Wingbeat Bird Rescue and Rehabilitation

Wingbeat Bird Rescue and Rehabilitation Sheffield-based rescue for birds in need. Donate to support!

UPDATE: all sorted now, dunnock is safe :)URGENT: Volunteer in Sheffield needed to transport a dunnock fledgling from S1...

UPDATE: all sorted now, dunnock is safe :)

URGENT: Volunteer in Sheffield needed to transport a dunnock fledgling from S13 9WW to me at S14 1LT. Please message the page if you think you can help!

In the meantime, sorry for lack of updates - it's been extremely busy. Please enjoy these photos of some other recent patients.


Volunteer urgently needed - cat attacked pigeon needs picking up from a garden in Rotherham S66 2QB. Finder doesn’t have access to their car until 6pm.
It will then need to be brought to us at S14 1LT so it can receive antibiotics/treatment.
Please message the page if you think you can help! 🕊️

And so it begins…Collared doves are some of the first birds to breed each year. This baby is having a snooze with a crop...

And so it begins…
Collared doves are some of the first birds to breed each year. This baby is having a snooze with a crop full of warm formula 🥰
We also took in a female blackbird yesterday who was found very dazed, possibly following a collision, but is quickly recovering.
It’s getting busy fast!


We took in this beautiful herring gull yesterday, who was originally handed in to the PDSA after being rescued from getting kicked around by a bunch of kids! They’ve been seen by a vet, and believed to have a small coracoid fracture as well as obviously very sore. They’ve been put on pain meds and cage rest, but this morning was active enough for some out-of-crate time to stretch their legs. They then found the bath I was *originally* going to take out to the aviary for the pigeons 🥰

Six adorable budgies are up for adoption! They would need ample accommodation, enrichment, and a well balanced diet. Non...

Six adorable budgies are up for adoption! They would need ample accommodation, enrichment, and a well balanced diet. None are currently hand-tame, but are all chirpy, happy, and readily return to their cage after some free-flight. Prospective adopters will need to be willing to collect their new bird(s), but a box/travel cage can potentially be provided at extra cost if needed. Adoption fee applies. More details on each of the birds are under their respective photos.

If you think you can provide a loving forever home for a budgie (or two), fill out this google form, or just send the page a message. We'd love to hear from you!

This poor little fella is a victim of some of the very worst of humanity. Their finder watched as a driver intentionally...

This poor little fella is a victim of some of the very worst of humanity. Their finder watched as a driver intentionally sped into a flock of pigeons feeding at the side of the road, clipping this one in the wing and leaving them with an open fracture of the metacarpals (wingtip bones) 😣🤬
Whether they will ever fly again, or even survive the risk of infection, remains to be seen. For now, they are resting in a cozy heated carrier with the injury well disinfected, bandaged and strapped, on a course of painkillers, antibiotics and regular tube feeding. Fingers crossed they make a full recovery 🤞

This lovely young chap (sorry for the terrible photo quality lol) is all boxed up on his way to a fantastic new life. He...

This lovely young chap (sorry for the terrible photo quality lol) is all boxed up on his way to a fantastic new life. He was brought to me several weeks ago suffering from "McDonald's Disease" - a form of malnutrition that sometimes affects crows, especially youngsters. It causes some of their feathers to grow in white and they often can't fly. He has been getting lots of supplements (especially calcium) as is necessary for ensuring his future feathers grow in properly, as well as lots of nutritious puppy biscuits, peanuts, sunflower hearts, oats, corn, berries, and his favourite - fresh hard-boiled eggs from my own rescue hens! He loves dunking all his food in water and making a big smelly mess 😂

As typical with this condition, he won't be releasable until at least his next moult, so will have to spend months to even years in captivity before he can be rehabilitated to the wild. Today he's going off to Linjoy Wildlife Sanctuary and Rescue - Midlands to join another yearling crow with the same condition in an outdoor aviary, getting lots of sunlight and space so they can bond and hopefully be released together.
I highly recommend checking out Linjoy's page - the work Lindsay does for animals is incredible!


UPDATE: pigeon has now been retrieved and now safe :)

Never had to ask this before on my page, but wondering if anyone out there in the Sheffield area can help with transporting an injured woodpigeon? It's been attacked by a cat so needs medical attention including antibiotics ASAP. It's currently with a couple who can't transport it at S20 7HA Crystal Peaks and I'm at S14 1LT Gleadless Valley.
If there's anyone able to drive to pick up the pigeon (preferably ASAP) and transport it to me it would be incredibly appreciated - let me know in the comments if you can and I'll DM you.


Released 6 woodpigeons today!🕊😄🕊
Little robin also released last week, fingers crossed for everyone now in the wild 🤞


This collared dove came in around 2 weeks ago with a respiratory infection. After a round of antibiotics and lots of TLC she has been released by the finder back in garden she was originally found 😄

It's been a very busy few weeks at the rescue since reopening! I am currently caring for 6 baby woodpigeons (3 sadly wit...

