Forbes Dog Training

Forbes Dog Training Behaviour modification & dog training experts!

IGNORING UNWANTED BEHAVIOURSWe hear all the time from clients who have worked with previous dog trainers that advised th...

We hear all the time from clients who have worked with previous dog trainers that advised them to ignore unwanted behaviours. If you’ve been given this advice from a dog trainer, they really don’t know how to deal with an unwanted or bad behaviour.

These behaviours are very often self reinforcing, so when you think about it, most people can figure it out. Ignoring it is never going to work!

For example take digging in the garden. Some dogs love to dig, it is a genetic urge in some dogs to dig. They enjoy it. Same with barking. Do you honestly think ignoring it, will work to stop it?

What about jumping up on people? Dogs tend to start doing this when they are cute little puppies. At this stage everyone that gets jumped on by the puppy are happy, it’s cute that the puppy seeks your attention, so you pet him and make a fuss. A few months later, when this puppy is bigger, stronger, with big teeth and nails, it’s not so funny and cute any more. Too late! Again ignoring is not going to work because this behaviour has been reinforced by petting and fussing for long enough, even now no one wants it.

We are experts at dealing with unwanted behaviours. If you’re experiencing problems with your dog and unwanted behaviours, don’t ignore it, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

OVERCOME COMPETING MOTIVATIONS!Everyone wants a reliable recall but hardly anyone has it and this is because of a common...

Everyone wants a reliable recall but hardly anyone has it and this is because of a common flaw in the training.

Everyone knows how to train recall motivationally. You ask your dog to come and you reward with food, a toy, praise etc. What if I told you, that is only part of the training?

What if I told you that as soon as you come across a distraction, your recall will fail. This is called competing motivations. You might have something the dog likes but what if your dog likes other dogs, Cats or squirrels more?

Once your dog learns to come for a piece of food, a toy or praise etc, you’re ready to start the distraction phase of training. If you would like to learn how to add this essential strategy into your training, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

We can help your dog learn the basic commands and follow them when you issue them whatever the situation.

REVIEWSWe are very fortunate that we get a fairly regular supply of positive reviews from our customers.  It helps motiv...

We are very fortunate that we get a fairly regular supply of positive reviews from our customers. It helps motivate us to continue doing what we do.

We are grateful for every single review that we get because we know that Google likes us if we get lots of reviews. It is particularly gratifying when someone takes the time to write as detailed a review as this one, thank you! Kate Stevens

THE FORBES PHILOSOPHY OF DOG TRAINING.When most people think of dog training, they think about scheduled training either...

When most people think of dog training, they think about scheduled training either in the house, in the garden or out on walks but most of what your dog knows and learns isn’t in those moments.

Your dog is learning from every interaction you have with and without them. Your dog is learning from how you live with them, what rules and boundaries you have implemented, how consistent you are at applying those rules and boundaries.

Your dog is constantly seeking to take the path that gives them the most comfortable and rewarding life. They will try different things to see if it’s better or worse than the last thing. If it’s better, they are more likely to repeat it! If it’s worse they are less likely to repeat it!

This is why you should take an active interest in shaping your dog into learning what you want them to learn. Do not allow your dog to find out that what you deem an unwanted behaviour, they find reinforcing.

Remember dogs are more likely to repeat a behaviour they find reinforcing. The more reinforced it becomes, the more likely it will be repeated.

As always, if you need help with any dog training or behaviour challenge, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

LET YOUR DOG BE A DOGHave you heard that saying?  It implies that you should allow your dog the freedom to do what they ...

Have you heard that saying? It implies that you should allow your dog the freedom to do what they want. It doesn’t cause a problem if you are able to control your dog if the need arises.

However, if you are not able to give your dog instruction that they will readily comply with, in order to keep them out of trouble, it’s a big problem!

Dogs need our guidance to navigate the human world. Left unsupervised, they have been known to dig up your garden, chew up your furniture and terrorize the local wildlife, as well as the cat next door.

Letting your dog be a dog might not be such a good idea!

If you need help to train your dog, get in touch.

THE SLIP LEAD - HOW DOES IT WORK?The simple slip lead has been around a long time and many people have one without knowi...

The simple slip lead has been around a long time and many people have one without knowing how to use it, let alone fit it correctly. Yes, there is a right and wrong way for your dog to wear it. One way restricts the slip action and the other doesn’t, you’ll work it out!

