/
In all cases quoting SDNP/24/01130/FUL
We are supremely grateful for your support !!