I spend a day with those two beautiful girls. On our walk we practiced disengaging from pigeons! Indie was respectful of swans but pigeons, she’s mad about. Great work, fun and practice for me #mydogtrainingandeducation #positivereinforcement #kindnessmatters
Walking on a lead can be entertaining too! Just let the dog to „walk” you. Let them follow their nose and have fun. Let them sniff and watch the world passing by. Be attentive when they turn to look at you and soon you will notice that they check with you very often!
Cheeky schnauzers walk. Sniffing, jumping and listening carefully for the treat bag noise is what they live for 🤗
It's hard to believe it's already been two years since I joined the Dogs Be Dogs family and embarked on this incredible journey of learning about positive reinforcement in dog training. This is how my weekends look from now on! My only regret is I didn’t act on my dreams sooner!
The foundation of positive reinforcement method is simple: kindness and empathy. When we build connections with other species, it's these qualities that truly matter.
Nothing resonates more with animals than a human who understands their language.
#positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining #mydogtrainingandeducation #kindnessmatters
I had a pleasure of walking with those two lovely girls today. They are mum and daughter who love exploring woods and every muddy puddle on their way 😉
Meet Zuza’s Pet services lovely duo, Bianca and Baloo!
Both are amazing rescue dogs who we share home with for quite a while. They are great models to show you what our walks are about. Thanks to them I got into dog training, which is based on positive reinforcement, mutual understanding and kindness. They are living examples how amazing this kind of learning is. Bianca, who was well known as the best at running away is a star recall girl. Baloo was called difficult and bossy in his previous house but thanks to all the reading and studying and help from Dogs be Dogs we have the most goofy giant for a dog.
My walks and dog sitting are for Every kind of dog. Breed and size don’t matter. I work with dogs as individuals and walk through learning about them together with their guardians. If you think your dog could benefit from walking with me (1-2-1 or in group no bigger than 4) please message me. I still have spaces for dog sitting in December and taking bookings for 2025.
When I don’t work I still walk with dogs (and hooman friends)
Lovely morning with Lizzie, Kit and their mums. Not work related but it’s all about dogs having fun 🤩