MeeraPuppins Puppy Training

MeeraPuppins Puppy Training Accredited Puppy Trainer - Sheffield, Yorkshire
Author of Practically Perfect Puppy & Other Lies Welcome to Meera Puppins - Sheffield puppy training specialist.

My mission is to help you to positively train, safely socialise and confidently raise your puppy to be practically perfect! I offer 121 training sessions that take place at your home or local area, and small-group fun and friendly puppy classes.

2 weeks to find Lucky her forever home!Can you help?

2 weeks to find Lucky her forever home!
Can you help?


For a dog named Lucky, this gorgeous senior staffy is probably not feeling lucky right about now!

Lucky was the loyal companion of her homeless dad for 11 years before being abandoned at our London Victoria Hospital. We do not have all the details as to why, after all this time, he felt he could no longer look after her…but she was, and still is, devastated to have been parted from him.

The hospital held onto her for a few days, as this wasn’t the first time he had tried to abandon her in recent weeks, and they hoped that he would return…but when he refused to come back for her, she was officially signed into Blue Crosses care.

Sadly, she did not cope well in kennels and was howling, whining and barking constantly. She was a lost soul, and after years of living on the streets and roaming freely with her dad, it was a shock to the system to have been restricted to kennel life.

The hospital put out an urgent plea to all the Blue Cross branches for emergency foster space and we couldn’t turn our backs to her. She arrived in our care the next day.

Lucky went into foster with one of our amazing foster families, with two young children, and has brilliant with them from day dot. What she wasn’t so brilliant with though, was adjusting to home life.

Having never had stability in her life, in and out of hostels and living on the streets with her dad, being in a home environment was overwhelming and Lucky took several days to settle. Pacing around the house constantly, whining and barking, searching for her dad and not knowing what to do with herself.

We were genuinely concerned for her welfare, and whether, at her age, she would be able to make the transition…but we are now a week in and she has finally cracked it! The only problem is we only have two weeks to find her a home!

Lucky’s foster family goes on holiday in two weeks, and we have no other foster availability to move her. Putting her back into kennels is out of the question, as this will set her back so much and cause her an unnecessary amount of distress. We can’t bare the thought of putting her through that…

So, we are pleading with you. Through the power of social media, we find Lucky her perfect home. Her forever home. Her final home. Somewhere that she will be able to settle, have stability, receive all the love she is missing from her dad and rest her tired, old bones.

Some may say she’s too old, why bother? Lucky’s spirit is as vibrant as ever, she is an absolute joy and everyone to have met her so far has just melted just looking at her. She wants to live, and she wants to be loved. She will bring such warmth and joy to her adoptive family.

She doesn’t want much. She enjoys the simple pleasures in life, slow walks through the park and playing with her toys…and most importantly, human companionship. She will 100% be sleeping in your bed with you, don’t think for a minute that this is optional! She wants to be as close to you as possible!

Lucky is looking for a loving home to live out the rest of her golden years, with short regular walks (due to her arthritis) and where someone is around most of the time.

She has really struggled with all the change that has occurred in the last two weeks, so will need someone who is prepared to support her, be patient and kind with her as she learns how to be a proper house dog…though she is fully house trained, which is a bonus!

Lucky will require ongoing medication for her arthritis and is currently on anti-anxiety medication to help with all the change. This will need to be continued in the new home until she is fully transitioned and settled. Lucky is a social and affectionate dog, and is very passive and respectful with other dogs, so could live with another calm older dog in her new home, pending successful introductions at the centre.

If you think you could be the one to give Lucky her forever home, please apply via our website here:

Or, if you haven’t got the perfect home for her, please share this post far and wide…the right home is out there for her, and we’re determined to find it! We have two weeks to do it, and we’re hopeful that with your help we will see Lucky into her perfect home in no time at all!

Make better choices or risk extinction!If only Hawaiian monk seals could read, so they would get this memo.Getting an ee...

Make better choices or risk extinction!

