Red Alpha Canine - Dog Training

Red Alpha Canine - Dog Training Sheffield based dog training with knowledge and skills to help you achieve a happy, healthy companion

Dog Training and Nutrition

£ Price ranging depending on needs.£

�Nutritional advice and diet plans offered.

� Conditioning sessions using a range of equipment such as flirt pole, spring pole, treadmill, agility equipment ect.

�Dog Training & Behaviour Management

�Taking a calm and patient approach to finding solutions with dog behaviour problems. Dealing with issues such as;

Pulling on the l


Walking to heel

Basic commands - Sit/Stay/Down

Puppy training

Bad recall

Jumping up

Biting and mouthing

Excessive barking

Hyper activity


Dog aggression

Aggression towards people

Food Aggression

Possession Aggression

Separation anxiety



This lovely collie came to see me for pulling and reactivity whilst on the lead. I caught the video a bit late but you can still see Jett lunging and pulling towards our young pup at the start of the session.

We got right into it and once we nailed the lead technique it was all about repeating the process until Jett understood what was expected of him. He responded really well to a high value treat so we pushed his food drive to get him to a good point of checking in with his owner when he saw another dog and by the end of his hour session he was great at ignoring any distractions. Well done Jett 🙌

Nova & Hunter... What a great session with these two! Both of the dogs owners are sisters who want to start being able t...

Nova & Hunter...

What a great session with these two! Both of the dogs owners are sisters who want to start being able to walk their dogs and just generally mix them together. They have both attended basic one to one training with me separately before and have both been fine until Hunter was attacked by another dog and this made him nervous and reactive.

Because of the reactivity from Hunter and the assertive nature of Nova they have avoided bringing the dogs together but since Nova is staying with me for residential training we decided to rope Hunter in and hold a merged session to familiarize the dogs with each other in a controlled manner. By introducing them slowly and respectfully both dogs behaved amazingly and I'm more than confident that their owners will now be able to continue to work on blending the relationship safely!

Instagram vs Reality 📸 .... Don't you feel as though we are constantly putting too much pressure on ourselves and our do...

Instagram vs Reality 📸 ....

Don't you feel as though we are constantly putting too much pressure on ourselves and our dogs? It is so easy in today's society to feel the pressure of social media when you're constantly seeing three minute videos of a dog behaving immaculately, fully engaged with their handler and ignoring all outside distractions and walking like a show pony.


You have to remember that to make that three minute video the dog and their handler will have worked hours, days, weeks and months to achieve it. For their dog to act that way it's taken time, effort and consistency over a long period of time. Be kind to yourself and set more realistic goals to achieve with your dog.

I spent a good ten minutes getting a decent photo of our dogs because no dog or owner is perfect and the dogs do get distracted but social media doesn't show us the failed attempts or the consistency behind the end result!

Reggie....We worked with this handsome lad a few years ago now so it's really touching that his owner is a repeat custom...


We worked with this handsome lad a few years ago now so it's really touching that his owner is a repeat customer! We held a refresher session as Reggie seems to have slipped back into some bad reactivity habits which his owner wants to work through.

We focused a lot on lead techniques and the timing of when to praise and when to move forward with the walk as both signals hold a lot of influence over the behavior. Reggie absolutely smashed it and soon fell back into the training rhythm! I can't wait to work with him again on his residential, which is coming up soon!

We have said this before but we're going to say it again. 👇As much as we are here to help you and your dog/s, we unfortu...

We have said this before but we're going to say it again. 👇

As much as we are here to help you and your dog/s, we unfortunately don't have a magic wand that will solve all the issues you're currently having by coming to me for an hours session and not putting into practice what you've learnt at home. Some issues dogs have, especially behavioural, take time and a slower approach and if you as the dogs owners don't continue the training and techniques you have learnt with me at home then nothing will ever improve. I can only do so much in the time your dog is with me. If you also continuously rearrange, don't show up or only attend one or two sessions then the lack of improvement is on you not us. Refresher sessions are important to reaffirm the structure and boundaries your setting with your dog to ensure they don't slip back into bad habits. We need to remember that training should be carried out throughout our dogs life, not just in a bad patch.

