Ravenpaws Training & Behaviour

Ravenpaws Training & Behaviour Full IMDT Accreditation
Cover All Aspects of Training
Therapy & Assistance Dog Training

Hi! 👋🏻 It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here! Wedding planning, settling into our new house and area, booking 121 ...

Hi! 👋🏻 It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here! Wedding planning, settling into our new house and area, booking 121 sessions with clients, and all the admin that come along with running a business has left me with no time to even think about social media! 🤪

So I thought I’d write a post on the realities of rescuing a dog, as it’s something I’ve seen a lot with clients recently!
For those who have followed me for some time, know that we rescued Gilbert last June (a year ago tomorrow! 🎉🥳). He’s a Sloughi (I had to Google the breed too) from Qatar, found as a stray at about a year old.

So, what has 12 months of Gilbert looked like? Well, it’s been one of the best decisions we’ve ever made! But it’s also not been easy sometimes!

Gilbert has come from living on the streets, where resources are scarce and he’s clearly had to be quite firm with other dogs. There’s been months of feeding Gavin & Gilly in separate areas of the kitchen with someone standing between them to ensure no fight broke out. There’s been times where he’s has reacted at Gavin causing a small fight which can look and sound terrifying (nothing that has caused injury thankfully). We’ve learnt not to raise our voices around him or wave our arms too much near him, otherwise he’ll shrink to the floor and cower. We also recently discovered that he’s triggered to the smell of cigarette smoke (which ties into the circular scars on his body). He’s also become lead-reactive to some dogs in the past month, meaning he will now bark (pretty menacingly!) at some dogs if he’s held on a tight lead (known as lead frustration).

But, he’s also been an amazing friend to Gavin - they play really nicely together, he does this brilliant dance whenever he’s excited to see you, and he’s such a gorgeous, cuddly boy who makes us laugh every day 💕

We’re still working on the lead frustration (cheese & cocktails sausages are helping 😁), but he’s already come SUCH a long way in 12 months, and we’re very very proud of him.

If you’re thinking of rescuing a dog, please do consider just how hard it can be at times, but with the right support around you, it can be so incredibly rewarding! 💕

We’ve been nominated for Dog Trainer of the Year with  🎉🤩I’m so grateful for all the lovely clients I work with - 2024 i...

We’ve been nominated for Dog Trainer of the Year with 🎉🤩

I’m so grateful for all the lovely clients I work with - 2024 is going to be an exciting year for Ravenpaws Training & Behaviour, so watch this space! 😁🐶

Gavin is 3 today! 🥳🎉 so far he’s spent his day doing his favourite things - eating lots of treats, learning some new tri...

Gavin is 3 today! 🥳🎉 so far he’s spent his day doing his favourite things - eating lots of treats, learning some new tricks and playing with his big brother Gilbert 🤣 now we’re off for a nice long walk where he’ll no doubt get extremely muddy (the joys of having a white dog 😆).

It’s the start of a new year and a great time for a reintroduction post. 😘If you’re new to my world, I’m Jo and I’m a qu...

It’s the start of a new year and a great time for a reintroduction post. 😘

If you’re new to my world, I’m Jo and I’m a qualified IMDT Dog Trainer. 👋🏻

I help dog parents to understand what their dog is trying to tell them. Dogs aren’t ‘naughty’ because they just feel like winding us up (although sometimes it does feel like that!), but because there is always a reason. Whether it be anxiety, frustration, fear, unmet stimulation needs - working out the root cause is essential before tackling the issue! All my methods are force-free and kind - dogs shouldn’t have to learn through fear of a consequence, but rather by encouraging them to do the right thing and getting rewarded for making the right choice! 🐶

Ravenpaws Training & Behaviour was born in 2021, after my own dogs, Sable, who is sadly no longer with us, & Gavin, inspired me to leave behind my career in Accountancy and follow my calling in Canine Behaviour.

