Animal Love Pet First Aid

Animal Love Pet First Aid Pet first-aid, health & wellbeing courses taught in the UK & online worldwide.Written/taught by a vet They are CPD accredited and all courses are certificated.

Having worked as a vet for several years, I have come to realise if we focus on our pets health and well-being they become happier, and less likely to need medical attention. Animal Love has been set up to help pet owners, pet professionals and veterinary professionals to help pets. I offer online and face to face first-aid, health and well-being courses. Courses are in-depth and take you from beg

inner to advanced and are very different to other currently offered on the market. Courses can also be tailored to fit a specific target audience. I also offer tuition to colleges and degree level students. Please ask for more information

Sometimes I do question why I put myself through this! According to one person on the all giving fb,I obviously think I’...

Sometimes I do question why I put myself through this! According to one person on the all giving fb,
I obviously think I’m better than everyone as I am a vet! The truth is I often don’t tell people what I do. As soon as I do I know many people see me as money grabbing, uncaring as I can’t treat their pets for free, and driving around in an amazing car living in a mansion!

The truth is it is hard, emotionally and mentally. It can be very unrewarding, my mental health often feels like a battle ground. I don’t earn what you think I do, and sadly I do not have any say over the fees. Of course I want to treat every animal! Mixing money and animal health is just utterly horrible at times.

But I am doing it because I genuinely love and adore all animals. I work past my scheduled day for no extra money because they need my help. I go home and research and look at more ways I can help. I spend ages in the consulting room trying to give my all to help both owner and pet. And I constantly feel that I am not good enough.

Please be kind. A couple of nasty comments today really have made me spiral into a heap of self-doubt. In fact my entire day so far has been ruined. I told my partner I’d rather just give it all up and pick something else where people don’t have so much hatred towards me. But I can’t let the animals down, so I will keep going and I’m sure a rainy dog walk and roast dinner will help me to feel better.

Have a wonderful day everyone. I know you are all very kind to me and I thank you for that xx

First aid kits and first aid supplies to add to existing kits!I’ll be posting on Monday so if you need anything you can ...

First aid kits and first aid supplies to add to existing kits!

I’ll be posting on Monday so if you need anything you can order here -

No silly fillers like plasters and a million bandages. Useful stuff, the things you’ll actually need ❤️

Sooo where did I begin? Let me share briefly! I remember the asthma attack running home from school! 2 A*, 7 A’s and 3 B...

Sooo where did I begin? Let me share briefly!

I remember the asthma attack running home from school! 2 A*, 7 A’s and 3 B’s for my GCSE’s. The teachers said I would fail, I think my family thought I would flop. The careers advisors told me to change my plan as I wasn’t clever enough to be a vet. This was the beginning.

So I moved immediately onto A levels. What a big mistake! I was heavily involved in the music industry as a song writer and singer. My mindset wasn’t in the right place, that’s ok, some of us take time to focus. Let your child work it out. For some of us that can take a couple of years.

I dropped out of my A levels and moved to London to follow a music career. Not because my love wasn’t animal focused, because I had 2 loves! If I’d of gone a bit country music perhaps my life would have turned out differently, but I wanted to be a rock star! Smash that guitar up, be a bit out there.

But I look back and that wasn’t meant to be! So I went back to my original and first love, to be a vet! Something I wanted since the age of 6. Apparently I wasn’t clever enough. Ok I’m not clever but I put 100% in to those wonderful animals. Glad I didn’t listen to the career advisors, or perhaps I’m a bit of a rebel and wanted to prove them wrong! Nah I wanted to follow my heart as working with animals was always my destiny (sorry that sounds cheesy!)

So next stage college as a kind of adult at aged 20. Working 4 jobs and knowing where my heart lied. Those animals! A slog, no one doing my washing and a big rent to pay. And uni fees to cover, a big potential headache. Hang on I had to pass my A Levels first…

I did it! I mean I don’t know how I did to this day. Hours studying around hours working. But I got my place at Glasgow vet School! I did those 5 years, huge stress and fun all at the same time. I worked to pay my way often working in a bar until 4am and turning up for lectures at 9am. Thank goodness for caffeine! I look back now and realise I had stamina. I still do.

I worked so hard to get to where I have got to. I could share many a story, one for a book perhaps 🤣 but the point is I did get there!