It's been a very busy few weeks at the rescue since reopening! I am currently caring for 6 baby woodpigeons (3 sadly with cat injuries) which are in the process of weaning, a catted robin that's well on the mend but still needs to regrow its tail feathers back, and up until last night a collared dove with a respiratory infection - who was released this morning in the garden they came from after a full recovery 😁
I have also finished constructing the new corvid aviary (primarily for magpies) where the darling Cutie has joined my one-eyed Simpson for wilding up in the hope she can be eventually released into the wild. If not, she has a home here for as long as she needs ❤️


UPDATE: all sorted now 😃

Sadly due to wifi issues I will unable to access messages (or anything) until 5-6pm. This may apply for up to 5 days from now whilst it gets fixed and will update once it's sorted.


I am delighted to announce that the rescue is finally reopening! 🐦🐦🐦 Please sign this petition to the UK parliment to mandate the simple lice...
07/09/2023 Please sign this petition to the UK parliment to mandate the simple licensing of air weapons in England. It would mean the world to our wildlife - whether it's our foxes, buzzards, sparrowhawks, gulls, corvids, or pigeons, so many are senselessly and illegally shot and left to suffer lingering deaths.

we have only 14 days in which to raise the signatures needed for the Petition to make Law the Mandatory Licensing of Air Weapons in & .

Currently, anyone over the age of 18 can acquire an air weapon with no register of the sale being made. When a crime is committed it is impossible to trace the weapon used.

we are not asking for the moon ~ just common sense ~ that a deadly weapon should be licensed. It is already Law in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

When the Petition was presented in under Other Parliamentary Business there was a unanimous signing of the Petition across all the Political Parties (the screenshots can be seen in another post if you scroll down the page). Surely, if Politicians can agree on this then we as people who care about wildlife can at least take 2 minutes to sign the Petition and share it.

Perhaps you have had an experience where you have held a scared, hurt animal in your arms. It is never deserved and the criminals should be punished for what they are doing.

we get at least one shot bird a week and can do nothing about it.

Please sign and share. If you have contacts in the Press please call them for us. we are so bogged down with rescues and Vet appointments and the rest that goes with this we have not got the time. Looking back it was the wrong time to launch the Petition but hindsight is a great thing. Never did we imagine it would receive so little support from the Rescues and Wildlife personalities themselves. All it would have taken was for 1 person with a strong following to get on board. But no one has.
Rhyl Journal WalesOnline North Wales Live BBC Wales News

Almost ready to open again!Aviary has been built, furnished, and filled with birds (just need to create a permanent wate...

Almost ready to open again!
Aviary has been built, furnished, and filled with birds (just need to create a permanent waterproof roof now) and planning on getting another aviary exclusively for corvids in the coming weeks!
Now onto cleaning up and furnishing the hospital room for new intakes 🐦🐦
Thank you everyone for your never-ending patience ❤️

UPDATE: I've been without wifi for the last month since moving house, hence the lack of activity on here and inability t...

UPDATE: I've been without wifi for the last month since moving house, hence the lack of activity on here and inability to respond to messages :'( but on the topic of moving house, I will be rebranding! Since I'm no longer in Broomhall, I can't really call myself "Broomhall Rescue" anymore (although I am still nearby and can continue to take birds from the area). Details on the new name still to come...
I am also in the time-consuming process of building aviaries as well as still unpacking everything, so can't take in any more birds right now and won't be able to for a little while - but will update when this changes.
Thank you so much everyone for all of your continued support :D

TEMPORARILY CLOSED - Finishing off my thesis for my degree - work is very intense so I won't be able to take in any new ...

TEMPORARILY CLOSED - Finishing off my thesis for my degree - work is very intense so I won't be able to take in any new birds or check messages regularly for the next week.
If you have a bird in need, please contact another rescue, such as The Special Branch, Chirpy’s Nest, Mansfield Wildlife Rescue. Registered Charity: 1186301, or Pet Samaritans & Wildlife Angels

GRAPHIC IMAGES: Two newcomers from the last few days. One is a beautiful white homing pigeon - probably "released" durin...

GRAPHIC IMAGES: Two newcomers from the last few days. One is a beautiful white homing pigeon - probably "released" during a wedding - that was catted, and left with injuries all over his back and tail completely pulled out. The other is a little baby feral pigeon that fell two floors down from its nest onto concrete head-first, leaving them with horrific injuries to the face/beak and so much bruising 😢 they are both needing daily medicating and it will be a long time before either can be rehomed. Fingers crossed for them both 🤞


Got COVID-19 (after 3 years!) and feeling quite unwell so won't be able to take in more rescue birds for a bit 🥲
Aside from that everyone here is currently happy and healthy and hopefully getting a proper outdoor aviary in a month or two 🥰


Release day for another feral pigeon!
My partner found this one with a broken wing on her way to work, huddled in an alley about a month ago. After some good strapping, healing, and exercise, she's flying around again in the area she was found near the University of Sheffield - and was promptly joined by a very flirty male after this video was taken 😂

I will be away until the 20th April taking a much-need break; if you find any wild birds in need, these other nearby res...

