Dogs overheating becomes a huge problem at this time of year. There are ways to prevent this:
Ensuring they have access to water 24/7,
Give frozen toys or ice lollies( made of water),
Exercise at cooler tones of the day, the photo below was at 6am,
Take them swimming in a lake or the sea,
Have a sprinkler on in the garden,or spray them with the hose
Grooming them regularly.
Horses also suffer from overheating. It is very important that they have constant access to fresh water ( if they are not overly keen on drinking, a salt lick can be helpful or putting apple juice in the water, can make the water more enticing), shelter(this can range from trees to a field shelter) and fly rugs/masks
The effects of heatstroke can also be reduced by:
Clipping and bathing them
Riding at cooler times of the day
Giving them time out in the field, so they are able to stretch and roll, which can cool them down.