It’s so common that I see pigs like this as part of my vet day job! It also makes up a decent proportion of the people who say their ‘mini’ pig isn’t very mini.
The pig on the left is morbidly obese and just like humans is likely to suffer from heart disease and arthritis. It’s also pretty miserable to be so immobile.
Piggies will eat like … well… pigs … if you let them - portion control is important to keep your piggies healthy and happy!
Weight loss success! Look at gorgeous Milton. He’s living his best life yet. His owner was not aware he was over feeding. When he realized, he reduced pellets and made healthier treat choices. Limiting Milton’s favorite treat of watermelon to summers. Now Milton can see and move better.
If you believe you could be under or over feeding your pig join the Ampa healthy weight awareness group here.