After these last few years of doing what I love, I wouldn’t change it for the world! 🥰

So, I now live with my fiancé Jordan, Gavin the Cocker Spaniel and Gilbert the Sloughi (scroll right for pictures 👉🏻) in a village near Rugby. It’s been daunting coming to a completley new area and starting my business essentially from scratch! But I always love a challenge! 🤣

I always love getting to know other dog lovers in my audience. So please do introduce yourself and your dog in the comments below.

We’d love to hear more about you. 💖

Photo credits to and ☺️

🥳 Happy New Year to you and your woofs! 🥳I’ve had an absolutely lovely festive break - it was super relaxing and peacefu...

🥳 Happy New Year to you and your woofs! 🥳

I’ve had an absolutely lovely festive break - it was super relaxing and peaceful (well-needed!). But today is my first official day back ‘in the office’ and we (“we” being me and my faithful, if not a little lazy…, employees Gavin & Gilbert) can’t wait to get stuck into serving our fabulous clients again. 💕

But first, here’s one of my favourite pics that perfectly sums up our Christmas celebrations at Ravenpaws Training & Behaviour HQ.

Now some of you keen-eyed clients may notice that our HQ has changed somewhat compared to previous pictures… well that’s because it has!

Ravenpaws has officially moved to Rugby in Warwickshire! 📣 😁

I’ve absolutely loved my time living and working in and around Tring, but we’ve decided it’s onto pastures new! I’m still accepting a few new clients in Beds, Herts and Bucks, but sadly this is only for a limited time as I build up my business around here. But those clients who have existing packages or regular clients will be contacted separately to make a plan going forward ☺️

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year 🐾

Let’s see your best festive pics of you and your pets in the comments below! 👇🎄


Great to support such a worthy cause! 😁💕

I’ve been a little quiet on social media recently! But things haven’t stopped in the background of Ravenpaws HQ - I’ve b...

I’ve been a little quiet on social media recently! But things haven’t stopped in the background of Ravenpaws HQ - I’ve been busy working on lots of new and exciting things to come 🐶🐾 but I’m currently having a bit of time off in Norfolk this week 😌 I’ve challenged myself to be brave and let Gilbert (the large gangly dog in the photos, for those who don’t know 😝) off-lead on the beach (while my heart beat at a million miles an hour 😅) and he’s really surprised me with his recall! Still some work to do, but definitely progress 😁 sometimes, taking that deep breath and giving your dog the ability to make their own choices and offer more freedom than normal can be so rewarding 🐾 (obviously make sure you ensure your dog is kept safe and not in a position to endanger themselves or other dogs!) 🐶 but empty beaches can be excellent places to practice recall for dogs like Gilbert who like to wander 😅

Prepare to have your hearts melted 😍 I had the absolute pleasure of looking after Mila & Zu (Pug x Griffons from Ukraine...

Prepare to have your hearts melted 😍

I had the absolute pleasure of looking after Mila & Zu (Pug x Griffons from Ukraine 🇺🇦!) at their lovely parent’s wedding on Saturday 👰🏼‍♀️🤵🏼‍♂️💍

Despite the wet weather ☔️, both dogs were incredibly well-behaved and genuinely seemed to have the best day 🤩 I’m sure they thought the whole day was meant for them 🤣

We started our day off with a nice long walk by the boats in Marlow ⛵️ before heading to the stunning to dry them off and get them dressed in their matching harnesses and floral collars 😍 during the ceremony, because it was all rather exciting for them 😝, they enjoyed a licki-mat smothered in peanut butter 🤤 before joining in with the photos afterwards, showing off their picture-perfect poses and just overall adorableness 🤩

It was a real pleasure to be part of a gorgeous wedding for a wonderful couple! Huge Congratulations Sophie & Andy! 🍾🥂

🐶 During a client’s session last week, they asked me a brilliant question…🙌“When my dog steals something they shouldn’t ...