Slip leads are a pressure and release style training lead. If you don’t know how or when to use pressure and release, you shouldn’t be using a slip lead. Slip leads get some bad press because very often they are not used properly and/or they are fitted upside down, which all contribute to the bad press.

Using pressure in training through the slip lead and teaching the dog how to turn that pressure off is the first step in using a slip lead. Again, if you haven’t gone through this stage of training, then you shouldn’t be using a slip lead.

Using a slip lead correctly adds another layer to your training, on top of your positive reinforcement. It helps you to build a communication system with your dog that tells them both when they’ve done things right and when they haven’t.

Does your dog understand your communication system? If not and you would like to develop your communication system with your dog, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

TRAINING v PRACTICINGWhat’s the difference between training and practicing?If you’re teaching your dog something new or ...

What’s the difference between training and practicing?

If you’re teaching your dog something new or something that’s still in the very early stages of learning, you need to be training.

That means you should be armed with something that is rewarding for your dog, to tell them when they got things right. Your dog should also be on a lead, so that you can tell them when they’ve got things wrong and help them to do it correctly. This is your communication system with your dog.

If you’re practicing things your dog has already learnt, you might be able to get away with the dog being off lead. However, you should be aware that you are not in a position to communicate with your dog, if they do get it wrong, which could then confuse your dog.

Having an effective communication system is vital for dogs to learn without ambiguity. If you need help to develop a communication system with your dog, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

We can help your dog learn the basic commands and follow them when you issue them whatever the situation.

IS YOUR DOG BORED WITH HIS DAILY WALK?Most people walk their dogs every day but if your dog is reactive on walks, the ch...

Most people walk their dogs every day but if your dog is reactive on walks, the chances are they are bored! Walking may not be enough for your dog to give them the physical and mental stimulation they need. Worse than that, the reactive behaviour is often how the dog physically and mentally stimulates themself, due to the lack of it anywhere else in their life.

Boredom is the single biggest contributor to ALL behaviour problems. Give the dog an appropriate outlet that provides them with that physical and mental stimulation they need and all of a sudden you have a happier, more content dog with less behaviour problems.

If you need help with your dog, get in touch and ask for details about our services.


Apart from the fact it is a lot more enjoyable to walk a dog who doesn’t pull. A dog that is paying attention to you and is able react to the speed and direction you are walking in without putting pressure on the lead, is far less likely to react. Why?

It’s because they are paying close attention to you, the speed you are walking at and the direction you are moving, not to mention making it worthwhile to remain engaged through food rewards. This, rather than scanning the road ahead, looking for dogs makes the dog far less likely to be reactive. It’s what’s commonly known as a win, win! Stop pulling = less reactive. It’s not the end goal but it’s a step in the right direction.

If you have a reactive dog or just a dog that pulls and you would like some help to resolve it, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

SELECTIVELY BREEDING DOGSI don’t think most people appreciate how much goes into breeding dogs and the importance of sel...

I don’t think most people appreciate how much goes into breeding dogs and the importance of selective breeding. Particularly when they are looking for a puppy or even an older dog. Selecting the right two dogs that give you the best chance of producing good healthy balanced puppies is an art form.

In contrast when 2 random dogs breed with each other, the results are unpredictable at best.

Most people don’t pay enough attention to doing their due diligence when selecting a puppy or older dog. Taking a good look at the temperament and character of the parents will give you a pretty good indication of what you’re going to get, yet most people can’t see past that cute ball of fluff!

We see a lot of dogs with behaviour problems. When we ask questions about what the owner knows about the parents of their dog, typically very little is known.

Wise up people! If you want to get a good indication of how your puppy could be as an adult, take a good look at the parents. Remember, you’re not training a puppy, you’re raising an adult dog, teach them how you want them to be as an adult and make sure you have the right candidate in the first place.

If you need help, get in touch with us and ask for details about our services.

We are professional dog trainers with a great reputation for handling dogs of all sizes and breeds. Contact us to learn how to train your dog.

ENRICHMENT TOYSThere seems to be endless options for people looking for ways to “enrich” their dogs lives.  Puzzle toys,...

There seems to be endless options for people looking for ways to “enrich” their dogs lives. Puzzle toys, licky mats, filled KONGs and slow feeders are all on offer to part you and your hard earned cash!

Do we use Enrichment Toys? No! Do we think there is a place for them? No! Why not?

