Forbes Dog Training

Forbes Dog Training Behaviour modification & dog training experts!

DOG TRAINING AND BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION SERVICEAre you looking for help with dog training or behaviour modification?  Be...

Are you looking for help with dog training or behaviour modification? Be it puppy training, basic obedience, recall, loose lead walking, manners, or serious behavior issues, Forbes Dog Training’s unique approach to training and rehabilitation has been helping owners and dogs for the past 3 years.

Join our growing list of satisfied customers that have changed the relationship they have with their dogs. Through our teaching, assistance, guidance and coaching, as well as ongoing advice and support, we can help you too! For more information about our services, get in touch and ask for details.

LEADERSHIPNot to be mistaken for dominance which is not good leadership.  Leadership is a combination of; guidance, comm...

Not to be mistaken for dominance which is not good leadership. Leadership is a combination of; guidance, communication, confidence and consistency. The effect that good leadership has on some dogs can be profound and is definitely something that every dog owner should take the time to improve.

Nervous and anxious dogs become fearful without a good leader. They take responsibility in situations they are unsure of, reacting in ways that are normally unacceptable in the human world. Without leadership dogs generally make poor decisions and develop behaviour problems. In short it is a very stressful life!

Your dog needs you to be their leader. It relieves your dog of all responsibility. Nervous, anxious dogs sigh in relief when they are with a handler who is a good leader. They learn to relax and build confidence in the presence of a leader.

If you would like to learn how to become a good leader for your dog, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

PULLING ON THE LEADThis is one of the behaviours that a lot of people struggle to get any success with.  It very often r...

This is one of the behaviours that a lot of people struggle to get any success with. It very often results in the dog pulling the owner on walks, for the whole of the dogs life.

It really doesn’t have to be like that and we can show you the exercises that you need to practice to stop this behaviour. You will be surprised about how easy it is!

It really isn’t that difficult, the techniques we use work with every dog, regardless of breed, size or age.

If you have a dog that pulls on the lead and nothing you have tried seems to work, it’s time to call in an expert. Get in touch and we’ll send you some details about our services.

Success Story with a Review and Video that speaks for Itself ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Success Story with a Review and Video that speaks for Itself ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Many people struggle with getting their dog to walk on a loose lead without pulling. It is not helped by the obsession we seem to have to walk our dogs in the same places daily. Your dog soon learns that pulling eventually gets them to where they want to be!

Their simple minds think that the pulling was the thing THEY did, that got them what THEY wanted. Repeat, repeat, repeat and you now have a dog that is very well trained to pull. That thing might be off lead freedom in the park, or it might just be the end of the walk and they get fed, it doesn’t matter, the fact is that they think their pulling achieved it.

I’ve said it many times, dogs are associative learners. To stop the pulling you need to break the association and replace it with something else.

Loose lead walking needs to be a progressive programme. Step 1 is teaching your dog to walk on a loose lead around the house and in your garden. This is the easiest place for your dog to learn it. We then need to progressively make the next steps more and more difficult until your dog can do it anywhere, anytime, this is step 5.

You now have 2 of the 5 steps to achieve the goal of your dog walking without pulling. To learn the other 3 steps, including, explanations, demonstrations and practical guidance, so you can do it, get in touch for more details about our services.

HOW DO I FIX MY DOGS REACTIVITY?Reactivity is the most common problem that people come to us for help with.  It’s super ...

Reactivity is the most common problem that people come to us for help with. It’s super common! To fix your dogs reactivity we need to understand your dog and where this behaviour is coming from and there are 2 main reasons:

Frustration - This is the most common reason and comes about because your dog has been allowed to pull its way over to interact with too many dogs. It could also come from being given too much off lead freedom to interact with other dogs. When the dog is on lead and therefore being prevented from interacting, the dog becomes frustrated and reacts.

Fear, anxiety, nervousness - Dogs in this category have learnt to create space in order that they feel less fearful , anxious and nervous. Their attempts to look aggressive has the effect of creating space, with the trigger (normally other dogs or people) moving away.

The approach that’s needed is different depending on the dog and the root cause and it’s way beyond the scope of this post to go into the details of each one specifically.

Scattering treats on the ground and keeping the dog under threshold are two methods we see being advised online that we don’t use, because they don’t work!

We have a tried and tested system that we have had a lot of success with. If you would like to get more information about our reactive dog programmer, get in touch and ask for details.

ARE YOU THE LEADER YOUR DOG NEEDS?Dogs are instinctively pack animals, 98.8% of your dogs DNA is shared with their ances...

