Thank you for all your kind messages offering a home to this little beauty. We will be logging the ring number today in an attempt to locate the owner ❤️
Little tiny cuties now looking for homes. Keep your eyes peeled for more information 👀 🏠 🐱
#adoptdontshop #kittens #fureverhome
**FOUND 05/02/2025
**UPDATE 10/02/2025 - the ring number is not registered/correct for it to be a wild bird. It’s therefore safe to assume he is domestic and someone is missing him (we assume him as he’s very vocal!).
This little guy was brought into us yesterday by a member of the public who found him/her in Rhyl highstreet. We are fairly sure it’s a European greenfinch or a canary. Seems very comfortable around people and does have a ring. We are unsure if wild or someone is missing him/her? Please call the practice if you have any information 🐦 01745 355798
Beautiful Cosmo enjoying some well deserved post op fusses yesterday. Volume up ⬆️ 🐱
The answer was: a juvenile cormorant
Juvenile cormorants can vary in appearance, with some being brown and others being very white. They often have a whitish throat and belly, and may have brownish streaking on the edges. They also have VERY sharp beaks - as you can see 👀
Time to say goodbye to Mr Grebe. Eager to get back to nature after a short stay with us and some TLC this week. Such an endearing creature who we enjoyed caring for very much 👩⚕️ 🥰