We have said it before and will say it again: consistency is key and you will get out of your dog what you put into it. If you put the time, effort, love and EXERCISE into your dog you will get that back 100x over! I will give you 110% during your training session but you have to do the same away from training or there is no point in coming.

On a lighter note we're ready to begin another busy week! Thank you for your continued support 😁👍

A bit of family bonding after work the other day. We always get our kids involved whenever we can and we'd always encour...

A bit of family bonding after work the other day. We always get our kids involved whenever we can and we'd always encourage other families too as well 👌

By involving the kids they are leaning to respect the dogs and vice versa. Our kids can walk our dogs without them being pulled over because our dogs respect them enough to not pull, our kids can put our dogs food bowls down and the dogs will wait until they are told "go", they can play tug with the dogs without being dragged all over the garden because of the mutual respect and boundaries that have been built between them. Has it been easy, no. Has it been worth it, yes.

I think it's all too easy sometimes to keep the kids and dog separate because then you only have to concentrate on one at a time or its more convenient if you feed/ walk your dog yourself. But the segregation you unknowingly create is where the problems start because neither the child or dog knows how to act around each other. When you have 5 minutes supervise a play session or get the kids to help you put the dogs bowl down, it will benefit your household in the long run 🐾


A lot of the customers who bring their dogs to me with food intolerances that present as skin and digestive issues come back to me after their transition period and say that they've noticed their dog is also now calmer, more relaxed and able to focus. A change they weren't expecting but have welcomed happily!

There is a direct link between behavior and food and given the relationship between the gut and brain it makes sense that we can sometimes see behavioural issues - reactivity, anxiety, irritability and even aggression, when dealing with food intolerances. Sometimes dogs will have all three issues; skin, digestion and behaviour, but this is not always the case, just like humans all dogs are different and their intolerance side effect may just show as behavioral issues especially if the dog is also on certain medications too.

Since it's not as well known to associate behavior with diet, it often gets missed. It doesn't matter what diet your dogs on raw, kibble, freeze dried all diets can trigger an intolerance or allergy. By potentially starting with an elimination diet and slowly building up to a balanced diet you can make a positive impact on your dog's health. Good nutrition and working with a knowledgeable trainer helps set your dog up for success!! Beth ✨

Pocket Rocket Winnie....Firstly we love working with any bully they have the sweetest nature and are so eager to please!...

Pocket Rocket Winnie....

Firstly we love working with any bully they have the sweetest nature and are so eager to please! As always the reason I am working with Winnie is down to her lead manners, the majority of bullys are notorious pullers and Winnie is no different.

We made amazing progress and she got the hang of walking correctly in no time! The next time you see her she'll be attending one of our group sessions as we'll be testing her resilience and seeing if she can maintain her lead manners when around stimulation.

🌞Group Socialisation🌞What a glorious Saturday! Just a reminder that we hold these sessions every other week to help dese...

🌞Group Socialisation🌞

What a glorious Saturday! Just a reminder that we hold these sessions every other week to help desensitize your dogs to crowds while also teaching them to socialize politely.

We have a lot of reactivity cases on a weekly basis, but I just wanted to explain how reactivity is commonly confused with aggression even though a reactive dog is not always aggressive and an aggressive dog is not always reactive. Many dogs that are reactive overreact to certain situations and fear is typically the driving force.

Lead-reactive dogs tend to growl, bark, and lunge toward things that make them nervous or fearful. They display these behaviors to try to prevent a fight by making the threat go away or by increasing the distance between themselves and the threat. People with reactive dogs need to build their confidence by working through the issues instead of being made to feel self conscious which is the sole purpose for this weekly group session because a little understanding goes a long way! Please private message us for more information but please note only clients known to us can book on for this type of session 🙌🐾

💥Thanks for the stunning photos 💥

Eva...You have to appreciate miniature schnauzers, they're such a big personality in such a small package! Just like the...


