We had four rat bucks come in before Christmas that are older and needed a retirement home. The person who adopted the female hamster that I posted video of new home has taken them in. This is their new home with other rattie brothers. I couldn't ask for a better home ❤️
Bluebell is settling in nicely. She has a lovely multi roomed cottage on a very posh estate. I absolutely love her heading straight for the cottage (aka multi chambered house). She's going to be spoiled rotten! ❤️
This beautiful lady who will be 8 weeks old on Monday has been let down twice due to her colour. She is gorgeous but needs a confident home that can hand train her. Approval of enclosure and experience needed before adopting. Please contact if interested. ❤️ Share post 💕
Tuesday evening I took in seven six week old Syrian females. I had room for four so the other three went to my friends rescue. They are absolutely beautiful 😍❤️
Dig boxes are a great and inexpensive enrichment for ferrets ❤️
I have to add a lot of stuff but I'm trying to remember where I stuck the hamster things 🤣
Getting older sucks 🤣
These beauties came in yesterday from someone in Norwich. This person took in 15 GALS from a neglect situation. They kept them for three months to get them back to health. As you can see they have knitting issues which means their shells didn't form properly so it looks like they have cracks throughout. This can be due to genetics but more than likely in this case it was overcrowding and improper nutrition. Unfortunately their shells won't fully recover from this and they are going to be a bit high maintenance but I'm sure I can give them the life they deserve. Now I just need to find the funds for another heat mat and thermostat. ❤️