Mad Dogz secure field hire

Mad Dogz secure field hire A secure field for private hire. Perfect place to give your nervous,anxious or aggressive dogs a saf

🔥IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 🔥Any new bookings from today on will need to request the new code to get in.


Any new bookings from today on will need to request the new code to get in.


Hi all
Field hire not available this Saturday due to car park being full up.

Sorry for inconvenience


Official definition of an XL Bully Dog

General impression

Large dog with a muscular body and blocky head, suggesting great strength and power for its size. Powerfully built individual.


Adult male from 20in (51 cm) at the withers

Adult female from 19in (48cm) at the withers


Heavy, large and broad

The length from the tip of the nose to a well-defined stop (indentation between muzzle and the head) is equal to around a 1/3 of the length from the stop to the back of the head

Muzzle blocky or slightly squared to fall away below the eyes

Topline of muzzle straight

Prominent cheek muscles with strong, well-defined jaws and lips semi-close

Often having prominent wrinkles on face

Nose is large with well opened nostrils


Level or scissor bite.


Heavy, muscular, slightly arched, tapering from the shoulders to the base of the skull

Medium in length


Shoulder blades are long, well-muscled and well laid back

Upper arm length is about equal to the length of the shoulder blades and joined at a 35 to 45 angle to the ground

Front legs straight, strong and very muscular with dog standing high on the pasterns (area between feet and ankles)

Elbows set close to the body

Distance from the withers to elbows about the same as the distance from the elbow to the bottom of the feet



Large, blocky body giving impression of great power for size

Broad, deep chest with well sprung ribs

Chest may be wider than deep

Topline level and straight

Loin short and firm

Generally appears square shaped from point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks compared with the withers (tallest point on the dogs body excluding head and shoulders) to the ground


Strong, muscular and broad

Thighs well developed with thick musculature

From behind, both pasterns are typically straight and parallel to each other

Muscular development, angulation and width in balance with forequarters


Rounded, medium in size and in proportion to body

Compact and well arched


Medium length and low set

Tapers to a point to end at about the level of the hocks

Generally assumes a straight or pump handle shape when dog relaxed


Glossy, smooth, close, single

Hi all. Please share far around to anyone you think may need it. Half price field hire for all XL bullies until February...

Hi all.
Please share far around to anyone you think may need it.
Half price field hire for all XL bullies until February. This is £5 for 50mins for exclusive use of an acre field. No need for muzzles or leads whilst in this secure area.
All other normal rules apply which can be found in the post pinned to the top of this page.


You will need your exemption certificates and liability insurance too.
121 training can be provided if you message on the Optimistic Dogz page.



Can I ask that anyone booking to hire field from now on makes sure they have full vaccinations and kennel cough. I will require a picture of your up to date vaccination cards.
Thank you.

Opening hrs update

At Pontarddulais is 1 acre paddock with 6ft 6 fencing to excercise your dogs securely and private use.

Field availability is from 7am - 9pm on weekends. Fri,Sat & Sun

6.30pm ,7.30pm & 8.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in summer months.

It’s £12for first dog and £6 for each additional dog.
Your time slot is 50 mins starting on the hour. You then have ten minutes to vacate so the the next customer can start on the hour. This is to ensure the safety of all particularly with nervous or aggressive dogs.
First visit will carry additional £5 charge for me to come out to show you the ropes.
Message me to book your slot wait for the thumbs up and then pay. You will then be sent the combination to padlock.

Hi all.
I’d like to thank you all for using the field, it’s great that it’s working well for you all.
It’s becoming very popular and very demanding of my time, I’ve used automatic booking apps in the passed that continuously messed up bookings by having times overlapping etc which means I have to manage it all myself for piece of mind that it’s done right.
With this in mind I will be putting slight increase to hire price. It will now be £12 and £6 for each extra dog in your party. Hope this is ok for you guys.

Until I can find a suitable booking app there will be some changes with booking too.
🐾 Bookings requests need to be made at least a day in advance on weekdays and before 5pm.
🐾 Bookings for weekends need to be requested at the latest by 5pm Friday.

Thanks all.


Im in holiday in Turkey and have limited access to internet etc. So please try to request times/ days we’ll in advance. The evening before or same day requests are likely to be missed.

Has anyone left a pair of glasses at the field. They’re in the wooden building on the letter box

Has anyone left a pair of glasses at the field. They’re in the wooden building on the letter box


Hi all.
As the evenings are now getting lighter.
You can now book, in addition to any time Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
Evening Monday to Thursday 6.30 - 7.30 or 7- 8pm.