You have to appreciate miniature schnauzers, they're such a big personality in such a small package! Just like the other schnauzers I have worked with, Eva also has reactivity issues that her owner would like to work on. I feel it's always important to look into the breed history and what they were originally used for in work and what are the breed traits, do they correlate with the issues you're currently facing?

Schnauzers are typically known to have a bright and vigilant temperament so they tend to be quite vocal and make for good watchdogs because they’re wary of strangers so it comes as no surprise that this breed can be reactive because it's a natural response for them to be alert. Knowing this we played to her strengths setting Eva up for a successful training journey and she made a fantastic start!

Luna....Another lovely Shepard who is currently working on her reactivity with us. We have been focusing on upping her t...


Another lovely Shepard who is currently working on her reactivity with us. We have been focusing on upping her toy drive to improve her focus on her owners, which has helped her come on leaps and bounds with the rest of her training, especially her recall and lead manners around other dogs and environmental stimulations!

Going forward Luna will be attending our group sessions to keep her progressing at a nice pace and helping to bridge her reactivity to better socialising. Luna is quite a dominant bitch so our structured socialising will really help to create good boundaries and manners moving forward.

A Few From This Weekend _&_ FAQ's 🙌We have been receiving a lot of messages regarding our structured group socialising s...

A Few From This Weekend _&_ FAQ's 🙌

We have been receiving a lot of messages regarding our structured group socialising session on Saturdays, so I thought I'd clear some of the frequently asked questions up;

✨ Yes you are required to have a one to one session with us prior to attending this particular group session. This is so we can meet yours and your dogs needs during the session as well as getting a gauge on whether or not the group session will overwhelm your dog which could create more damage in the long run if they are just thrown into this type of group setting. We also need to ensure you can control your dog to maintain everyone's safety.

✨ We would definitely advise you to wear suitable clothes and footwear - preferably no white trainers 🙈

✨Many different breeds, old and young, male and female attend these sessions and for many different reasons some are reactive, some are anxious, some are fearful, some are over excitable and some are unsure on how to communicate with other dogs all of which is fine and none of which will be judged by anyone attending.

✨ If you're already known to us all you have to do is message us to book onto these sessions. If you'd like to book a one to one so these sessions become open to you for booking then pm us.

✨ If you're a multi dog household then of course all the dogs are welcome!

✨ Well behaved spouses and/ or children are also welcome to attend training sessions with you - the more you all work together consistently the better results you will achieve!

You've got to love a frenchie.....Frenchies are well known for their big personalities and can need a fair amount of tra...

You've got to love a frenchie.....

Frenchies are well known for their big personalities and can need a fair amount of training to make them civilized companions. They can be stubborn, but with proper motivation (aka food) they will generally ensure their cooperation 😂

Some dogs however need that little bit more encouragement especially when bridging the final parts of training and this handsome fella was no different. His owner had contacted us with aggression concerns towards other dogs and people so we have really honed in over the last few sessions on specific socialisation and exposure to environmental stimulus. Cannot fault his progression, he's been doing brilliantly with minimal outbursts👏

Trixie....This little lass has a big personality and can be very vocal when interacting with other dogs, like many other...


This little lass has a big personality and can be very vocal when interacting with other dogs, like many other Dachshund's I have worked with and are currently working with.

We've been working hard on her basic obedience, coupling it up with good amounts of social and environmental exposure as Trixie can be selectively reactive towards strangers, but we have managed to make great progress so far. Our next job on the list is to work on her barking whilst traveling in the car, this can be a massive trigger for many dogs but I'm looking forward to seeing how she overcomes this hurdle too!

Structured Socialisation 30/03/2024... These are one of my favorite sessions of the week! We have dogs ranging in size, ...

Structured Socialisation 30/03/2024...

These are one of my favorite sessions of the week! We have dogs ranging in size, age, breed and issues but they all come together to help one and other progress.

These sessions are also amazing for owners giving them the confidence to work with the dog without the fear of judgement because their dog is barking.

Bella...A little Frenchie with a big personality! We have been working with Bella to help curb her dog and sporadic huma...