Do you want to build a good relationship with your dog, or do you want your dog to have a better relationship with their Enrichment Toys? It’s the same as, when you walk your dog and they are more interested in sniffing the environment than interacting with you. It’s not a problem until you need them to listen to you.

If you want to give your dog enrichment, play with them every day. Take it from me, it’s far more enriching for your dog to play with you than it is to play with some enrichment toy.

If you need help to get your dog to play, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

We are two highly experienced dog trainers in Salisbury with army dog handling training and capable of handling any dog.

STOPPING UNWANTED BEHAVIOURS!This is our bread and butter, it’s what we get asked to help with the most and we have beco...

This is our bread and butter, it’s what we get asked to help with the most and we have become masters of the art.

We can all teach a Sit, a Down or a Paw but what if you learnt how to stop those annoying unwanted behaviours?

The principles are the same regardless of the behaviour. Once you learn how to stop 1 unwanted behaviour, you will have learnt the principle and be able to apply it to any unwanted behaviours.

‘We Train You To Train Your Dog’

Let us teach you something worthwhile, that will benefit both you and your dog forever. Get in touch and ask for details.


We hear this frequently and the problem is that most people don’t take their dog through a training phase with distractions. They just expect their dog to perform when there are distractions present.

Distractions have to be introduced progressively, starting with mild distractions and working up to more and more distracting environments, as the dog becomes more competent.

If you would like help to teach your dog to ignore distractions, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

PUPPY TOILET TRAINING GUIDEWe get asked a lot if we have any tips for puppy toilet training or if we have any advice to ...

We get asked a lot if we have any tips for puppy toilet training or if we have any advice to help. As a result, we’ve written the, ‘Forbes Puppy Toilet Training Guide’.

If you would like a copy of our toilet training guide, send us a PM and we’ll send it over to you completely free of charge.

PUPPY SOCIALISATION DONE WRONG!So many cases of reactivity could be avoided if people were to understand one simple conc...

So many cases of reactivity could be avoided if people were to understand one simple concept about socialisation.

Allowing your puppy to meet every strange dog they see to run around with them. Allowing your puppy to meet every strange person you see for cuddles or treats. These attempts to ‘socialize’ your puppy are very often the reason your dog ends up reactive.

Your puppy could have a bad experience with one of these strange dogs that you know nothing about. However even the act of being allowed to interact with every dog and person they see builds up an expectation in your dog that dogs and people = FUN!

When that fun is restricted by the lead because for example that other dog is on the other side of a busy road, it builds frustration in your dog. That frustration comes out in unwanted behaviours like barking and lunging.

The word socialisation probably isn’t the best way to describe what your puppy needs. It’s probably better described as controlled exposure. This is what we should be doing with our puppies, controlling exposure to teach neutrality to strange dogs and people, as well as everything else in the environment that your dog might come across in their lives.

If you need help to teach your puppy how to be neutral to these things, get in touch and ask for details about our services.

REACTIVE DOGSHere are some of the things people have tried with their reactive dogs before seeking our help:1. Exposing ...

Here are some of the things people have tried with their reactive dogs before seeking our help:

1. Exposing their dogs more to their particular triggers.
2. Punishing the reactive behaviour.
3. Socialise their dog more.
4. Avoidance of triggers with late night or early morning walks. Walking in quieter areas. Hiding behind cars, walls etc to avoid triggers.
5. Using distraction techniques.
6. Teaching an incompatible behaviour.

Some of these techniques can work or they can manage the situation for very mildly reactive dogs. However, they don’t work on dogs that are intensely reactive.

A lot of these things sound at first like they might work but most people quickly realise that these strategies don’t work and are never going to work, or they merely manage the situation without actually dealing with it.

Reactivity is our specialised subject. We know how to stop all unwanted behaviours. If you need help with your reactive dog, get in touch and ask for details about our reactive dog programme.


Most people don’t want their dog to have fancy competition style heel work or a robotic dog that only does what it’s told, when it’s told and we understand that.

We have competed in dog sports in the past but nowadays, Skye is our family pet. We want her to have the best life possible. In order to be able to give her the best life, we need some things from her.

Skye’s obedience is what we call functional. It’s not fancy, we don’t need that but it is reliable and because it’s reliable, we have the confidence to take her anywhere (that’s allowed) off lead.

It’s a two way partnership. She gets the life she wants and we get the reliability we need, to be able to give that to her.

If you need help to give your dog their best life possible, get in touch.


Meadow Road, Bulford


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