Follow the Feel

Follow the Feel French classical dressage, horsemanship and barefoot trimming, with the horse’s well-being put first!

some fun with Borris!  (before winter returned 🙈 ) Borris has a recurring cough, coming simply from being sensitive to h...

some fun with Borris!
(before winter returned 🙈 )

Borris has a recurring cough, coming simply from being sensitive to hay dust, but it means that any heavy cardio is a struggle for him at the moment.
Moving him, and giving him something to think about is really important for recovering, and helps to "loosen things up".
He's a very clever horse so its easy for him to get bored!

Offering lessons in the Sheffield/ Leeds area. I have spaces! Teaching French classical Dressage in combination with hor...

Offering lessons in the Sheffield/ Leeds area. I have spaces!

Teaching French classical Dressage in combination with horsemanship to help you FEEL what your horse needs to improve!

Get a better awareness for your horse's attention and level of relaxation- a relaxed mind can learn ...

Learn how to improve balance, impulsion and straightness at all levels from the first steps under saddle to working on collection..

Currently a trainee teacher with the Ecole de Legerete.

Dressage is for every horse, no matter the age or breed. The muddier and fluffier the better!

Contact Ellie on 07854099647
Based North of Sheffield.



We are really pleased to be welcoming Philippe Karl of Ecole de Legerete to Horsemanship Showcase - The Horsemanship Event of The Year 2024!

SAVE THE DATE: 30th November & 1st December Bury Farm Equestrian Village


This is so so important, they must have the idea to go FORWARDS! It helps so much with balance and avoids the feeling of...

This is so so important, they must have the idea to go FORWARDS! It helps so much with balance and avoids the feeling of being “stuck” and “backwards” with all the problems that come with that. 🐎💨

Teach your young horses ‘forwards’ when you’re starting them!

I’m seeing more and more horses that have never been shown it’s OK to really go. People are starting their horses carefully, desensitising them, long lining them quietly and doing everything gently but missing one vital piece - sending them forwards.
People are (quite rightly) worried about lunging their horses too much due to joint strain but it IS a vital component of starting a horse. It shouldn’t be done on endless tiny circles, the handler can move too! Run up and down a big arena with the horse moving freely forwards down the long side. Obviously don’t lunge them every day, do all the other important stuff too but they do need to learn it’s OK to go. Feeling the joy of moving with the wind in their manes firstly just wearing a lunge cavesson, then with a saddle and eventually with a rider on. For this part you need a rider who also loves to feel the wind in their mane! One who is happy to give the reins and allow the ground person to really send the horse forwards. Without this part of their education we’re ending up with horses who’ve never really learnt they can go. Then if and when we do ask them to go we are much more at risk of having an explosion.

A week after the second teacher course, Borris and I are already on with practicing our “homework” ! The main focus is c...

A week after the second teacher course, Borris and I are already on with practicing our “homework” !

The main focus is creating a soft and consistent contact, without losing the contact completely when Borris comes above the bit by extremely contracting the top of his neck and back. This is something spectators were able to see very clearly when the hunt were passing the arena during one of our lessons! He does an excellent impression of a Giraffe!

By following the mouth with an action- reaction feeling, I can encourage Borris to take the contact from me, as putting too much pressure on him only creates tension and then contraction. A very difficult movement pattern to break after 15 years of moving like a typical Arab.
Incase he opens the poll too much I can ask for a tiny poll flexion going into neck extension to promote a more healthy and useful neck extension- not a hollow one.

Thank you to my lovely fellow students for making it such a friendly clinic, Catherine for fantastic insights and Merrigan for organising smoothly.

Looking forwards to June!

A short break to allow for processing and relaxation at the end of a productive session with Sarah’s mare Liviana gets v...

A short break to allow for processing and relaxation at the end of a productive session with
Sarah’s mare Liviana gets very tense and nervous when going into the arena, because she expects to be asked lots of difficult questions that she doesn’t really know the answer to; under a lot of pressure. This comes from her time in Spain before she came to Sarah, and is the first thing we have to address before going any further with her training.
It’s important then, that we make the arena into a safe space where she can be calm and learn. Asking simple questions with clear answers, well timed releases and with lots of praise is the way to go.
Well done Sarah and Liviana!

After, and before neck extension.  The difference in neck position, makes a huge difference in stride length, and the ov...

After, and before neck extension. The difference in neck position, makes a huge difference in stride length, and the overall feeling of impulsion. In the second picture, Filou is lifting through the thoracic sling and is no longer getting ‘stuck’ on the forehand; he has an open poll, with the nose well in-front of the vertical. This is possible for him, because he is lengthening the neck so it’s no longer contracted, meaning he is also able to correctly use his back . The correct positioning of the neck combined with relaxation creates a chain reaction through the rest of the body.
Notice also the difference in his expression- ears forward and a soft eye, looking very enthusiastic!


A festive outride with the boys 🎅🐴

A trot so big we almost left the Pivo behind 🐎💨

A trot so big we almost left the Pivo behind 🐎💨

The Boz man starts to lift through his shoulders! And there is even a contact 🤪

The Boz man starts to lift through his shoulders! And there is even a contact 🤪

This rainy ride made better by a 🌈

This rainy ride made better by a 🌈

A napping horse isn't always a bad thing 😉😂 Here is Bug sunbathing in the arena next to Borris while I was working anoth...

A napping horse isn't always a bad thing 😉😂
Here is Bug sunbathing in the arena next to Borris while I was working another horse 😴

some in-hand work with the very beautiful Borris ~ He has the tendency to become contracted and stuck on the forehand, h...

some in-hand work with the very beautiful Borris ~ He has the tendency to become contracted and stuck on the forehand, here by asking for action reaction, he is taking his nose forward and stretching along his neck and back, helping him relax.

Autumn is on its way again, looking forward to fly free riding!

Autumn is on its way again, looking forward to fly free riding!




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