Dogs are instinctively pack animals, 98.8% of your dogs DNA is shared with their ancestor the Wolf. You can’t change those genetics. We all need to accept them for what they are and work with them as best we can.

Within a Pack of Wolves, the most confident, strongest, and intelligent animal will naturally rise to the leadership position. Wolves feel safe in a Pack with a worthy leader. Where there is doubt about the Pack Leader, anxiety, fear, nervousness and in-fighting sets in until a worthy leader adopts that role.

YOU need to be that leader and no, you don’t need to dominate or be harsh with your dog in order to establish yourself as leader in your dogs mind. It’s about taking control, making decisions, providing guidance etc.

Many dogs that are anxious, fearful or nervous are like that because they don’t feel safe, through a lack of leadership, it’s a common problem we see often.

If you feel you need help to establish yourself as a worthy leader in the eyes of your dog, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMMost people can’t communicate with their dogs, it’s a simple but sad fact.  There are a few reas...

Most people can’t communicate with their dogs, it’s a simple but sad fact. There are a few reasons why that is. The owner tries to communicate using human language words the dog doesn’t understand. Typically they also use way too many words, which only serves to make it even more confusing for their dog. Dogs are not verbal communicators!

Dogs can learn the meaning of sounds, preferably in single word commands, if you know how to teach them through classical conditioning. Dogs are associative learners, so forming associations between certain sounds or words and actions repetitively, is a form of classical conditioning that we teach our clients.

It’s important to learn the theory of how dogs learn, this theory is called operant conditioning. Once you can combine classical and operant conditioning into practical exercises, you can communicate effectively with your dog, in a language that is crystal clear to them.

If you would like to learn how to put these theories into practical exercises, so that you can communicate with your dog, get in touch and ask for details about our services.


So many people blame their dogs previous experiences for their anxiety, fearfulness, nervousness, reactivity etc. Actually, it is far more likely that it’s your; indecisions, not taking responsibility and not being the leader your dog is looking for, that is to blame. If you would like to be able to help your dog through their; anxiety, fear, nervousness etc., get in touch and ask for details about our services.

FOOD DRIVE If only I had a £1 for every time we get told, “my dog isn’t motivated for food”.  Try not feeding your dog f...

If only I had a £1 for every time we get told, “my dog isn’t motivated for food”. Try not feeding your dog for a couple of days and then tell me they’re not motivated for food. Every dog in the world is motivated by food, we have just got in the habit of feeding our dogs without asking them to do anything for it.

All dogs evolved by doing things that were useful to us humans. By selectively breeding them for certain working traits we’ve got this variety of breeds. We didn’t develop the motivation to work for us by giving them as much food as they want whenever they want it and for doing nothing! We need to understand the animal that lives with us and how to get the best out of them.

In training, it’s essential we have food drive. If we don’t, it’s our first challenge to develop it. Whilst toys and praise can be an alternative motivation, food has so many advantages over both of them and therefore the preferred option in all cases.

Food drive is developed by feeding your dog on completion of an exercise. Do this - feed! Not hungry, no problem, we’ll try again later. Your job is not to force feed your dog, your job is to offer food. It’s up to your dog to decide if they’re hungry.

It is only a matter of time before your dog figures out what they need to do to get that food.

If you would like help with any kind of dog training or behavior modification, get in touch and ask for details about our services.


Most reactive dogs have a leading state of mind when we start working with them. This means that typically, they pull on the lead and like to be out in front, leading the walk. They have positioned themselves to take full control of situations as and when they are encountered on the walk. They enjoy the opportunity to bark and lunge at the thing they are reactive to.

Once you put that same dog into a following state of mind by preventing pulling and teaching the dog to follow you rather than leading you, it changes the dogs mindset completely. This change in mindset alone can be enough for some dogs to stop being reactive.

You can see from this video how the dogs energy has changed. The dog is in a much calmer state of mind and in this mindset is now much less likely to be reactive.

It’s one step towards stopping the reactivity long term but it is a very big step!

If you would like help with a reactive dog, get in touch and ask for details about our Reactive Dog Programme.


Many dogs are reactive inside the house or in their garden. Some people seem happy to put up with that and that’s fair enough. We all want different things from our dogs.

The point of this post is directed at the people who are not happy with their dogs reactive behaviour in and around the house. You can change any unwanted behaviour with the right training. Even better than that, you can teach your dog how you want them to behave from day 1, in the presence of external stimuli, to prevent this behaviour starting in the first place.

