For anyone who missed it,Casper and his dad were on tv twice this week,as part of their work for Therapy Dogs Nationwide. Today they have been in London visiting City Hall. Its been such a privilege to watch Casper develop into the amazing dog he is,and see how his confidence and strong bond with his Dad allows him to visit these busy places and spread the Casper love to those who need it. #therapydogsnationwide #therapydogs #dogswithjobs
Oh god I’m dying from laughing. This dog. Honestly I didn’t know whether to jump in and save him or lay on the floor through laughter. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤣🤣❤️🤣🤣#swimmingnotdrowning #splash #bestdog
Puppy powers!!!! Super speedy leo.
Rocket recall, Leo style! He’s sooooo enthusiastic about life!❤️
Sardines for breakfast,followed by playtime! Am a happy casper dog this morning!😁🐾🐾
Slow motion pounce and shake, with crazy ears!!!!😆❤️❤️❤️
Practiced my pouncing in the water..
Fab play session for Leo and Barley (aka Batman and robin) this morning.These two dogs are SUCH good friends! This video makes me so happy because little Barley arrived at his forever home a bit anxious and un-confident around strange dogs. These days he is very confident playing with his big buddy.The play is consensual,both dogs initiate play and swap from chasing to being chased. Leo is such a star too,inhibiting his size and strength by rolling on the floor. There are appropriate pauses in the play,both dogs making sure they control their excitement and signalling to each other that what is happening is definitely play.❤️❤️❤️