1m x1.5m £25. I can collect on Wednesday if you want some at this great price

1m x1.5m £25. I can collect on Wednesday if you want some at this great price

Premium rubber backed vet bed 1/1.5 metre huge pieces back in stock ‼️‼️‼️‼️

Hello allSo each and everyone of you that has come here have had explained to you that your rubbish including bagged dog...

Hello all
So each and everyone of you that has come here have had explained to you that your rubbish including bagged dog poo must go with you. Or you use scoop and put poo in the big holes that have been dug. So at what point do some feel that it ok to fill the dog poo wormery bins with your rubbish and dog poo. How am I supposed to get rid of that rubbish now. If I catch the person/persons they will not be allowed to use the field anymore. If I don’t get to the bottom of it and this continues then I’ll have no choice to stop field hire altogether.


All field hire check with me for the new gate combination ok.


Update to prices. From 1st February 2023
First dog is now £10 and each additional dog is £5


Can I ask that anyone booking to hire field from now on makes sure they have full vaccinations and kennel cough. I will require a picture of your up to date vaccination cards.
Thank you.

Opening hrs update

At Pontarddulais is 1 acre paddock with 6ft 6 fencing to excercise your dogs securely and private use.

Field availability is from 7am - 9pm on weekends. Fri,Sat & Sun

6.30pm ,7.30pm & 8.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in summer months.

It’s £10 for first dog and £5 for each additional dog.
Your time slot is 50 mins starting on the hour. You then have ten minutes to vacate so the the next customer can start on the hour. This is to ensure the safety of all particularly with nervous or aggressive dogs.
First visit will carry additional £5 charge for me to come out to show you the ropes.
Message me to book your slot wait for the thumbs up and then pay. You will then be sent the combination to padlock.

Hi all.
I’d like to thank you all for using the field, it’s great that it’s working well for you all.
It’s becoming very popular and very demanding of my time, I’ve used automatic booking apps in the passed that continuously messed up bookings by having times overlapping etc which means I have to manage it all myself for piece of mind that it’s done right.
With this in mind I will be putting slight increase to hire price. It will now be £10 and £5 for each extra dog in your party. Hope this is ok for you guys.
I will be looking into more booking apps that will handle the bookings and of course that will free me up but will come with monthly subscription fee but rest assured this will be only price increase this year and is the first one for two years.

Until I can find a suitable booking app there will be some changes with booking too.
🐾 Bookings requests need to be made at least a day in advance on weekdays and before 5pm.
🐾 Bookings for weekends need to be requested at the latest by 5pm Friday.

Thanks all.

This link gives you exclusive access to 3 for 2 deals through Mad Dogz and a Welshman

This link gives you exclusive access to 3 for 2 deals through Mad Dogz and a Welshman

Our biggest sale of the year has come early, grab your VIP early access spot and snap up HUGE savings on all your favourite tuggies.

Anyone ordering dog toys from tug e nuff. Use this link to get 10-15% off your order

Anyone ordering dog toys from tug e nuff. Use this link to get 10-15% off your order

Overcome training and behaviour problems, improve your bond and achieve amazing results – all while having loads of fun with a Tug-E-Nuff dog training toy.


Are you ready to join the TRIBE? Obsidian K9 Academy is a real family, with the majority of our members forming a tribe that bend...