If only Hawaiian monk seals could read, so they would get this memo.

Getting an eel stuck up your nose definitely seems like a difficult problem to resolve, especially if you don't have opposable thumbs.

It's even more of a problem when no one knows how the eels got stuck up there in the first place!

Scientists want the seals to make better choices - but how? How do they make better choices? What if you think you're making a good choice, and then you end up with a rotting fish dangling out of your nose?!

Earlier this week I was speaking with someone who thought they had made a good choice, but could have made a better one.

They told me that their puppy was scared of children. They'd been working with a behaviourist but weren't making much progress.

I asked them how they knew that their puppy was scared of children.

And you know what? They didn't.
They didn't have a clue, and couldn't answer my question.

The behaviourist had set them up with loads of training protocols and exercises, but had failed to ask (in my opinion) this really important question.

It happens all the time when we're faced with a puppy problem.
We tend to immediately jump to training or behaviour, rather than thinking about what we know about our puppy, what they might be feeling and how we could support them intuitively.

More often than not, we think we only have two choices:
Quick! Let's get booked onto puppy classes!
Hurry up, we've got to socialise the puppy!

We start with the problem, and we work backwards.
Isn't it time we started making better choices?

At Meera Puppins, I focus on relationship first, training second. I'm not going to do any training with you until your puppy feels safe, secure and happy & you feel less frustrated / annoyed / resentful of your pup - yes I said it out loud, and no, I'm not judging you.

Your relationship with your puppy will shape your training more than a class, trainer or behaviourist ever will.
It's time to make better choices.

And if you're struggling or stuck, maybe I can help you... (unless you've managed to get an eel stuck up your nose, in which case, you're on your own).

"Even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat." - Lily Tomlin.Everyone has a story about how they ended up working w...

"Even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat." - Lily Tomlin.

Everyone has a story about how they ended up working with puppies/dogs - here's mine!

In August 2019, I quit the rat race. At this point in my career, I'd been working in corporate for far too long. I'd already taken a leap of faith and retrained as a digital marketer, with the dream of finding a marketing job at a dog-friendly office in London (yes, they do exist!)

I'd already successfully held down fancy pants (aka. briefcase w**ker) jobs in Madrid and London. At the highest-flying point of my career, I was the Editor of the Equities department for an international brokerage in Madrid. Then I was one half of the in-house translation team for a Spanish bank in London.

But, to be honest, I was permanently exhausted from playing catch-up in a race that I didn’t want to be part of. After going through some crap stuff in my personal life, I realised that I didn’t want desk life to be my real life.

It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do. I dabbled in dog walking. I worked for a few different veterinary practices. Studied dog care with Compass and got myself a Diploma. For a while, I only worked with rescue and reactive dogs.

Then we were all plunged into post-pandemic puppy chaos, and I threw my hat into this particular ring. I decided to take my next steps much more seriously, and niched to puppy training.

Fast forward to now, I’m so proud to be a puppy training specialist – I adore what I do, and I do it really well.
I’m still thrilled to have passed my IMDT exams, and to be an accredited trainer.
Last year, I became an author when I published Practically Perfect Puppy & Other Lies.

This year, I was offered the opportunity to be an expert, guest puppy writer for Butternut Box and I landed my “I’m so happy to go to work every day” job at Blue Cross Sheffield Rehoming and Advice Unit .

None of this would have happened or started, without quitting everything else first.

I dunno if I’ll ever win the rat race, but that’s cause I’m more of a happy turtle now – pleased to be doing what I want, at my own pace!

📸 Table Mountain - in completely inappropriate footwear. I was in the process of setting up my own dog walking business, and just a little bit happy about it ;)

Golden Ticket Winners - where are you?!Guys - something weird has happened! and I have been busy sending out copies of t...

Golden Ticket Winners - where are you?!

Guys - something weird has happened!

and I have been busy sending out copies of the Steel City Puppy Gazette, yet no Golden Ticket winners have come forward to claim their prizes?!

