It’s here! What’s in the box reveal tomorrow 📦
Plant delivery this week! Plenty of Echinodorus. Large Anubias. #plantdelivery #aquariumplants #anubias #echinodorus #plantedaquarium #plantedtank
Shrimp tank restock!Currently in stock- Red Cherry ShrimpOrange Sunkist Shrimp Yellow Shrimp Blue Pearl Shrimp Blue Bolt Shrimp Amano Shrimp #cherryshrimp #bluepearlshrimp #amanoshrimp #shrimptank #caridinashrimp #neocaridinashrimp
New in Shin Rin Yoku wood. Fit perfectly in this 60cm Aquael ultrascape, would be very cool in an open top tank set up- think planted set up moss and plants on the wood- amazing! #aquael #aquaelultrascape #opentoptank #aquariumwood #shinrinyoku #aquascape
Thinking about keeping an Axolotl?
We’ve got the lowdown on these fascinating creatures- (pretty much) everything you want to know about Axolotls.
Our most frequently asked questions answered here. Do let us know if you’d like to see more about the set up, plant recommendations, any questions?
#axolotl #axolotlsofinstagram #wildaxolotl #leucisticaxolotl #albinoaxolotl #ambystomamexicanum #axolotltank #axolotlfeeding #axolotlfeedingtime
Plants and Live food arrived today
Potted and Bunched Plants
Invitro Plants
Floating Plants
Live food
Brine Shrimp
All our tropical cold water fish absolutely love the fishroom stick on tablets. Part of our refill station, fill up your old fish tubs with high grade foods for less!
All our tropical cold water fish absolutely love the fishroom stick on tablets. Part of our refill station, fill up your old fish tubs with high grade foods for less!
Sneak peak 👀 so we chose some fish for those new tanks. Say hello to high grade fancy Goldfish! #fancygoldfish #ranchu #oranda #ryukin #fancygoldfishuk #goldfishkeeper #orandagoldfish #pandaoranda
Captured some of the fish in stock during feeding time today… lots more we would like to share not on here including Bumbleebee Gobies and a few different catfish, videos of those coming soon!
#tropicalfish #fishkeeping #fish #angelfish #fishvideo #aquascaper #tropicalfishuk #cichlidtank #cichlids #festivumcichlid #severum #clownloach #gobies #freshwaterfish
Some lovely looking fish added to our African Cichlid tanks including these vibrant tangerines!
LIVE FOOD just arrived in the shop!
Plants also just in 🪴