In this video, Skye is lying in her bed whilst the hoovering gets done. She was taught at a young age that when she hears the hoover, if she goes and lies down in her bed, she gets a very tasty treat after the hoovering is finished. During the training she was rewarded more frequently for staying in position.

Dogs that are not given that guidance often bark or attack the hoover, or even develop a fear of the hoover. This is an example of how reactivity can develop around the home, whether that’s the hoover, the doorbell or people/dogs walking past your garden.

Give your dog the guidance they need to avoid reactivity around the home. If you already have a dog that is reactive in the home, we can help you to bring this behaviour to a successful conclusion. Get in touch and ask for details about our services.

REACTIVE DOGSBehaviour modification is the thing we deal with the most.  Of all the behaviours we get asked to help with...

Behaviour modification is the thing we deal with the most. Of all the behaviours we get asked to help with, reactivity is by far the most common problem people struggle with.

Most people who come to us have either tried to fix the problem themselves or they have been to other dog trainers, who haven’t been able to help.

If you have tried on your own to fix your dogs reactive behaviour or if you’ve tried other dog trainers who have failed to help you, don’t give up! All dog trainers are not equal!

We have become behaviour modification experts. We’ve had a lot of success with stopping unwanted behaviours, none more than reactivity. We have built our reputation on being able to successfully help owners overcome this problem.

If you have come to the point in your life with your dog, where enough is enough! Be assured, we can really help! We have a tried and tested system that is adaptable for every individual case, that will bring your dogs reactivity to a successful conclusion. The only thing holding your dog back is you!

If you’re able to commit to the training, learn what we need to teach you and to put in the homework we set you, together as a team, we can overcome your dogs reactivity. Get in touch and ask for details about our services.

LEAD HANDLING SKILLS The primary method that we use to communicate with dogs is transmitted through the lead.  We put a ...

The primary method that we use to communicate with dogs is transmitted through the lead. We put a lot of time and effort into teaching our clients how to use the lead as a method of communication with their dogs.

When you learn how to combine lead handling skills with food and toy rewards, this is when the magic happens. Through this system, clear communication takes place and you are able to convey to your dog, what it is you are trying to teach them. This language is clearly understood by your dog.

Too many people give their dog too much freedom, too early in the dogs development. When you understand lead handling skills, you understand that by removing the lead, you remove a means of communication that your dog relies upon for guidance, whilst they’re still learning. All you can do in that situation is to cross your fingers🤞 and hope for the best, but that’s not dog training!

If you would like to learn how to communicate with your dog more effectively, get in touch and ask for details about our services.


Rita is a 5 year old spayed female Doggue de Bordeaux x Presa Camaro and Jo is looking to rehome her. She has had her since she was 7 months old. Jo has a small doggie day care business and Rita has become intolerant of other dogs company. The older she is getting the more this is the case.

Jo has 2 other dogs she lives with and so far has never had a problem. Rita is not dog aggressive. Her really good friends were the 2 little dogs and the schnauzer. Rita is crate trained and very good on the lead. If you are a competent dog owner she is good for bath, nails, vet and car. Medium shedder and medium slobberer.

She would suit someone looking for a partner in a dog. Jo wants to do the right thing for her and she just feels that her home environment is the wrong environment for her.

Give Jo a ring if Rita sounds like the dog you are looking for and she can tell you all about her. Jo lives near Wi******er, Hampshire. Contact her on 07887981195

RECALLSo few people have a reliable recall with their dog.  We estimate that it’s less than 1% of dog owners.  The most ...

So few people have a reliable recall with their dog. We estimate that it’s less than 1% of dog owners. The most common phrase we hear from our clients is, “His/Her recall is brilliant until ….. “. They then proceed to tell us about some distraction or other that makes their recall unreliable.

If your dog truly knows what your word for recall means (typically Come or Here) but on occasions decides not to return to you, you have taught your dog that you don’t mean what you say.

The solution is simple:
Give the command once only and then make it happen. Be consistent and eventually you won’t need to make it happen any longer!

If you need more help to achieve a reliable recall with your dog, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

NePoPo® ONLINE SILVER PROGRAMME✅The NePoPo® School is a world-renowned school & community that excels in dog education. ...

The NePoPo® School is a world-renowned school & community that excels in dog education. The NePoPo® dog training methodology has been developed by Michael & Bart Bellon and stands for Negative - Positive - Positive dog training.
NePoPo® is a language of communication. Like any modern language, NePoPo® evolves. This is why NePoPo® is often referred to as 'The Language of Modern Dog Training'.