***🔴Heatstroke Warning for Dog Owners🔴***
This was posted by a vet; they have given permission for it to be copied.
Today a dog died of severe heat stroke – exercised at 9 o’clock in the morning. If it was a child, the parents would be convicted of man slaughter and sent to prison. The long coated dog was being exercised in the local park at 9am this morning – it was already 21˚C. The owners where throwing a ball for the dog. Our loyal faithful friends will still pander to our requests of going with us for a walk or fetching the ball thrown even when they are under extreme stress of excessive heat. They don’t know to self regulate, because their pack leader has instructed them to walk with them or chase a ball etc.
I turned up to the local park to park my car and walk to work. It was in the car park that I discovered the dog with the owners next to their car, suffering from severe heat stroke. The scene was; the dog lying flat out on his side, semi-conscious, with extreme panting. His mouth and tongue were swollen up and a dark red/purple colour, there was a white frothy coating of saliva, the tongue and gums being fairly dry. The owners were trying to get the dog to drink some water, but the dog was entirely unable to do so. His belly was distended from panting and gulping air; this in itself can then restrict breathing. I was not equipped to take the dog’s temperature, but I could feel it was dangerously high. His pulse however was unusually slow. I had water in my car and dowsed the dog’s coat down and we wetted a towel to stretcher the dog in to the car and for him to lay on in transit. The dog was not registered with my practice, so I instructed the owner to take the dog to their own vet immediately.
Once I had finished my shift at work, I phoned the owner’s vet to see if they could tell me how the dog was. He was dead. A 5 year old, fit and healthy dog - dead. A death that was completely preventable. I asked the vet for detaila explaining that I was going to write this post. They were in support as long as names weren’t mentioned. Names are irrelevant, as this story will be happening all over the country.
The owners took the dog straight to their practice were he was treated immediately. His body temperature was just shy of 42˚C. A normal temperature range for a dog is 38.3˚C to 39.2˚C, a rise of just 1 – 2˚C can have major effects on the dog’s body systems. The nurses commenced cooling of the dog and the vet put him on a drip with rapid infusion of fluids and electrolytes. However, within 10 – 15 mins of being admitted the dog began to seizure. Seizures are caused when the electrical impulses in the brain misfire and cause like an electrical storm in the brain so the muscle fibres of the body rapidly twitch uncontrollably. In this case, the excess heat in the brain disturbs the electrical impulses. This is an added issue as the activity of the muscles then acts to increase the dog’s temperature even more. It was at this point that the vet went to gain consent to administer anaesthetic to the dog to try and reduce the seizure and lower the respiratory rate. But as the vet was talking to the owner, approximately 20 mins after arriving at the practice, the dog began to vomit and pass diarrhoea. The vomit and diarrhoea was full of blood. This even to the untrained reader, you can appreciate is bad news. Once this was discovered, the dog’s gums were checked and small red/black spots were present, along with areas of bleeding on the abdomen. At this point the vet had to return to the owners and request consent for euthanasia.
The dog was suffering from disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. This is a fancy veterinary term that means the dog’s body systems was unable to clot his blood and therefore he was bleeding internally. In the veterinary world, it is nicknamed Death Is Coming. The process is not fully understood, but it is thought that the excess temperature prevents the body from performing the myriad of chemical reactions that allow it to function normally. Loosely, this causes the body to activate clotting, causing hundred of clots within the body. Once all the clotting factors are used up, the blood can no longer clot, so widespread haemorrhage ensues. It causes major organ failure; the kidneys, the liver, the heart and the lungs cease to function effectively. With a bit of luck, the dog is unconscious by this stage, as this must be hugely uncomfortable and a terrifying death.
For all those dog owners who think this was because the dog was chasing a ball and that is why he overheated, this can happen with your dog sat in the sun in the garden. It can take up to 60 days for a dog to acclimatise to a change in climate. I am pretty sure 60 days ago it was pouring with rain.
Once the dog becomes mildly overheated, unless they are cooled, they will continue to overheat. Dogs cannot sweat effectively and can only really lose body heat through panting. The process of panting can in itself cause excess body temperature if it is prolonged or laboured.
So, if you think it is too hot to put a thick coat on and go for a run, don’t make your dog do the same. If you think it is too hot to sit in direct sunshine for more than a few minutes whilst wearing a woolly jumper, then don’t make your dog do so. If it is too hot to stand on the pavement with your shoe and socks off, then don’t make your dog walk on it. If you don’t want to sit in your car without the air con on even if you have all windows wound down, don’t leave your dog in the car.
If you are ever in any doubt of how to care for your dog in the warm or hot weather, speak your local vet practice. Better to speak to them now than your vet speaking to you to request consent for euthanasia.”


So we are heading on the road! A full UK Tour visiting all corners of the country to bring you an awesome workshop that will...

Check out website. It’s coming along slowly as I’m building it myself. 🤯.

Check out website. It’s coming along slowly as I’m building it myself. 🤯.

I operate a balanced approach to dog training. Encouraging rewarding of dogs for making good choices under our guidance.


Hi all.
As Thursday 2nd of June is to be the late May bank holiday, Creche will be closed
This means field hire will be available on Thursday 2nd June in addition to normal days.


Field hire available on all Bank Holidays


Hi all
Now the nights are lighter, field hire is Available 7 days a week.
Monday to Thursday 6.30pm to 7.20pm and 7.30 to 8.30pm slots can be booked.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 7am - 9pm


Allt-y-graban Road

Opening Hours

Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm





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