This is really weird!

Just to make things really clear, swipe to the next photo, and if your copy of the Gazette looks like the photo on p.3 of the newsletter, this means you have WON A GOLDEN TICKET! and you need to get in touch with us!

There's information on how to do that within the newsletter.

Jinks has handed out copies with purchases made at

There are copies available for you at in Hillsborough and at Hagglers Corner.

I've also been posting out copies to clients & prospects.

There are 5 winning tickets hidden inside 5 copies, have we hidden them a bit too well? Cause this is all getting a bit Stranger Things now!

P.S. Please note that it was very difficult to draw the big pink arrow without making it look like a w***y. To show your appreciation for my infantile drawing skills & childish humour, please share / like this post & help us find the Golden Ticket winners!

April Fool or April Fish?No one really knows the origins of April Fool's Day, there's loads of different theories and id...

April Fool or April Fish?

No one really knows the origins of April Fool's Day, there's loads of different theories and ideas.

In medieval France, Charles IX decided to implement a new calendar, which said that the new year started on January 1st, instead of March 25th. This is because New Year celebrations typically lasted for a week, ending on April 1st.

However not everyone was trés jolie about it, and some people refused to get on board with the new calendar.

On April 1st, the story goes that those people who stuck to tradition, and refused to move with the times (pun absolutely intended) were subject to jokes and pranks on April 1st.
This included sticking paper fish to their backs - to symbolise how foolish they were being.

This tradition still exists in France - although I guess people have figured out how to do the fish thing with QR codes or AI now!

You know what else is a foolish thing to do?

Waiting to book your puppy in for training.

This is a common mistake that lots of puppy owners make - justifying it by saying things like "it's ok, he's just a puppy."
"I thought it was normal for puppies to eat the furniture / jump up at people."
or "I'm sure he / she will grow out of it."

Nuh uh!
Don't be an April're not going to get caught out, are you?
Because can you guess what happens if you wait around too long?

Your puppy gets lots of time to practice the things that drive you mad, and more often than not, they get really good at it!
Then before you know it, it's become a habit, your training isn't working, and you've got a teenage / adult dog who is still toileting in the house, not listening to you on walks, still pulling on their lead, still jumping up or nipping!

If you wait too long, by the time you're ready to book some training, it's going to take you a lot longer, and likely be more expensive, to resolve your puppy training troubles.

As an accredited puppy training specialist, there's a few different ways I can help you.

If you're struggling with where to start, or ready for me to support you, have a peek at the link in the first comment...

"Straightforward, reassuring, invaluable, non-judgmental" - just a few ways my puppy clients have described what it's li...

"Straightforward, reassuring, invaluable, non-judgmental" - just a few ways my puppy clients have described what it's like to choose me as their puppy training specialist.

After a really frustrating conversation with a new puppy owner today (I felt like I needed to boil my head afterwards) it got me thinking about the C word.

No, not that one.

I wanted to share some feedback from my happy puppy clients about my communication style, because it is a bit Marmite, but I'm OK with that!

If you're looking for a quick fix, trying to cut corners on your puppy's training, or want the cheapest help possible, you probably won't like talking to me, cause I'll tell you, politely, but pretty quickly that we're not a good match for each other.

If you're a Sheffield puppy owner who wants the very best training for your pooch, following kind and gentle training techniques only, here's a little insight into my approach when you book a puppy training / socialisation package with me.

"Meera has a straightforward approach with no judging (which is appreciated as a first-time puppy parent). We are a more calm and less stressed household." - M.Butler

"Meera was a breath of fresh air for us being puppy owners for the first time. Meera has helped us so much, with no judgment just compassion, kindness and honesty. Would recommend to all! Thank you!" - C.Skelding

"Meera was reassuring and non- judgemental as she sought to establish exactly what was causing our teenage dog traumas." - M. Burton.

"Meera explains why she is doing things. Which then make perfect sense. There is no shouting or bullying of your puppy, everything is positive. Meera makes it seem so easy!" - J Arnold.

