Beautifully Put ...😪 by allowing yourself to let out the tears 'unashamedly' in a safe and supportive space is a vital part off the 'letting go' and healing process..🖤🐴
Tears Are Power
One of the most powerful things I learned and experienced during my training at Eponaquest was that tears were welcomed. The phrase often used to support us in relearning this truth was: “Tears are Power”.
We all bear scars from our earliest years of life when for whatever reason our tears were NOT welcomed. We may have been mocked by our parents and/or siblings and other relatives for crying, told we are “too sensitive”; weak, a “cry baby”, overreacting or just being silly. All of which then gets compounded in school, particularly secondary school, when we are meant to suppress our true feelings at all costs, yet during a time when our emotions are running riot inside of us!
All of these experiences have lasting effects on us and our capacity to be authentic and vulnerable.
The result being that even late into adulthood many of us struggle to cry in front of others, even those closest to us, and so we keep trying to mask our feelings and tears and stop them flowing, as the memory of being told we were weak lingers long and deep…
So, to enter a community of strangers and on day-one be told that tears are welcomed here, encouraged even, and further, that we view tears as a sign of true, authentic power was astounding to me and many of my fellow trainees. It was like a huge breath of fresh air, empowerment and healing all rolled into one. Our power does indeed return to us when we give ourselves permission to simply feel and express our tears. We can then of course pass on this enormous gift to our clients who are usually also in need of such solace, healing and power replenishment.
***Crying is simply the way our body, heart and soul express that which can’t be put into words. It is a powerful somatic release, which also cleanses and restores us on every level.***
But, tears aren’t only vital for our own well-being and equilibrium as they also play a vital role in our connections with others. Whereby through our authentic expressions of our feelings we become more visible and accessible to others; they can trust us more and we also naturally then invite them to connect to their authenticity. It’s a beautiful win-win for all of us; emotions are after all, highly contagious…
So don’t hold back those tears anymore, and just as the horses do, encourage others you interact with to let them out as they are the gift that keeps returning us to our truest, fullest selves. And although during times of immense grief, loss and sadness we feel they will never cease, they always, always eventually do, helping us let go and heal our broken heart in the process…
Angela Dunning
The Horse’s Truth
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Image by Neil Lockhart, Shutterstock.