I will be away until the 20th April taking a much-need break; if you find any wild birds in need, these other nearby rescues might be able to help:
The Special Branch
Chirpy’s Nest
Pet Samaritans & Wildlife Angels
Mansfield Wildlife Rescue. Registered Charity: 1186301
or try for a UK-wide directory is a charity-run site aiming to provide advice to members of the public who find wildlife casualties, help casualty finders to locate a wildlife rescue in their area, and provide advice on humane, holistic methods of wildlife management. The site first began in 2005 in response


Grumpy is finally released and eagerly accepted by the other resident feral pigeons - with one boy taking an immediate fancy to her!
She pottered about with her new friends for a while before they flew off together into the sunset. Good luck Grumpy ❤️

Happy New Year everyone! Thought it would be fun to do a New Year's Update on everyone here at the rescue!Abbie is a fer...

Happy New Year everyone!
Thought it would be fun to do a New Year's Update on everyone here at the rescue!

Abbie is a feral pigeon who has been under my care for many months now since she was found covered in her own blood. Her wing was horribly broken and has a puncture hole all the way through! She has come leaps and bounds since then, and despite losing part of her wing her wounds have healed beautifully. She has a wonderful personality, loves her baths and seems so much happier. Due to her injuries she is permanently disabled and will need a forever home at some point, but for now she is safe here for as long as she needs.

Speckles, like Abbie, is probably permanently disabled and unfit for release. He was found during the Summer heatwave most likely after being hit by a car, and looked after in a large crate for a few months before being delivered to me. Unusually for a supposed feral, he is almost pure white, but with no rings there's no way of knowing where he originally came from. He's less skittish than the other pigeons, but definitely likes his personal space and will wing slap the others if they get too close!

Grumpy was delivered to me after being found under a chair with a large wound on his back, probably from a cat or sparrowhawk attack. After lots of germolene and TLC he is now learning to fly again and is almost fit for release! I shall be returning him to the wild once I get a day off from my dissertation 😁

Sausage is a young woodpigeon who was originally attacked by a cat. They have since recovered, but due to their skittishness started hurting themselves flying into the ceiling whenever I entered the room! They are now safe in a padded carrier and I hope to release them in spring when the weather starts to warm up 😊

Billie is another young woodie that was found unable to fly and kept in a wheelie bin before I managed to collect them. They probably left the nest just a bit early and can fly perfectly now, and are a similar age to Sausage - I aim to release them together come spring.

Autumn is a permanently disabled woodpigeon just a little older than the other two who lost their wing from the wrist down to a cat. Due to this she will need a permanent home at some point - woodpigeons often don't do well in captivity, but fortunately Autumn is quite calm and will probably suit an aviary life.

Last but not least, we have Kraar! Kraar is a carrion crow who was found in a puddle with a badly broken wing, bone exposed and all. Sadly, the wing could not be saved, and he is permanently disabled. He doesn't let this stop him getting around though, and is always leaping and bouncing off the walls! He, like Abbie, Speckles, and Autumn, will need moving to a permanent home at some point, hopefully to somewhere where he can have the company of other corvids as he is not too keen on people (I had to buy some very expensive heavy-duty gauntlets to handle him without getting the skin on my knuckles torn off!) In the meantime, he has a safe place here where he will be well loved and cared for until one can be found.

If you want to support the work that I do, feel free to donate to my paypal (via friends and family) at - even the price of a coffee goes a long way for these wonderful birds!


Mr Pidge has been with me for over a month and a half since coming in with a broken wing, broken ankle, infected wound in his leg, and losing all his tail feathers (probably after a car accident). He's been an absolute delight to care for and yesterday was his short but sweet release at Wakefield Cathedral after making a full recovery 🥰


Tassle, the young woodpigeon I hand-reared, copies everything I do - including playing minecraft 😂

This poor little chaffinch was caught by a dog following a severe infection of scaly leg mite, losing all his tail feath...

This poor little chaffinch was caught by a dog following a severe infection of scaly leg mite, losing all his tail feathers in the process. Fortunately, he's very sprightly and eating well. He's being put on meds for both killing the mites and preventing sepsis in case the dog caused any injuries, so here's hoping he recovers well 🤞


This young feral pigeon came to us with a broken wing, after lots of TLC they're all healed back up now and today was their (slightly clumsy) release!


Gleadless Valley



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