Then there was Pricilla, she got there in the end. It took a little more persuasion and giving her a good reason to try to win this game ❣️
This is Mindi learning to follow the feel. She did really well too❤️
I’m a bit smitten with this little dude.. I’m looking forward to gettting a little training done soon ❤️
Not long to go now before the first
Training with horses in mind …clinic at Ellan Farm. A fun day of horse play and education.
Morning 9.30am -1.30pm
Afternoon 12.15pm - 5pm
If you lesson time is in the morning
Come at 9.30.
If it’s afternoon come at 12.15.
Or come for the whole day, it’s up to you.
There are small paddocks for your horses so they don’t need to stay in the trailer. Ali will be cooking some fab Ballakelly burgers for us at lunch time.
If you don’t know your time contact me on 472411 or PM me here.
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday ❤️
MrT found his sea legs today on the beach with Anne Quaye and the beautiful Gem.
After riding Gem in a halter I remembered how much fun it is and decided to put MrT in his. I’ve not ridden him in one since I started him over 10 years ago but he felt super. What’s more he really enjoyed it❤️
Schooling Gem in a halter for the first time. Historically Gem has relied quite heavily on the rider to hold her up. We’ve made good progress in a bridle but we felt she was either leaning or backing g off and contracting so never really finding her back. My thought was that if we took the bit away completely she could neither lean nor back off it. We could work on helping her find the right muscles and build her strength and stamina before adding the bit back into the mix. Sometimes stripping it down to the bare essentials and rebuilding is the best way forward.
I love being with MrT when he’s playing, he really enjoys having a frisk. This is not schooling it’s simply play and is really good for his mental well being. He’s not been ridden over Christmas and was just bursting with energy so we used a bit up. After moving his feet for a bit we did some more focused stuff, sideways over objects to focus his mind. He ends these sessions really soft and happy ❤️