If you have been following my page you will know that my mare 'Hope' has KS and SI disease. Which was detected and now monitored by infrared imaging.
Following her last scan I am reasurred that Hope is not in pain. So now with the help of my trainer Wiola, Aspire Equestrian Riding Academy and the Quantum Bridle (which she loves!), we are really focussing on coordination, ie inside hind to outside fore, engagement through the hind and suppleness. Showing her that when she stays relaxed, supple and pushes from her inside hind by understanding the meaning of the rider's inside leg. Then pushing through to the outside rein she will feel comfortable. Rather than pulling herself up through her shoulders, tensing and causing the opposite effect.
Looking forward to next week's session, I think Hope is enjoying them too!
#retrainingexracehorses #horseswithkissingspine #equinerehabilitation
Vet-IR Infrared Imaging in Action!
Vet-IR imaging is non evasive as requires no sedation and can be performed at your premises, making it a very stress free experience for your horse.
A full body scan takes about 1 - 1 1/2 hours and involves taking 2 sets of exactly the same images. One before exercise then the second after the horse has been lunged or ridden (whatever is easier for you and your horse).
These images are sent to Vet-IR's team of vets for analysis and interpretation. A veterinary report is then produced, with a summary of findings and recommendations.
Please pm for more info and free consultations.
#stressfreehorses #equineinfraredimaging #equinethermography
Poor Performance - Update
Further to my last post, we have received the Vet-IR report, of which the summary is as follows ...
'The areas which were highlighted through thermal imaging include the following: back, right side of the neck (particularly C5/6 and C6/7), hocks and proximal metatarsal region (which
may reflect proximal suspensory pathology).
There are also some indicators of asymmetrical loading of the forelimbs which could be associated with lameness'
Dr Kate Granshaw MRCVS
The client's vet subsequently found through x-raying, slight arthritic changes in the neck - C5 and C6 as well as considerable changes in the hocks. At this point he doesn't think that there is a problem with the hind suspensories but taking into consideration that infrared imaging detects early stage pathology, this is an area to keep an eye on.
He has medicated the hocks and will wait a few weeks to see if this has made any difference before possibly medicating the neck. As he wanted to treat one area at a time to see if any improvement, he will then know the cause of the poor performance issues.
It is so refreshing and rewarding to see our technology being used the way it should. In this case following our full body screening there was no need to nerve block as the report had clearly highlighted the areas of concern. Thus saving the horse any unnecessary further stress and discomfort and for the owner, saving her some pennies!
#veterinaryassistance #clinicaldiagnostics #equinethermography #equineinfraredimaging
End of the week admin, busy submitting this week’s images
#readyfortheweekend #equineinfraredimaging
As one of Vet-IR's screening protocols is to only perform scans within the temperature range of 8-25 degrees. I have unfortunately had to postpone all my yard visits next week until the weather cools down.
Fortunately I love the sun and so am really looking forward to a week of enjoying the great British Summertime in between cracking on with admin! Hope you all enjoy too, just make sure to keep well hydrated.
#clinicalstandardinfraredimaging #clinicalstandardthermalimaging #veterinarythermography
Sunday Fun Day
As I am also a BHS APC, sometimes I think I should practice what I teach. I've been working on core stability with my clients this week so best check mine is switched on!
I am really lucky to have the opportunity to ride this lovely chestnut mare who is the polar opposite of Hope who I don't think I would even think about trying this with!
#racehorsefun #corestrength #practicewhatyouteach
Happy Friday
I thought I’d share with you all what I get up to in my spare time, which again involves horses, literally my life!
If you didn’t know about Hope, she’s an ex racehorse whose a bit special. She has kissing spine, sacroiliac disease, (diagnosis helped with Vet-IR) and like most ex racers a quirky brain. I’ve owned her for 3 years in September and because of her issues and background I’ve taken her back to the start with a careful training plan. She’s no way a horse I could push any faster so we just go at at her speed. Although she’s 11 she has the mental age of a six year old so I am sure with perseverance and patience she’ll eventually make a nice all rounder. This grid work wasn’t just about jumping but overcoming her tendency to think everything is going to eat her, which in this case was the flowers at the end jump. Thanks to my daughter’s dog Darcy’s help we did it and I couldn’t have been prouder! (We only went in the field with the aim of jumping one jump too!)
#infraredimaging #equinethermography #retrainingofracehorses #milestonemoments
How Thermal Imaging can help you and your horse...
Now the competition season is in full swing, Vet-IR (thermal imaging) is an excellent tool to use for regular maintenance and to monitor your horse.
Used at regular intervals it can be used to identify possible changes in the horse before it becomes a problem.
For more info, free consultations and for bookings don't delay and contact me today!
#equinehealth #equinethermography #infraredimaging
I’m excited to announce that as well as being a Vet-IR Senior Imaging Consultant and Freelance BHS APC Coach I am now also a Quantum Bridle fitter, covering Berkshire and surrounding areas.
After trying the bridle myself with my own mare Hope and Loppy who I have on loan this summer, the bridle definitely has a thumbs up from me. As you can see in the video both mares showed and felt significant improvement straight away in the Quantum. By being much more elevated from behind and settled in the head and mouth. The dressage judge also agreed as Loppy's dressage score in the Quantum was 5% higher than her previous test in her regular bridle!
The Quantum Bridle is a unique, ergonomically designed, bespoke bridle, that provides the upmost comfort for your horse.
If you would like to try before you buy and have your bridle professionally fitted, please call or PM to book an appointment.
#comfortforyourhorse #equinewellbeing
Sacroiliac Saturday...
If you haven’t had a chance to watch the Vet-IR Conference ‘Infrared Imaging – Powering the Holistic Approach to Veterinary Assessment. I really can’t stress enough how fantastic all the lectures are and still available to watch until the 12th February.
However, the talks which have really inspired me to write this post are:
• Yogi Sharp’s The Equine Documentalist- ‘Use of
Thermography in Studying Concurrent
Pathologies Associated with Postural
Adaptations & Hoof Morthology’
• Dr Lucinda Ticehurst’s - ‘Application of Infrared
Imaging for the detection of Sacroiliac Pathology’
• Sophie Gent’s ‘A Practical Guide to Utilising IR
Imaging in your professional field’
The latter of which my mare Miss Geronimo aka Hope was discussed by Sophie. To summarise I bought my mare in November 19 and performed a Vet-IR full body scan for pre purchasing purposes which did highlight the SI. But as she flew through her vetting where my vet said ‘he would buy her’. I decided to continue with the purchase. To be honest I very much bought her with my heart not my head along with a little bit of peer pressure. As I’d been looking for my new partner to hopefully event for a while and the whole process was becoming very tedious. Perhaps subconsciously I knew she’d be an excellent Vet-IR case study!
Hope was bought pretty much off the track and right from day 1, I realised she was lacking in confidence along with being physically weak. I guessed she had only been ridden out to the gallops last in a string and had never been ridden on a road. She literally was like a rabbit in headlights for the first few months and although she was 8 yrs she felt like a newly backed youngster. So, I decided to stick to lots of hacking out in company in walk, along with ground and pole work in the school and didn’t actually start ridden schooling with her until the Spring.
Over the next year, Hope was show
What better Christmas gift for your horse...
Our horse's health is paramount so don't delay and book today!
#equineinfraredimaging #equinethemalimaging #equinephysiologicaltesting