🐶 During a client’s session last week, they asked me a brilliant question…🙌

“When my dog steals something they shouldn’t and I offer them a treat to get them to drop it, am I not rewarding the stealing behaviour?”

Dogs are more intelligent than we give them credit for sometimes! 🤪 And if they feel a need isn’t being met, they will find a way to change that! Boredom, frustration or a need to chew something are the three most common reasons as to why a dog might steal your paperwork and shred it all over the carpet, or steal a sock to entice you into a game of chase!
However, if we then come along and sn**ch it from their mouth - this not only teaches them to be quicker or more sneaky next time, but it also teaches them that items in their mouth are not safe and they therefore need to take measures to ‘protect it’, because once it’s been taken - the fun stops! 🙈

By offering an alternative, such as a treat, the dog is able to choose their preference, therefore making it their ‘own decision’ to drop the forbidden item! ☺️

Imagine you’re eating a Mars Bar. It’s been a long day and you just need a bit of sugar to keep you going! Then, all of a sudden, a loved one comes along and sn**ches it from you, and eats the whole thing. They may not be a ‘loved one’ for much longer! 🤣 but you’d feel cross, and more importantly - next time you ate a Mars Bar you’d be ready to defend it should that person come along again! 😡 However, if they came along and asked you politley if you’d mind swapping your Mars Bar for a Twix, you’d be a lot more inclined to say yes! So the same goes for our dogs - they deserve the same respect as we would show to someone else 💙

So, by offering them to swap out their item, we’re not rewarding the stealing behaviour, but instead rewarding them for making the right choice! 🥰

Often, we’re very quick to label a dog as ‘naughty’ for stealing items, but if we try and look for the reason WHY they’re doing it, we can often prevent the stealing from happening in the first place, by working out what they really need 🐶

(Side note - this picture made me giggle - a throwback to Gavin’s puppy days 😅)

🥰 I really do love connecting with other pet parents in our community, and learning more about them and their dogs! 🥰The...

🥰 I really do love connecting with other pet parents in our community, and learning more about them and their dogs! 🥰

The internet can be such an impersonal place sometimes, but I’d like to change that today. 🙌

Many of you know a little about me, but here are a few things you might not!

💖 I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan 🤓 (if the business name wasn’t already a huge giveaway 😅…). I’m super annoying to watch the films with because I like to recite the lines as they’re said in the film 🙈🤣. I actually took a cheeky day off yesterday and went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour with one of my closest friends - and although I’ve visited it more times than I can count, I still get as excited as the first time I visited 🤣 but they’ve just added a new greenhouse part, hence my very delighted face 😅🤩

💖 I’m a countryside-girl! 🚜👩🏼‍🌾 I’ve never wanted to live in a busy city, and would trade convenience for views of fields any day of the week! 😍 To me, there’s genuinely nothing nicer than listening to the sounds of the birds in the morning, taking a country-walk, and catching glimpses of the wildlife that live here 😊 🦌🦡

💖 I really enjoy driving! 🚘 Most people find driving a chore, but I genuinely love being behind the wheel! 😁 I also get really bored and fidgety as a passenger, so I often do the majority of driving between Jordan and I!

What about you? Feel free to share a little about you, or pop a picture of your dog in the comments!👇

🐶 Looking for a great spaniel bowl to keep those long ears dry & clean? 🐶Here’s my best recommendation - The Ear-Free Bo...

