What is on my mind Facebook asks.
I’ve been staring at the three dots struggling to find the words I want to say without swearing.
As someone who has been in the cat rescue world for more years than I care to think about, it’s getting worse.
Just this week I know of at least 6 young mama cats who have died due to the sheer depletion of nutrients and energy due to continuous breeding back to back.
This doesn’t happen overnight or even over a week. This is exploitation and neglect.
The owners of these cats just reach out to rescue and expect us to care for orphaned kittens and severely malnourished mothers left right and centre and spend OUR money to do so.
All the money from previous, sold litters obviously didn’t go to the health and wellbeing of the poor mothers and of course they can’t give a donation towards the care because they are skint or they simply “gave away” the kittens.
What are we meant to do?
Say no?
Magic the vet bill money out of thin air?
When rescues say no what happens to the kittens? I can tell you, they are abandoned at vets, shelters, schools, community centres and then we have to do something out of compassion.
What if we all started saying no?
Would the government finally start to pay attention? 
The UK is now overrun and rescues are overwhelmed.
People are not listening to the message to neuter asap.
Females can get pregnant from 4 months old for crying out loud and by the time they are 2 years old they will have had 8-9 litters of kittens. That’s 36 kittens on average and if we estimate that half of them are female, then in those same 2 years they are breeding too.
Get the message.
Rescue people are getting burnt out, they spend all their free time/family time and money on animals that are not theirs.
And yet people EXPECT rescue like it’s a god damn right!
We hear,
“I want her to experience being a mother!”
“I want my kids to experience the miracle of life”
“I love kittens”
“I want to keep all of the kittens/ I have homes for all of the kittens”
We want to scream.
Your cat couldn’t give two hoots about being a mother, if you want your kids to experience the miracle of life have another crotch goblin and let them watch YOU give birth, great you love kittens, volunteer at a rescue and help socialise them or adopt a pair, you have homes for kittens? Great we are overloaded! Pass along their details!
Neuter your pets. NEUTER YOUR PETS!!!