Online shop stocking a range of bunny supplies and some bunny-themed gifts. Ross Rabbits is the name of our website. We're bunny-enthusiasts following our long-term nearly 50-year hobby with our pampered family pets living in our home and garden. Today we are proud to be owned by an extended family of large, chunky, cuddly French Lops who have completely taken over our lives - and they know it! O
ur website gives information and advice about adopting and caring for pet rabbits, as companion rabbits, with information about what to look for when adopting your new furry friend, choosing your new pet bunny, housing, handling, feeding, grooming, house/litter-training and an introduction to general rabbit healthcare and welfare. We are not a large commercial or impersonal 'stud' but very small-scale, hobbyists breeding occasionally to maintain and improve our lines of over-fussed and pampered pet bunnies whom we've bred and raised ourselves for nearly 50 years, yes - nearly half a century! These produce equally pampered babies, some of whom are adopted and lucky enough to move into some of the most loving homes across the UK. We breed only to maintain our lines and normally produce only 2-3 litters per year. We do not breed for income or profit, nor do we breed specifically to sell - indeed, of our French Lop girls, at least a third are usually our elderly and retired 'geriatrics' who remain our much-loved pets and another third are youngsters. We sometimes have some of our bunnies' families available for adoption by loving pet homes only - and these can be seen on our Babies for Sale page of our website at and general updates are available on our main page at:
Our interest in ' small furries' began early in 1970-1972 when we started switching from keeping and breeding guinea-pigs and moved towards focusing on companion pet rabbits and specialising in our favourite breed - big, cuddly, snuggly and affectionate French Lops. All of our bunnies are family pets who are snuggled, cuddled and fussed throughout the day - every day! All exercise in our garden during the daytime and summer evenings while others live indoors with us as house-rabbits where they enjoy extra cuddles 'on demand'. We generally retain several girls from each litter we breed which helps us maintain and improve our lines, introduce new colours and patterns, and ensure our favourite families remain with us for future generations. We keep a few boys purely for sentimental reasons but these are pets-only as we do not believe in in-breeding. Along with their careful selective breeding, our regular handling guarantees they are used to gentle human touch and being handled with no negative experiences so they have no fear or apprehension of humans. As a result, our bunnies grow up with love and affection - and continue to demand this throughout their lives! Our bunnies are fully socialised from a very young age and we ensure they are all handled, fussed and snuggled from shortly after birth and every day thereafter. This is especially important in large breeds who have the potential to become quite unmanageable if not correctly socialised.