🐶 Looking for a great spaniel bowl to keep those long ears dry & clean? 🐶

Here’s my best recommendation - The Ear-Free Bowls from Chow Bella 🤩

I choose to keep Gavin’s ears long, but it means that he ends up dipping them into his water and food bowl! 🙈 And having wet and dirty ears all the time can eventually cause skin issues and very itchy ears! 😖

Gavin also tends to guzzle his food down in a matter of seconds, so he needs a slow feeder. However, I couldn’t seem to find a bowl that was both a slow-feeder AND a bowl that could keep his ears clean. Then, I came across Chow Bella! 😍

Each bowl is hand-made, meaning you can choose to have slow feeder rings integrated into the actual bowl! And that’s before you get to the huge choice of colours, patterns and wording 😊 (side note - Gavin was in a very serious mood when I took this photo today - but he normally looks a lot more excited when his bowl comes out 🤣)

Feel free to have a look at Chow Bella’s instagram page: 💙

If you have any questions, pop them below and I’ll do my best to answer them for you!👇

😍 Gilbert Update! 😍Gilbert’s been with us for 3.5 weeks now, so I thought I’d give you an honest update to the realities...

😍 Gilbert Update! 😍

Gilbert’s been with us for 3.5 weeks now, so I thought I’d give you an honest update to the realities to adopting a rescue dog, and how it’s going so far! 💙

You’ve probably heard or read about the 3-3-3 rule when adopting a dog, but for those who haven’t swipe to the end of the photos ➡️

However, this is a very rough guideline, and some dogs may adapt quicker or might take longer! 🐕

So, we’re currently at the 3 week point with Gilbert, and we’ve definitley noticed a change in the past few days!

A few days ago, we discovered a crime scene downstairs (swipe ➡️ for photo evidence), where he'd picked a book off the bookshelf and chewed it up! Mindset by Dr Carol Dweck (a self-help book on changing your mindset for success) was his book of choice, and we can’t work out if he was trying to ingest the information, or disagreed with the contents! 🤣

We did also have an incident yesterday. A play session turned into a small fight between Gilbert and Gavin 🥺 Thankfully there was no injury or blood drawn! After some time apart, I slowly introduced them back together and used lots of treats to counter-condition and will continue to do this – any time either of them interact together, look at each other etc. they get a treat. 😊 Luckily, they both seemed absolutely fine afterwards, like nothing had happened!

But, I do now need to be aware of Gilbert getting over-aroused during play, and perhaps offer more mental stimulation and exercise 🏋🏼‍♀️

It’s very common for play to turn into a fight, and it can happen quickly. Often, it’s as a result of body-language miscommunication, rude play (i.e., continuous play with no breaks, jumping on head, hu***ng etc.), overarousal, frustration, or multiple dogs playing at once.

But, it shows that no matter how well you think you know your rescue dog, incidents like this can and do happen, and it’s been a good reminder for me to be vigilant in the early days while we’re still getting to know him and his personality! 🐶

But, Gilbert is an absolutely fantastic dog and we love him to bits! 🥰 There will always be challenges when rescuing a dog – it’s totally normal! 💙

✨Tuesday Tip!✨🤔 Fact or Fiction? = Teaching large dogs to walk nicely on the lead is harder than teaching small dogs. I’...

✨Tuesday Tip!✨

🤔 Fact or Fiction? = Teaching large dogs to walk nicely on the lead is harder than teaching small dogs. I’d say Fiction!

When a dog’s head is at hand-height, it’s so much easier to reward them while you’re still walking (I always recommend feeding your dog a treat whilst “on the move”, otherwise if you stop every time you give your dog a treat, your dog is learning that stopping = a treat, not by walking nicely by your side!). When I’m teaching a client who’s small dog is a puller on the lead, although they aren’t as strong as a Labrador or Rhodesian Ridgeback, trying to teach my client to simultaneously maintain eye contact with their dog, ensure they aren’t walking too many steps before a reward to keep the dog’s engagement AND THEN also bend down to give them a treat whilst still walking at the same time, is hard work and takes a lot of concentration and multi-tasking ability! It does also start to kill your back after a while too 😅

Then, I came across this amazing life hack! 😍 Get yourself a ball-chucker and smother peanut butter/cream cheese/anything tasty and in a tube that you can top it up with, in the part where the ball would go! That way, you can reward your dog with a few licks of the treat every time you need to, without needing to bend over! 😊

Let me know how you get on in the comments! Pictures of your lovely hounds are also very welcome too of course! 😁🐕

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of working with  for some professional headshots and social media photos! 📸 I was so ...

