Taught Havoc how to parkour 🥳
This might be the most fun I've had training a trick to date 😂
#trickdog #tricktraining #parkourdog
Happy Howlloween from the Tricks Club! 🧡🦇🎃
Our Sunday tricks class showed off their spooky tricks at the weekend and even came along in fancy dress bandanas and jumpers 🧡
A little break from classes now to enjoy all of their treats before we get started on our Christmas themed tricks back in class on the 17th Nov 🥳
Aaaaaah happy little Ella!!
The tippy tappys when tasty treats are on offer 😂🥰
(Please ignore my disgusting sweet voice 😂)
#positivetraining #positivedogs #treatttaining #reactivedogs #reactivity #reactivityrehab #reactivedogsaregooddogs
Havoc is enjoying the lighter evenings 🥰
I'm sure this would be more fun with the slo mo filter but I'm not sure how to do it 😂🤦
#happydog #borador #bordercollielabrador
Norman has now been "off lead" on his training walks for 12 whole weeks!
Of course we still use a short fixed lead for walking past other dogs, and walking from the car to the beginning of our walks. Norman has been doing so well with his recall and his reactivity threshold around other dogs that we are now able to recall back when we see other dogs or cyclists approaching, and then walk past calmly on lead before going back off lead to continue exploring.
We choose areas to walk where visibility is high and this allows Norman to experience sprinting, sniffing, and exploring, making his walks all the more enriching.
Well done Norman 🥳
#trainingwalks #positivereinforcement #positivetraining #dogtraining
Does anyone else have a constant soundtrack while working from home?
#noisydogs #playfighting #multidoghousehold
Two types of dogs 😂
Roxy enjoying her new toys. Havoc seems entertained by the old wrapping paper 😂
Merry Christmas!