Scales, Tails, and Snail's Trails

Scales, Tails, and Snail's Trails Boarding for all 'small' animals - reptiles, mammals, and invertebrates.

Said "Goodbye" to our first 'formal' boarders today - a lovely trio of rat boys (aptly, the other term for a group of ra...

Said "Goodbye" to our first 'formal' boarders today - a lovely trio of rat boys (aptly, the other term for a group of rats is 'mischief'!).

It's *supposed* to be hard dropping your own pets off at boarding, even if you've used them before and trust them entirely. I know, because I find it difficult whenever we drop Pooka and Freya off at the boarding places that take care of them when we're away.

But it's not supposed to be hard when you're the boarder and just giving them back đŸ¤£

Really reminds me how much I love having rats around, and how much fun they are. Less so when they're trying to succeed in a jailbreak while you clean the cage - which will inevitably take twice as long, as a result. But in reality all of their antics tend toward silly, and funny, and it's always wonderful when they settle in. Being greeted by heads popping out of hammocks, those already awake climbing the sides of the cage, first thing when you go in and call them for breakfast really does brighten the day.

Pooka (my rabbit) even showed herself for a brief moment as we were getting them packed up, and once they were gone she wandered around where the cage had been - sniffing, and looking quite confused. I'd like to think she was happy to have company in her room again, but it's possible she was disappointed at the loss of small hands and feet to knock bits of food onto the floor.

Freya (the Siberian Husky) also came out of the office and investigated all the rooms, looking around doors etc, presumably wondering where I'd hidden the boys. And then, looking increasingly concerned, checked out the bathroom - including the bath. In the end I safely accompanied her into the animal room so she could check the corner she couldn't see from the doorway. She had a very thorough sniff of the spot they'd been in, and then of both shelves of the table Pooka has in there - just in case I'd stashed them on one of those?

Have included a couple of pics below. There were a number that I caught which really cracked me up, which I may share in the future. They're very 'captionable' as a lot illustrate the total lack of personal space that rats have! I will create albums for my own pets as well - split by species so that anyone who wishes to avoid certain invertebrates may do so!

Home boarding for a variety of 'small' pet species.I am an animal fanatic who has been obsessed since a young age. I sta...

Home boarding for a variety of 'small' pet species.

I am an animal fanatic who has been obsessed since a young age. I started with 'traditional' pets, and more recently moved onto researching reptiles and inverts. I have a good understanding of the range of care needs, and where I'm uncertain I will always do further research and confirm with experts in the hobby. I currently have a number of tarantulas, both OW and NW, and so am confident in keeping a safe eye on any individuals you may wish to have boarded. I am starting a dog training business, and so currently spend a lot of time at home which allows me remain aware of what's going on with all of my smaller pets (as much as a burrowed tarantula will permit!).

Currently I have a Siberian Husky, who has been an endless source of inspiration and amusement. A rabbit, who is the last of three, sadly, but at nearly 10 years old is doing great - my two boys made 10 and 11 and were incredibly special. Rabbits are certainly not lacking in character (or attitude!). For a number of years I also kept rats, a species that holds a special place in my heart as they are simply amazing little animals. They are their own little 'people' and have huge characters. Their short lives left me devastated - particularly from having had 2 groups of 4 brothers - and so the decision was made to take a break. However they will still be the first pet I recommend to parents, as their nature is generally everything you want in a pet.

Boarding for all 'small' animals - reptiles, mammals, and invertebrates.







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