Everyone is welcome, this is a safe space to talk and to listen.
After a busy day writing ceremonies, I really appreciated the beautiful evening skies.
#lammas #endoftheday #beautifulskies #mydailywalk #salisburycelebrant
After a busy day writing, I really appreciated beautiful skies this evening.
#beautifulskies #endoftheday #highsummer #lammas
Beautiful midsummer- happy Summer Solstice
It’s a beautiful summer’s day, so I took a few moments away from my writing and went for a wander down my garden. I hope you enjoy it too.
Happy Anniversary Emily and Jordan- the best of days ###
Starting the day with my cat Mali.
Everyone who is living alone at the moment will understand the joy our dearly loved creatures give us.
So I thought I would share a bit of silliness to cheer your day.
I am fortunate to live where there is a wonderful community spirit.
This snowball duel is not very well recorded (my apologies) but I am sharing it because I realise that the snow has brought back a sense of fun and laughter to us all.
We are lucky in that it was only a light fall of snow that hasn't brought any hardship, just a few hours where we all had the chance to play.
#happiness #snowballfight #laughterisgoodforthesoul
My brother Jon requested 'To Autumn ' by John Keats- a beautiful poem at any time of the year.
Here's to you dear brother !
Thank you to everyone who has shown their appreciation of my poetry readings.
If you would like to request a poem, I am still very happy to do so but I won't be reading one every day.
I thought I would finish with a recording of birdsong in local woods.
Sonnet 17 by Pablo Neruda
I am reading today's poem in celebration. A year ago my darling daughter Emily and Jordan became engaged. I couldn't be happier and send them both my love.
Finally my sense of humour (or is it the isolation?) has got to me
Today's poem
Invictus: The Unconquerable by William Ernest Henley