If you've been struggling to make progress with your puppy training or socialisation, I only have one question for you:

How can I help you?

Ready to find out?

Check the link in the comments to book a complimentary puppy chat with me!

📷 by the fabulous Pooch & Pineapple Dog Photography

Gorgeous Burnet is looking for her forever home!

Gorgeous Burnet is looking for her forever home!

From stressed and calm and sassy!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ testimonial from Fran & Louis who booked my Puppy Zero to Hero t...

From stressed and calm and sassy!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ testimonial from Fran & Louis who booked my Puppy Zero to Hero training services for gorgeous Bobette!

Once upon a time (January 2024), in a kingdom faraway (Sheffield) first-time puppy owners, Fran and Louis, welcomed their 8-week old miniature Irish Doodle puppy, Bobette, home.

They hoped for magical snuggles, blissful walks and loads of cute and fun moments with their little puppy - cause ya know, puppies are so cute and lovely, I think it's a little bit like having Christmas day every day when you have a puppy!

But puppyhood isn't always a Disney-like dream... and Fran and Louis actually felt quite worried about their little pup.

They were worried and stressed about her biting - is it aggressive? Is it normal? Will she grow out of it? Why aren't toys working as a distraction? Are they doing something wrong?

Bobette also didn't enjoy going out for walks, she seemed pretty scared of going outdoors, and would want to run back home to the safety of the sofa... this made Fran & Louis feel nervous that weren't socialising her enough, but at the same time, they didn't want her to feel scared on her walks.

They were definitely stuck between a rock and a hard place of being bombarded with lots of different advice / opinions as to the "right" thing to do. Unhelpfully, this kind of approach generally leads to more confusion (or as I like to call it trial by fire - will it work, won't it work, will it make things worse?)

Things weren't really changing for them, but as Bobette settled in, new challenges started to creep in...

When Bobette's humum came home from work, Bobette would be super excited to see her - which, in all honesty, is kind of what we hope for - I mean who else is going to wet themselves a little bit out of excitement when they see you?!
However, Bobette's supercalafragilistic greetings also came with her jumping up a fair bit, mouthing and nipping... coming home actually felt stressful, because Bobette really struggled to calm down and none of the typical distractions they had tried were working.

Visitors also experienced Bobette's full booty-shaking, tail-wagging, jumpy jumpy, nippy welcomes...

Bobette's parents enrolled her into puppy classes...but they still needed help at home.

That's when they got in touch with me. I still remember their consultation call, the worry and the stress they were feeling, so I really wanted to help them.

Straightaway, they booked onto my Puppy Zero to Hero training package - and it wasn't long before their initial worries were forgotten.

Here's what they had to say:

Highlights of Training Journey: Since starting the 121 training sessions with Meera, Bobette has really calmed down, especially when we arrive home or have visitors!

Helpful Techniques: Meera's approach helped us to understand and contextualise Bobette's behavior, enabling us to respond in a way that's made her a lot calmer.

Positive Changes: Since starting training with Meera, Bobette is much less bitey, and we now know how to respond appropriately to her behaviour thanks to the techniques Meera showed us. Bobette is now happier and more confident on walks, too. The combination of Meera's guidance and additional puppy training classes has truly made a difference!

Relationship: Training has helped Bobette to be a lot calmer, and we are enjoying having her more!

Recommendation: We would absolutely recommend Meera Puppins to other puppy owners. Meera not only helped Bobette, but she also guided us as owners, shifting our focus to our responses and behaviours toward Bobette. This made a lot of sense to us and really enabled us to do things differently with her. Thank you Meera for your patience and support!

P.S. I think the training worked a little too well, as in our last session, Bobette was turning into a little sasspot and didn't want to come home from her walk!
If you'd like my help with your puppy's training and socialisation, check the comments below to book a complimentary puppy chat with me!