A little Frenchie with a big personality! We have been working with Bella to help curb her dog and sporadic human reactivity. As a rescue Bella already had established behavioral issues and so we take the training a little slower and at her own pace so we can make progression without overwhelming her.

Over the last few sessions we have been helping Bella and her owners to bridge that gap of positive socialisation and showing her how to interact with others in a calm and respectful manner. Slowly we have been pushing her threshold and getting her closer to other dogs every time and her progress has been amazing 🙌🖤

Where People Often Go Wrong When Training Recall... Buckle in because this is a lengthy but helpful read! As I was worki...

Where People Often Go Wrong When Training Recall...

Buckle in because this is a lengthy but helpful read! As I was working with Bandit the GSD on his recall I thought some basic tips would help a lot of other owners who are also struggling.

💥Shouting their dog and then going home every time they come back;

So many times the only time owners call their dog back is when they are going home. If you were out with your mates and you know that when your name is called out it means the fun is over, would you be in a hurry to rush back? Make sure you call your dog back to you and reward them for their return, then allow them to go off and play again. Don’t stick to the same number of times you call and release them either otherwise they’ll catch on. You want to keep them coming back in anticipation of good things so a high value treat is a must.

💥Not making it worthwhile to return to you;

The thing to remember is that dogs like to sniff and explore the world around them, so if you do have an independent dog that likes to take off on an adventure you need to make sure that even when they are off living their best life the reward they are going to get from you is even better than what they are doing at that time. Dogs do things to better their situation, so we need to be far more interesting and exciting than anything else that is going on. This is why understanding what motivates your dog is so important and taking a few different levels of reward with you if you have a dog that is particularly tough to get the attention of. Even the best of dogs will still need a bit of extra encouragement at times when the attraction away from you is very strong.

💥Owners that are teaching their dog to ignore them;

Never allow your dog to keep ignoring you as you call their name over and over again, you are essentially poisoning that word, making it useless within your training and this is teaching them the wrong behaviour which we do not want to reinforce.

💥Punishing your dog upon its return;

I understand you may have been frustrated or embarrassed about calling your dog a hundred times before they finally make their way back to you, so shouting at them, putting on the lead and dragging them out of the park may be a natural instinct to some. However, it is up to you to ensure you don’t put yourself or your dog in the position of ignoring you all of those times. By punishing them when they finally do return, they are going to associate the punishment with the return and this will make the recall training more difficult. Of course you don’t need to praise their slow wander over if they do usually have a good recall. Instead, give them an alternative command, such as a “sit” and reward that before putting them on lead.

Remember, recall training is a consistent bit of training that takes time and something you will continually work on with your dog for the rest of their lives and starting off with a long line is a must.


We love an English Bull Terrier 🙌

Ozzy is working with us to tackle his pulling and disengagement on the lead as well as aggression with strangers. Imagine how proud I was to receive these videos of his owner walking beautifully with a loose lead and to watch them both enjoy their walk!

We've stripped it all back to basics with Ozzy and will be working up towards a healthy socialisation process for him to be around strangers but he's made wonderful progress in such a short space of time with his lead manners! Well done Ozzy 👏

Thor...We've been working on this fluffy lads reactivity issues and he's been improving day by day. Thor is now able to ...


We've been working on this fluffy lads reactivity issues and he's been improving day by day. Thor is now able to walk his normal route, which is full of stimulus and distractions, without reacting and this is building his and his owners confidence massively!

We stepped it up over the weekend and thor attended his first group session with us to push his progression that little bit further and he was amazing, he did not react once! Well done Thor!!

Fergus....We had our first session with this handsome lad last week and it went extremely well. He had come to us as his...


We had our first session with this handsome lad last week and it went extremely well. He had come to us as his owner was struggling on walks due to his pulling, Fergus didn't care if his owner was being dragged behind him down the street, he was happy just doing his own thing! But in reality this behaviour though it seems innocent can be quite dangerous for not only on the dogs and owners physical health but also because there's no control around traffic and other dogs, ect.