Steve has been busy the last few weeks studying the NePoPo® system of modern dog training and passing the exams to gain this highly acclaimed qualification. As we’ve said many times before, we are students of dog training and are always striving to upgrade our skills and knowledge of dog training methods, so that we can offer our customers the very best dog training service.

We have both done a ton of courses and seminars over the years. Nowadays, it’s quite rare to find a course that we can actually benefit and learn from. This course well and truly ticked that box and Steve is absolutely buzzing about some of the things he has learned. He’s now looking at doing the Gold Programme, which is the ultimate practical course…… watch this space!

If you are looking for some help with any kind of dog training or behaviour modification, make sure you pick a dog trainer that is keeping up with this ever evolving subject.

PUPPY ROUTINESPuppies need a suitable routine to teach them how to live in our human world alongside us in the most opti...

Puppies need a suitable routine to teach them how to live in our human world alongside us in the most optimal way possible. This is how we do things with puppies:

Crate/Sleep ➡️ Toilet Break ➡️ Structured Play/Training ➡️ Toilet Break ➡️ Feeding ➡️ Toilet Break ➡️ REPEAT!

Crate/Sleep - Not everyone likes the idea of using a crate but those people generally lack the experience of seeing the benefits they bring to thousands of dogs. Not to mention the problems that not having one brings. Take it from us, you need a crate! It makes toilet training easier, it stops your puppy following you around the house and then developing seperation anxiety because they’ve never experienced seperation. It also teaches puppies to relax. There is nothing else to do in a crate but relax, chill out or sleep. We meet puppies who are not using a crate and don’t know how to switch off. It can be a big problem and easily avoidable.

Toilet break - Each and every time your puppy comes out of the crate, you should take them immediately to the place you want them to toilet. Stay there until they’ve relieved themselves.

Structured play/training - After wakening from sleep or just chilling in their crate for a while and after relieving themselves, the next thing your puppy wants to do is expend some of the energy they now have. Rather than allow your puppy to find their own entertainment, it is far more productive to structure the play in a meaningful way.

Toilet break - After any activity your puppy will likely need to go to the toilet. Again, take them to the place you want them to use and wait for them to do it. The more often they go in the same area, the more likely they will in future.

Feeding - Feeding time should always be after structured play and not before.

Toilet break - Puppies are likely to need to go to the toilet after being fed. Again, take them to the same spot.

Crate/Sleep - After all of the above your puppy will now be ready to go back in his crate again for a sleep/chill out.

REPEAT - You just repeat this routine throughout the day.

There is a lot more information I could add for every subject and we cover all of that in our 2 session puppy programme.

If you are planning to get a puppy soon or you have already got a new puppy, this is the time to get started as you mean to go on. Ask for details about our puppy programme.

A pack walk is a great way for your dog to socialise, and to correct reactive behaviour in a positive way.

A STRUCTURED WALKWhat is the definition of a structured walk, what does it look like and why do you need it?  It starts ...

What is the definition of a structured walk, what does it look like and why do you need it?

It starts with having some control of your dog, only then should you permit some freedom to your dog. That’s the deal!

In return for the dog walking on lead without pulling, staying put when told, until released and having a reliable recall, I will allow that dog off lead freedom but definitely not before they can achieve that.

Giving the dog freedom before they achieve this standard is where most people become unstuck. Once the dog learns that they can get away with ignoring you, you are on a slippery slope.

If you need help to establish the foundations, so you can have a structured walk, with lots of off-lead freedom, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

We are professional dog trainers with a great reputation for handling dogs of all sizes and breeds. Contact us to learn how to train your dog.

RESCUE DOGSWe see a lot of rescue dogs that understandably, due to their past lives, have behaviour problems.  Many peop...

We see a lot of rescue dogs that understandably, due to their past lives, have behaviour problems. Many people with rescue dogs make the mistake of giving their new dog too much freedom, too early in the process, which very often makes a challenging situation even worse.

All dogs need structure, rules and boundaries in their life. It’s how we build our relationship with them, through trust. Rescue dogs are no different, however more often than not, we make exceptions for rescue dogs, because of their past. This is a big mistake.

Our system of training, which is flexible, to accommodate the variety of dogs characteristics, drives and temperaments, includes a tailored approach to structure, rules and boundaries to suit your dog.

If you need help with the behaviour of your rescue dog. Get in touch and ask for details about our services. We have had a lot of success training rescue dogs with behaviour problems, let us help you!

So grateful to be featured in this publication.

So grateful to be featured in this publication.