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of working with for some professional headshots and social media photos! 📸 I was so fed up of having to use stock photos all the time 😅

Gavin and I had such a fun time! I was so nervous beforehand, but Tanya made me feel very at ease and relaxed. She was also so patient - as Gavin decided that he was terrified of cameras all of a sudden (typical 🤪) and got worried every time he heard the click! But he eventually got the hang of it with the help of some treats 😊

A huge huge thank you to Tanya - I can’t recommend her enough if anyone is looking for a photographer for some professional photos! 💕

And also a big thank you to for enabling Tanya and I to meet each other at the events you host! 😁💙

I’ve been a bit quiet on here recently! Life has been throwing a fair few curveballs my way, so my holiday to France was...

I’ve been a bit quiet on here recently! Life has been throwing a fair few curveballs my way, so my holiday to France was a very welcome break! I tried to really switch off 📱and take the time to have a proper rest 😴

However, I do have a couple of exciting news and announcements! 📣 whilst away, Jordan and I got engaged! 💍 he caught me completely off guard, and of course I’m totally over the moon with excitement! 😁🌙

AND (as if that wasn’t enough) we also have a new member of the Ravenpaws team! 🐾 Swipe ➡️ to meet Gilbert the Sloughi!

When we lost Sable, Gavin did not cope well 😔 dogs experience grief just like we do, and each one mourns in their own way. He lost his appetite, his reactivity got 10x worse and he was just very lost! 😖
So, when one of my dear friends visited Qatar 🇶🇦 and sent us a picture of a Sloughi (a sighthound breed) who had been found 9 months earlier as a stray (her family friend lives in Qatar and in her spare time rescues and rehomes stray dogs - she’s an incredible human being 💕) who had been a failed adoption twice, lived in quite a few different foster homes, and was now stuck in kennels with no one seemingly interested in adopting him - we both just knew we had to bring him home! So after lots of planning, and some help from the amazing charity - we finally found him a flight and brought him home! 💕

So far, Gilbert has settled into life here like a duck to water 🥰🦆 he’s very playful and loves to wiggle over for some fuss, whilst swirling his helicopter tail around! 🚁😅 him and Gavin also play so well together, and were even found snuggled up together on the sofa yesterday 🥹

So today is a real admin day while I try and catch up on emails and messages - so please bare with me! 👩🏼‍💻🙏🏻

But it’s good to be back to a normal working week and routine, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing my regular clients again! 🐾😁

Have you ever been told to ignore your dog if they get scared during a thunderstorm or fireworks, so they don't become m...

Have you ever been told to ignore your dog if they get scared during a thunderstorm or fireworks, so they don't become more fearful next time?

In my latest blog post I explore why this method just doesn't work, and why the statement "Reinforcing Fear" is problematic in itself!

The weather in the UK is slowly warming up. But with that comes the inevitable thunderstorms! In true UK fashion, where Monday will bring glorious sunshine and lift everyone’s mood into thinking Summer is finally on its ...

🤩 Feeling very lucky and grateful to have such lovely clients who leave reviews like this! 🤩"Jo was absolutely fantastic...

🤩 Feeling very lucky and grateful to have such lovely clients who leave reviews like this! 🤩

"Jo was absolutely fantastic, and we will certainly be recommending her to anyone else with anxious or barky dogs! In just 1 hour Jo had clearly diagnosed the issues and given expert practical advice to correct it that dramatically reduced our dogs behaviour, which she took time to clearly explain (and also train us to keep doing!). It’s amazing how much our dogs have changed for the better!!!

In short, Jo is clearly an excellent trainer and behaviourist, alongside being a lovely person who clearly loves what she does (and she does it very very well!)”