This week many of you are sending your children off to uni, or not. You maybe contemplating what they will do with their lives. Don’t. There is no rush, no stress. Sometimes we need to just figure it out. Education is hard work, you need to be committed and dedicated. It’s ok if you need to wait until you’re ready ❤️ I did! 2009 I qualified. I work everyday to better myself as I know there is so much to learn.

That was not brief! Sorry. I just wanted to say if you have a plan, work towards it. You will get there. I did 😊

Sorry to go on I just don’t want you to miss out!!These are my remaining dates for this year. I’ve already added some ne...

Sorry to go on I just don’t want you to miss out!!

These are my remaining dates for this year. I’ve already added some new dates/locations for next year…

Some of these on the list are now down to a handful of tickets left.

To see all locations/book then head to:

Plus I’m coming to Scotland!!! Watch this space as you’ll have a couple of options plus some individual seminars you can book too ❤️

New flyers!! I need to spread the word about what I can teach as that means more pets will benefit! So I’ve designed the...

New flyers!! I need to spread the word about what I can teach as that means more pets will benefit! So I’ve designed these flyers ❤️

Give me a topic and I shall research it for days and present to you all the information that you can easily digest, with practical tips you can put into place.

Also I end up taking first aid kits to a course, and I don’t promote them or tell people that I have an online shop. My self promotion is as good as my geography skills - rubbish 🤣
Trying my hardest…

The Healthy Dog Club is live on my page! Specific in-person seminars focusing on one topic in detail.This is the first s...

The Healthy Dog Club is live on my page! Specific in-person seminars focusing on one topic in detail.

This is the first session added. A canicross group asked for a session that would help their dogs. The active dog will run in Andover with a 6.30pm start time and a certificate of attendance included. If you would like to book this session then here is the link:

This would suit any active dog from canicross, agility, working, and generally busy!

Arthritis is painful. Of course our dogs and cats hide pain very well. Well some are little more vocal about how they fe...

Arthritis is painful. Of course our dogs and cats hide pain very well. Well some are little more vocal about how they feel. But often they show signs of pain that perhaps is more silent and less obvious.

As one of the most common conditions see in our pets, I am considering a webinar dedicated to this condition as part of my healthy dog club. We would explore the topic in-depth. I feel it may need to run over 2 evening sessions as I’m not sure 2 hours is enough time!

Would you be interested in learning more about this topic? How can we prevent, recognise, manage, and treat. How do WE make a difference for them ❤️
One vet on a mission to improve health and wellbeing…

NEW FOR 2025!!The healthy dog club:I shall be structuring some new exciting webinars BUT do you have a dog club you are ...

NEW FOR 2025!!
The healthy dog club:

I shall be structuring some new exciting webinars BUT do you have a dog club you are part of? Or perhaps a group of you would like to learn about a particular topic?

If within 90 minutes drive I could come along monthly and deliver an evening session. Or if further away a full day of 3 topics. All certificated!

I can also offer these via zoom!

For example sessions can include:

Preventative health care (including neutering)
Managing itchy dog’s
Tackling gut problems
Caring for senior dogs
Chronic joint disease management
Keeping your dogs mouth healthy
Caring for a dog with heart and lung disease
Genetic testing to reduce disease

Etc etc! I can create a session dedicated to a topic your group maybe particularly interested in. Or if you tell me about your group, I can design a schedule of topics that would be a good fit.

My aim to make sure you understand as much as possible to improve your dogs health with lots of practical tips. These are suitable for both pet owners and pet professionals.

Drop me a message if you’d like to look into this for your group next year ❤️

Soon I’ll be spaying my own dog Jelly. She will be around 2yrs 2months. Under 2.5 years lowers the risk of mammary cance...

Soon I’ll be spaying my own dog Jelly. She will be around 2yrs 2months. Under 2.5 years lowers the risk of mammary cancer. I have allowed her to develop skeletally, sexually, and mentally. So now is the right time.

IF I left her entire I’d need to monitor for both mammary cancer (50% is malignant/nasty) and of course pyometra - pus in the womb. But neutering can also increase the risk of other cancers so balance and understanding of what to expect is important.

IF you keep you girl entire you NEED to be aware of this. Because it can be a killer if not treated ❤️

Take the understanding the unneutered female webinar…

I just had that light bulb moment! Sooo I always say, oh no I don’t work In practice full time anymore as I spend so muc...