It's National Lets Laugh day, and there's plenty to be smiling about! The sun is shining in Sheffield, we've switched ou...

It's National Lets Laugh day, and there's plenty to be smiling about! The sun is shining in Sheffield, we've switched our central heating off and next door's cats haven't (yet) dug up our carefully planted daffodils, which are daffodiling all over the garden!

Anyway, I know that certain things are pretty tough for a lot of people right now, but it's never good to be worried all the time.
I'm sure you've heard the saying "laughter is the best medicine" so here's a few jokes that made me chortle recently.

A dog walks into a job centre and asks to speak to the advisor.
"Wow a talking dog!" exclaims the clerk.
"With your talent, I'm sure we can find you a gig on TV!"
"On TV?" says the dog.
"What would a plumber do on TV?"

Cue you laughing, or groaning, cause that was a terrible joke...

Why did the puppy chase his tail?
Because he wanted to make ends meet.

Actually, tail chasing behaviours can be a sign of obsessive compulsive disorders in dogs, sorry, I hope you didn't laugh, but please do sit next to me in hell if you did.

Why did the dog sit in the shade?
Because he didn't want to be a hot-dog!

Did you also think of a dachshund sitting inside a hot dog bun?

Whilst this is all fun and games, I'll tell you something that's no joke at all.

Your puppy's relentless biting.
It's not funny when you can't even play with your puppy without getting nipped or bitten.

It's not a joke when you can't put your puppy's harness on without your hands being flayed alive by pup's razor sharp teeth

It's not a laugh when you can't relax on your sofa without your puppy nipping or biting at your feet.

People might tell you "it's ok, he's just a puppy, they grow out of it" but people are not puppy training specialists.

Puppy biting is a habit, and just like any other habit that gets practiced over and over again, it can take ageeeeessss to fix the habit.

Luckily for you, I've got a solution that will put a smile back on your face.

I'm bringing back my Puppy Bite to Gentle Delight 121 service, which will positively improve and reduce your puppy's unwanted biting. Fair warning though, there's only three spaces available, and they wiil be filled on a first come, first-served basis.

To find out more about what's included & to book, you just need to email me to [email protected] and let me know what's driving you mad about your puppy's biting.

Then I can get you booked in for your personalised, 1-2-1 training, and start to make positive changes to help you and your puppy!

Here's some recent feedback from Flash's mum who booked some 121 sessions with me:
"The biting reduced really quickly, he grew quickly in confidence on walks too. I generally have a feeling that he is more under control now. The training has impacted our relationship with Flash really well. I didn't enjoy him at times when the biting was relentless and the kids used to keep out of his way, but now everyone in the house has a great bond with him."

Meera Puppins: Sheffield Puppy Club

Golden Ticket Giveaway!I can't believe we still haven't had a Golden Ticket winner yet!There are FIVE Golden Tickets hid...

Golden Ticket Giveaway!

I can't believe we still haven't had a Golden Ticket winner yet!

There are FIVE Golden Tickets hidden inside copies of the Steel City Puppy Gazette - Sheffield's only paper and ink newsletter for all things puppy!

Finders of a Golden Ticket will win:
£10 gift voucher to spend on your puppy (or yourself!) at

A copy of Practically Perfect Puppy & Other Lies (my book).

One free space at my puppy social events.

15% training voucher to spend at

So, where can you get your hands on a copy of the Steel City Puppy Gazette?!

There are copies of the Steel City Puppy Gazette available at award-winning, dog-friendly

You can pick up a copy from at on Sunday 24th March.

You can also get a copy if you're coming to my puppy social walk on Sunday 21st April - if there's any left!

You can ping me an email to [email protected] with your name & postal address and I'll send you a copy.
Fair warning though - it's first come, first served, as I only have a limited amount of copies left!

P.S. I don't do DM's, so please email me if you'd like a copy!

Pic taken at Molly's - I won't show you the amount of treats I bought for myself, and then snaffled before Simon got home. It's too good for sharing!