A massive thank you to Frankie, Ciaran, Gimli and Guinness for these kind words 💕 It was a real pleasure meeting and working with them on Saturday! 🥰

I’m always welcoming new clients into my world, so if you'd like to chat with me about how I can help you and your dog - drop me an email at [email protected] 👈🏻📧

🤔 Is your dog treat motivated, toy motivated, affection motivated, or something else? 🐶Gavin is 100% treat motivated! No...

🤔 Is your dog treat motivated, toy motivated, affection motivated, or something else? 🐶

Gavin is 100% treat motivated! No treats, no doing. 🤣 He doesn’t care much for toys or affection when he’s learning something!

But, some dogs find the idea of chasing a tennis ball the BEST thing in the world! Or they’ll do anything for a quick game of tug! Knowing your dog's breed purpose (eg. Herding, Guarding, Retrieving etc.) will help you figure out what their best motivator is!

What about your dog? Let us know in the comments below. 👇

🐶 Here are 3 dog training bad habits I see in dog parents all the time, and what you should do instead! 🐶🐾 1st bad habit...

🐶 Here are 3 dog training bad habits I see in dog parents all the time, and what you should do instead! 🐶

🐾 1st bad habit - Repeatedly shouting NO at your dog when they’re doing something you don’t want them to!

Instead - Show your dog what you DO want them to do!

Real life example - Your dog always jumps up at you, and you tell them ‘no’, ‘off', ‘down’ etc… but your dog still does it! Instead, ignore the jumping up behaviour, but as SOON as those paws hit the floor (once they get bored of jumping on you), give them a big fuss and a treat! Show them that by keeping four paws on the floor, they get attention and fuss, which is what they’re after when they jump at you! Reinforce at random times too, giving your dog a treat when they’re stood looking at you during the day!

🐾 2nd bad habit - Pulling your dog back on the lead when they’re pulling you!

What to do instead - Tension = tension! Rather than playing a tug of war with your dog by pulling them back to you, invest time in teaching your dog that walking next to you gets them tasty treats and a much nicer walk! This takes time, as you have to take it literally one step at a time and build it up, but is so worth the investment in the long run! Also, a longer fixed length lead will give your dog more freedom, therefore less chance to pull you!

🐾 3rd bad habit - Expecting too much from our dogs!

What to do instead - Sometimes, dogs need a little more help to be comfortable in certain situations - what comes naturally to one, doesn’t necessarily for another! If we notice that something is making our dog uncomfortable, we need to advocate for them and be their voice! This is normally resolved by moving further away from whatever is causing them stress and creating more space between the dog and the scary thing!

We all have the ability to turn a bad habit into a good one with a little time and patience 💕

So who’s feeling brave!?

Which of these bad habits do you see in yourself right now? No shame, blame or judgement here! I’m here to help.

Let me know in the comments below. 👇

I hope everyone had a great bank holiday! 🤩 I decided to take the whole weekend off, which is very unlike me! However, a...

I hope everyone had a great bank holiday! 🤩 I decided to take the whole weekend off, which is very unlike me! However, a lot of it was spent working on Gavin’s training - which got me thinking 🤔

Gavin is by no means “perfect”. I mean, of course he’s perfect, I wouldn’t change a single thing about him 😍 but from a training perspective, he is still very much a work in progress! He finds the world a scary & overwhelming place sometimes, and can be reactive to people (he will bark at them if he feels scared). As someone in the dog professional world, I feel a great deal of pressure to ensure my own dogs are “perfectly trained”. Because if they’re not, how am I meant to gain client’s trust in my ability?

However, training & behaviour modification for dogs is NOT linear. There is no “final result” and there really is no such thing as a perfectly trained dog (yes, I’m including the ones you see at Crufts!). Dogs are highly emotional & intelligent beings, meaning they are just as influenced by stressful situations and fear as we are. They can have bad days, just like us!

It’s easy as a dog parent to look at other dogs in the park & wish your dog was like them. You wish your dog would play nicely with other dogs, or to be able to sit in the cafe and not worry about your dog barking. But I can assure you, at some point EVERYONE in that park has had some challenge with their dog!