If you are looking for excellent dog trainers for your canine friend, turn your head towards Forbes Dog Training from Salisbury. Why are they the best?


We love to receive these types of progress report videos from customers. Keep ‘em comin’!

Customers who do their homework reap the rewards.

Everyone wants different things from their dogs but what ever your training goals are, we can help you achieve them. Get in touch for details about our services. ‘We Train You To Train Your Dog’.

SOCIALIZATIONA lot of people believe that their dog needs to interact with as many dogs as possible in order to be ‘soci...

A lot of people believe that their dog needs to interact with as many dogs as possible in order to be ‘socialised!’ This has led to puppy parties and socialisation classes to meet this perceived ‘need’.

Like people, all dogs are different and some are more naturally sociable than others and that’s fine. If your dog would rather be with you than have doggy friends, that’s great. You shouldn’t try and push a dog to be more sociable because YOU think he needs that.

Our philosophy is to build neutrality into our dogs. For dogs that are not interested in other dogs, we just teach them to be accepting of them. For dogs that are over sociable, we teach them, that all the fun comes from us.

If you would like some help with proper socialisation, specific to your dog, get in touch and ask for more details.


Sometimes dogs can have a fear of things. In Mo’s case, the big, strong, roughy, tuffy GSD, it was an open staircase. Sometimes, no amount of treats, toys or coercing is going to cut it, it needs a different approach.

Over the years we’ve helped dogs overcome their fears of; Stairs, jumping into the car and moving traffic. We’ve also helped dogs with, what we call, ‘superstitious fears’, where they have a fear of something completely random. I once had a working dog that had a fear of a stone statue of a bear!

All of these fears can be overcome with a bit of knowledge, skill, confidence and above all leadership.

If your dog has a similar fear or lack of confidence in something, it can be overcome. Get in touch for details about our services.

UNDERSTAND WHYWe often say to clients, if it doesn’t make sense then it’s probably not going to work.  We also encourage...

We often say to clients, if it doesn’t make sense then it’s probably not going to work. We also encourage our clients to ask questions if they don’t understand why we are asking them to do something.

Like Hamilton says in this video, you need to understand why you are doing it. If you don’t understand it, ask your dog trainer to explain the reasons for it. If they can’t explain why you’re doing it, find yourself a new dog trainer.

Get in touch if you have a reactive dog and you would like some help from experts in this behaviour.

Take your dog from completely untrained to 100% OFF-LEASH trained in 8 weeks:

DO YOU PLAY WITH YOUR DOG DAILY?If not, you should.  Most people could improve the relationship they have with their dog...

If not, you should. Most people could improve the relationship they have with their dog by replacing some of the walking they do, with playing. Even better would be to walk them as much and add play time to your routine.

Your dog loves interacting with you. They enjoy it. It helps build a bond. It meets their physical and mental needs. 10 minutes of vigorous playing, is equivalent to a 30 minute walk on a lead, so it’s time effective.

Playing with your dog regularly with rules, including building in obedience commands, helps to develop a communication system, which in turn improves your relationship.

If you would like to learn more about this style of training, get in touch for details about our services.

We are professional dog trainers with a great reputation for handling dogs of all sizes and breeds. Contact us to learn how to train your dog.


Some people feel like they have tried everything to stop their dog pulling and have now given up trying. However there are a number of reasons why your training hasn’t worked yet.

- [ ] ‘Different strokes for different folks’, applies to dogs as much as it does to humans. What works on one dog might not work on another.
- [ ] You may simply be using the wrong techniques for your dog
- [ ] Even though you might be using the correct technique, your timing might be out or the placement of the reward is in the wrong place. Your lead handling skills might need modifying or your footwork could be wrong. These little details can make a big difference.
- [ ] You may be using the wrong equipment for your dog or you may be using the correct equipment but incorrectly.
- [ ] You may have watched a few videos online. You may even believe that you are replicating the correct techniques and implementing it right, but actually you’re making some mistakes. However unless you have a mirror or someone experienced guiding you, you will never know.
These are just some of the reasons why your dog is still pulling, despite your best efforts.

Loose lead walking is a skill. We have trained hundreds of owners to teach their dogs to walk successfully on lead without pulling. We use a variety of collars, leads, harnesses depending on what works best for the dog and owner.

We will explain and demonstrate the techniques to ensure you understand the exercises. We will coach you practising the exercises and give you feedback about what you are doing well and what you need to work on. We will then leave you with some homework to practice.

If you would like to learn how to teach your dog to walk on a loose lead consistently, get in touch and ask for details about our services.




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