This! 👌🐾💜
*** Unpopular Opinion ***
I have been an animal behaviour professional for 25 years. In the time I have been working with dogs I have been seeing an increasing and alarming trend towards more and more people placing more and more human burdens onto companion animals.
I will begin this post by making it clear that I think therapy animals can and do have a place in our difficult world and that there is no doubt in my mind that the contribution to better human welfare is tremendous. I am on the preferred trainer list for one of the legitimate organizations and do take training jobs to assist people training dogs for these roles BUT I have strict criteria around who I will and who I will not take on as a client.
Why? Because I am seeing too many people who can clearly and in great detail tell me what they want, what the dog needs to do, what they must have. What is decreasing is the conversation around the needs for the dogs emotional welfare. I have had some people get very annoyed when I suggest something they are doing is unfair on the dog.
I watched a clip of a woman having a heartbreaking psychiatric episode. It was tough to watch this incredible level of suffering. What was also tough to watch was the dog being sent in to make her feel better. The dog was overwhelmed, and highly stressed. The comments on the clip were predominantly positive. "What an amazing dog, he knows how to soothe this poor lady, look what he did for her" and more along the same lines.
That clip hurt my heart. It was just so sad to see a dog being thrown a human problem and suffering for it. When did we decide animals have to fix everything for us? When did it become ok to throw all our difficulties in their laps?
I have no issues with dogs helping humans cope provided the dogs welfare is also a priority. I think these dogs make many difficult things better. I know I have an undercover therapy dog who makes bad days better. I suffer from depression so I am very conscious of the toll that can take on my animals. At times I will actively add some fun to combat the burden of heavy days on them.
Like so many things this has become big business. Dollars to be made. I have refused one business my services when they approached me because they insist the handler can use whatever training tools they want. No. If you want to legitimately train up one of these dogs you don't do it under duress. You work with a dog who is happy to do it
Some dogs aren't suited for these roles. I had one lady change dogs three times. I would have been happy to help her select an appropriate dog.
I have had someone keep a dog tethered because they didn't have fencing around their yard. The dog was becoming problematic because her basic needs were not being met.
Training your own dog takes a lot of work. It doesn't just magic happen. You can't just select a suitable breed and hope it just takes. It won't. I know a wonderful breeder who has had a dog chosen for the role but not trained, then returned for displaying normal puppy behaviour.
We must not stop considering animal welfare. It's not just about what we want and nor should it be. Best mates should be treated as our best mate and that means meeting their emotional needs too.