Golden Ticket Giveaway!I can't believe we still haven't had a Golden Ticket winner yet!There are FIVE Golden Tickets hid...

Golden Ticket Giveaway!

I can't believe we still haven't had a Golden Ticket winner yet!

There are FIVE Golden Tickets hidden inside copies of the Steel City Puppy Gazette - Sheffield's only paper and ink newsletter for all things puppy!

Finders of a Golden Ticket will win:
£10 gift voucher to spend on your puppy (or yourself!) at

A copy of Practically Perfect Puppy & Other Lies (my book).

One free space at my puppy social events.

15% training voucher to spend at

So, where can you get your hands on a copy of the Steel City Puppy Gazette?!

There are copies of the Steel City Puppy Gazette available at award-winning, dog-friendly Molly's Café & Deli in Hillsborough.

You can pick up a copy from Jinks at Rex Market on Sunday 24th March.

You can also get a copy if you're coming to my puppy social walk on Sunday 21st April - if there's any left!

You can ping me an email to [email protected] with your name & postal address and I'll send you a copy.
Fair warning though - it's first come, first served, as I only have a limited amount of copies left!

P.S. I don't do DM's, so please email me if you'd like a copy!

Pic taken at Molly's - I won't show you the amount of treats I bought for myself, and then snaffled before Simon got home. It's too good for sharing!

Are you struggling with your puppy's training when:- You're outside?- There's other dogs around?- There's distractions?I...

Are you struggling with your puppy's training when:
- You're outside?
- There's other dogs around?
- There's distractions?

I might know why...

Let me explain... but it probably won't be because of the reason you think it is!

For the past few months I've been stomping around my house swearing to Simon (my partner) that I'M GOING TO RELAX NOW!

I'm going to forget about the housework and to read my book.

I'm going to get off my phone and go to sleep.

I'm going to make a cuppa and start writing my second book.

I'm going to RELAX, goddammit.

I'm going to lie in bed, eating biscuits (on his side of course, who wants crumbs in their pajamas?) whilst watching utter rubbish on Netflix.

I'm going to have a lie in on my day off.

But guess what?
I haven't done any of those things.


My environment.
I do a lot of MeeraPuppins work from home & find it really hard to switch off.

We recently had to book a weekend away, to a shepherd's hut in the middle of a field, just so I could take a break.

I slept, I ate everything in sight, read two books, watched rubbish TV and it was GLORIOUS.

Because my environment made it possible for me to do these things.
When you're in the middle of a field, with a hot tub, loads of snacks and wine, it's much easier to do the things you want / need.

It's the same process for your puppy.
Your training might be right, but your environment might be wrong.

You need to set up your environment so that it supports your puppy's training - not sabotages it.

If you're not sure how to do this, or still unsure why your training isn't working outdoors, now is a good time to book a puppy chat with me about it!

Over a 20 minute call you'd be surprised at what we might discover. You don't need to struggle along on your own, or hope that things will get better by themselves.

But if you aren't making the progress that you want with your puppy's training, you do need to book in a chat with me!

P.S. Please don't ply your puppy with wine and a hot tub, it probably won't have the same effect as it had on me ;)
To book a puppy chat with me, check the first comment below for the link.

🐾 Puppy Social Walk 🐾Exciting news!The next puppy social walk will be on Sunday 21st April, 10am-11am at Hillsborough Pa...

🐾 Puppy Social Walk 🐾
Exciting news!
The next puppy social walk will be on Sunday 21st April, 10am-11am at Hillsborough Park.

Here's what you need to know:
✅ On-lead, structured social walk.
✅ Training tips and tricks.
✅ Chance to meet other puppy owners & compare notes.
✅ Limited spaces - to ensure safe enjoyment.

❌ Free for all chaos where your puppy runs riot.
❌ Not a substitute for my puppy training services (I'm really good at what I do, but I can't fix all your puppy problems in 1 hour 😉 )
❌ No recommendations for painful training techniques (only place for this kind of training, is in the bin)
❌ Not a massive group of random pups and owners - I will let you know if I don't think it's suitable for your puppy, and explain why.