I just had that light bulb moment! Sooo I always say, oh no I don’t work In practice full time anymore as I spend so much time teaching. Well I just counted up my so called part time veterinary work. 40 hours per week 🤣 I think I have workaholic issues! I push out 80+ hours per week with teaching on top like it’s normal! Oh dear 😅

No wonder I’m often tired! I guess when you love what you do, you don’t realise how much you are actually doing!

CANINE & FELINE EAR DISEASE WEBINAR!Itchy ears, chronic ear infections, preventing ear infections, what causes an ear in...


Itchy ears, chronic ear infections, preventing ear infections, what causes an ear infection! I’ll be covering it all. It’ll likely be 7-10pm as there is a lot to cover! But it will be recorded. And there will be time for plenty of questions.

We will look at nutrition, environment, and lifestyle. How can you recognise, help, and prevent.

Here is the link to book via PayPal or card:

Today has been a success!! I have managed to have TIME. Time to discuss at length how to improve their wonderful pets we...

Today has been a success!! I have managed to have TIME. Time to discuss at length how to improve their wonderful pets wellbeing, time to ask questions and discuss things to put into place, time to make sure the owners are on board, and time to make a difference.

I called clients of mine from a few days ago to make sure their pets chronic skin and/or ear condition had improved. A big fat 3 out of 3 were a yes. I treated/managed 5 (yes a MASSIVE 5) dementia cats and dogs and started arthritis treatment for 3 cats and 1 dog who’ll sleep well tonight as they’ll be comfortable at last. My treatment isn’t just medication, there’s so much more!

I shall sleep tonight knowing that I had the time to do this. The time to put my heart and soul into each and every consult, and I hope I’ve bought more time and of course quality of life to those wonderful pets.

Everyday I dream of my own practice, I have a plan for the ultimate clinic. Perhaps one day…

Canine and feline dementia! I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for joining me.Also I am so so so sorry, it seems a coup...

Canine and feline dementia! I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for joining me.

Also I am so so so sorry, it seems a couple of you couldn’t get the link to work. I don’t know what happened there. Please do accept my deepest apologies, I feel awful and promise to have the recording to you asap ❤️

I’m going to SHOUT about these webinars. Professional dog walkers, and those who walk their dogs.https://www.animallovep...

I’m going to SHOUT about these webinars. Professional dog walkers, and those who walk their dogs.

These webinars are so informative! Not just from a teaching you info point of view but practical! Stuff you can do to improve your dogs health. AND… they each come with their own certificate. Please don’t think it’s cheap it must be basic, it’s not. I keep it cheap so that you have the opportunity to learn more and to help your pet and those you care for.

NEW WEBINAR! CANINE AND FELINE EAR DISEASE!Oops I did it again, I’ve added another fabulous webinar to help you if you p...


Oops I did it again, I’ve added another fabulous webinar to help you if you pet is scratching those ears!

So much to share to make a difference, as that’s my aim! I want to help you to help your pet or those you care for ❤️

Booking link is:

If you cannot make the date don’t worry! It’ll be recorded so you can watch. Those who book can also rewatch. Pause, make notes, and take all the information in.

FIRST SESSION MONDAY, still time to book your space ❤️Next Canine health & first aid via zoom is September 9th and 16th....

FIRST SESSION MONDAY, still time to book your space ❤️

Next Canine health & first aid via zoom is September 9th and 16th.

Plenty of time to ask questions, it doesn’t matter if we run over. And it’s all recorded in case you miss anything.

Only £35 for the both sessions.

Here is the booking link:

I used to hate skin as a vet, but now I love helping these itchy cases. My consults are like 10 hours long, and I send t...

I used to hate skin as a vet, but now I love helping these itchy cases. My consults are like 10 hours long, and I send the owner home with a silly list of things to do and supplements/topical treatments to buy! But the energy I put into these consults is worth it!!

Bathing an itchy dog is one part of solving the problem! I presented a skin webinar this year aimed at dog groomers, but absolutely essential for itchy dog owners!

The link to watch this important information is here:

Just when I thought I’d popped all the canine health and first aid classroom dates on the site, well I’ve added Nottingh...

Just when I thought I’d popped all the canine health and first aid classroom dates on the site, well I’ve added Nottingham and Surrey! Hopefully plenty of locations to suit pet owners and pet professionals.

Have yours brains dusted off, pens at the ready, gory sensitivity to a minimum, and questions ready! This is a full day and full on course!

Here is the link to see more and book:


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