We take behaviours for granted with our dogs too, I’ve had clients who would do anything for their dog not to jump all over people, but at home their dog is the best at settling. Yet another client would give their right arm for a dog who would settle in the evening! 🙃

So, as dog parents we’re all on this training journey together! Even the professionals! Dogs are always learning & developing (sometimes unwanted behaviours!) and that’s normal & okay! But when it seems tough - try taking a step back & look at the bigger picture for what your dog does WELL 💕

We don’t need to have perfect dogs all the time, as long as we’re helping them to make progress - and most importantly keeping them & others safe! Dog training is a journey, not a destination ☺️

“A well trained dog will make no attempt to share your lunch. He will just make you feel so guilty that you cannot enjoy...

“A well trained dog will make no attempt to share your lunch. He will just make you feel so guilty that you cannot enjoy it.”  - Helen Thomson

🤣 Yep, true story. For Sable, her FAVOURITE thing in the whole world to eat….Popadoms. She would never beg whilst we ate our takeaway (that would mean actually getting off the sofa - which was far too much effort 🤣) but she’d give you a look so mournful you’d honestly think she’d appeared straight off an RSPCA advert 🙄😅

Here she is, with her gorgeous (French!) cousin Rémy, showing off her “I haven’t eaten in many months mum, please give me a treat” face 😜

What’s your dog’s favourite food that you share with them? 🐾😝

🙌 Here’s my quick top tip to keep your dog calm around the home 🙌You know those moments when you’re busy or just trying ...

🙌 Here’s my quick top tip to keep your dog calm around the home 🙌

You know those moments when you’re busy or just trying to relax and your dog has other ideas? Suddenly they’re zooming around your living room or getting into things they shouldn’t…

Well, it’s time to embrace some games! 🤩

All you need to do is take 10 minutes to enjoy a little challenging fun with your dog. Play hide and seek, hide treats around your home for them to find, spread treats over a towel and roll it up (tying the towel in knots lasts longer and is tougher, but only do this if you’ve already done the towel roll first! If it’s too tricky, your dog will lost interest!), teach them a new trick or even work on some existing training!

Often, giving your dog just 10 minutes of your time results in a lot MORE time afterwards with a calm, relaxed and tired dog! 🧘🏼‍♀️ Meaning you can actually get on with what you’re trying to do, without having to try and manage a hyper dog at the same time (we’ve all been there 😅), which normally ends up with you achieving neither! 🤪

So, get your dog to work their brain and nose for a moment and they’ll soon be chilling at your feet again!

Did you find this quick tip useful or have any questions? Let me know in the comments. 👇

This morning, Sable, my greyhound, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge 🌈Just last week, she started becoming a little wobbly...

This morning, Sable, my greyhound, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge 🌈

Just last week, she started becoming a little wobbly on her back legs and we hoped it was something that could be fixed with physio. However, on Wednesday after her MRI, the results showed multiple cancerous tumours on her brain. There was no treatment available, so she was placed on palliative care and given 1-2 months if lucky. However, on Thursday she deteriorated further and by this morning it was clear that it was her time to say goodbye 💕

For those of you who had the pleasure of meeting her, I know you’ll agree when I say she was such a gentle and sweet girl, who genuinely loved meeting new people. She’s helped many client’s dogs to overcome anxiety, over-excitedness, fear of large dogs etc, by being my stooge dog during 121 sessions. She’s helped so many clients since I first started Ravenpaws in 2021 - she really was one in a million 🐾

I’ll be taking some time off from any client sessions, posting on social media and general admin, but I will do my best to reply to any emails or messages as soon as I’m able - I just ask for a little patience during this time.

I’m hoping to be back on the Tuesday after Easter - I just need a bit of time to process and grieve after this devastating week.

Sleep well, my beautiful Sable 💕


Main Street

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 9am - 6pm




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