If you are one of my clients / you have attended one of my previous social walks, you just need to email me confirmation that you will be attending (you can skip the booking form).
If you are attending for the first time, there is a short form for you to fill out. I will then review your form and let you know if the event is suitable for your puppy.

£10.50 per puppy - and yes, this is an absolute steal.

I won't ask for payment until you have either i) emailed me to confirm you're coming; b) your application has been successful and I have notified you of this via email.

Payment requests will come directly from me at [email protected]
I won't ask you for payment via social media etc. so please be wary.

If you have any questions, please email me directly to [email protected]

Looking forward to meeting you & your puppy soon!
P.S. Check the comments for the booking form.

📸 This is what happens when you forget to bring an attention-grabbing squeaker, and try and take a group photo 🤣

Saw a post the other day counting down the weeks until Christmas (42 if you were wondering). But before we start panic-b...

Saw a post the other day counting down the weeks until Christmas (42 if you were wondering).

But before we start panic-buying turkeys, I wanted to share what's happening at Meera Puppins in March!

I've got a lot happening for Sheffield's puppies this month - which is exciting and exhausting in unequal measures 🤣

If you want to stay ahead of the pack and get first dibs on my puppy socials, training events and the launch of my new puppy services, the best place for you to be is on my mailing list (check the first comment to sign up).

Failing that, get yourself over to Meera Puppins: Sheffield Puppy Club for the free puppy training challenge!

Merry Marchmas! 🎅

Did you read any puppy training books before you brought your puppy home?Admittedly, I didn't read any books before I jo...

Did you read any puppy training books before you brought your puppy home?

Admittedly, I didn't read any books before I jointly adopted my first dog in 2018. Mainly because I couldn't find one with a blurb that read: "first time teenage-dog owner? hahaha. Good luck, I'll send you some wine with the purchase of this book."

How things have changed!

Since then, I've written my own book - Practically Perfect Puppy & Other Lies. Yes - a proper book, with a shiny cover and pages you can sniff (don't judge, who doesn't love a new book smell?)

Most recently, I was interviewed (alongside some of the pet industry's leading professionals, and fellow authors) by Europe's No.1 Pet Business Coach - Dominic Hodgson for his brilliant Poodle to Pitbull Podcast.

It was really great fun chatting about my book, and hearing from the other authors too!

Check out the links in the first comment to listen to the podcast episode & to grab yourself a copy of my book!

Did you know that 99% of digital newsletters end up in the recycle bin?When you're busy raising your puppy, you haven't ...

Did you know that 99% of digital newsletters end up in the recycle bin?

When you're busy raising your puppy, you haven't got time to be scrolling through boring newsletters...

But if you lock yourself in the bathroom (I won't judge if you sneak in a glass of wine as well) you could actually enjoy reading Vol.3 of the Steel City Puppy Gazette..

The Steel City Puppy Gazete is the only newsletter in Sheffield for all things puppy!

✅️ Printed onto quality paper that won't give you paper cuts 🤣
✅️ Posted out to you - not dumped into your Inbox, with a silent prayer it's not marked as spam.
✅️ Actually relevant to raising your puppy in Sheffield.

🎫 Hidden within 5 copies, are Golden Tickets that will win you & your puppy some fabulous prizes!

The Steel City Puppy Gazette is worth £9.99, however, I have a limited number of free copies to share.

If you'd like a copy, you need to email me to [email protected] with your full name & postal address.

Happy reading!

*I made this statistic up, based purely on my own experiences & assumption that everyone else does the same thing 🤷‍♀️



Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm




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Meera Puppins

I truly believe that all dogs are practically perfect, in every way.

Gosseta, my beautiful rescue lurcher, marked the beginning of a beautiful adventure.

Theo, my handsome rescue greyhound, is the continuation of that adventure.

Please read on…

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