Sunday is a fun day Stay Focused Dog Training
Sundays are our FUNDAYS, pay as you go bale hunting
Next event Sunday 16th June
Dogs must be able to mix with other dogs £15
Reactive please advise so you can be given a private time slot.
Booking is essential 07917840445
£15 per dog Outdoors in Hoo
Taking bookings now 07917 840445
Current Vacancies
Tuesday 6pm Hoopers
Hoopers is a fun, low impact way to exercise snd engage with your dog
£10 per week payable monthly in advance
Classes are outdoors in Hoo
Covering lead manners, recall, leave and much more
Lower Stoke Village Hall
Friday 12 noon
Dogs must be able to work in close proximity to other dogs on lead
07917 840445 or DM me
Super Doggy Detectives at Lower Stoke Village hall
Our first Charity Gundog Scurry
Sunday 4th February 1pm onwards booking essential held at Abbotts Court Road Hoo
Have ago Scurry £10 per team prizes for fastest team
Fastest recall in the recall lane, fastest recall in the bale lane and fastest find it in the hunting bales