Fergus absolutely smashed his session and engaged with us really well! Definitely looking forward to seeing his progress over the next couple of weeks 👌

Bobby...This may be controversial but cocker spaniels have the ability to be the best trained, well rounded dog who are ...


This may be controversial but cocker spaniels have the ability to be the best trained, well rounded dog who are with you in a whistle or an absolute hyperactive nightmare that has selective hearing, pulls like a train and has a similar attitude to a teenage girl - snappy and stroppy 🙈😂

While we like working with both of the above versions of a cocker it was extremely refreshing to work with Bobby who was extremely eager to please but just needed a little more guidance!

He came to work on his lead manners and his recall and as soon as we started he switched onto work mode immediately showing his breed intelligence!! Bobby's behaviour hadn't gotten out of hand like many other dogs I have worked with and you could really see the work his owners had already put into him which helps training progress massively. Genuinely couldn't have asked for a better dog to work with 🙌

Thor....He is by far the happiest dog I've ever met and is over excited by everyone and everything and because of this h...


He is by far the happiest dog I've ever met and is over excited by everyone and everything and because of this he was pulling like a train to say hello to everyone.

Our sessions so far have been working towards helping Thor to control his excitement and concentrate on walking with a loose lead. Of course we don't want him to change and maintain his happy personality so he still gets to meet and greet with a big fuss reward but he's also understanding there's a time and a place for this and to follow his owners guidance instead of pulling to achieve the belly rub! Thor's absolutely smashing it and is continuing to work extremely hard to please his owners like the good boy he is 🙌

Walter...We can't help but love working with boisterous bulldogs!  We have been working with Walter to help deal with hi...


We can't help but love working with boisterous bulldogs! We have been working with Walter to help deal with his inability to switch off and his mouthy nature. He is a very high drive dog and is constantly on the go making walks difficult as he often reacts.

We showed different ways to help tire Walter out while engaging with him in a way all the family can join in and that will help build a good respectful relationship. It's imperative to form a good line of communication between yourself and your dog both inside the house and outside because they go hand in glove and if you start at home it helps solidify your boundaries while out waking too!

Joe....What a handsome red lab! This session was all about the basics! Reaffirming good lead manners so we get then conc...


What a handsome red lab! This session was all about the basics! Reaffirming good lead manners so we get then concentrate on his recall during his next session.

Recall training can always be a bit nerve wracking for owners but off lead running is so important on your dogs mental and physical well-being.

That being said while recall training you should always ensure it is carried out in a controlled manner, initially using a long line while building a good line of communication between you and your dog with plenty of verbal and high value food rewards to help build a good foundation of training! All dogs can achieve good recall if the work is put into them and they all deserve some freedom to run and do their thing 💯

Lovely Bella...This little Frenchie came to work with me for  her possession aggression around her owner and their child...

Lovely Bella...

This little Frenchie came to work with me for her possession aggression around her owner and their child's pram as it were becoming quite a problem!

Possession aggression is also referred to as "food aggression" or "resource guarding." If your dog has this problem, it may growl, lunge, snap, or bite to protect a resource, such as food, toys, beds, or in some cases their people from being taken away by another dog or person. This is their way of saying, "Pi** off! This is mine!" and in all honesty we see this behaviour frequently it's just that some dogs may be more subtle when claiming something.

The session was mostly focused on desensitizing her to new people and surroundings and showing her owner how to take the lead in these situations, preventing Bella from making the decisions. She did absolutely amazing!

How stunning is Asta! She is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, a breed you don't see very often but is an absolute d...

How stunning is Asta! She is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, a breed you don't see very often but is an absolute delight to work with as they are naturally eager to please and are super intelligent!

Asta was displaying selective reactivity towards unknown dogs, mostly while on the lead but she remains neutral when she is off lead. This is one of the most common behavioural issues we tend to work with, especially with naturally aloof breeds.

She absolutely smashed her first session which we focused on structured socialising and maintaining focus with her owner rather than her surroundings! Asta did so well and has continued to progress at home so is now going to attend our group sessions to help her and her owner really solidify her new skills.







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