Scooby & ChiChi believe it's Christmas EVERY DAY with our brand New SmartBarf Packaging...
They could just be right ⭐
Happy #sundayfunday floofs! 🐶🐶
@followers @topfans
#raw #rawdogfood #barf #barfdiet #supplements #dogfood #dogtreats #dogtreatrecipe #sunday #sundayvibes #smartbarf #Christmas #iwish*tcouldbechirstmaseveryday #shihtzu #shihtzupuppy #shihtzulove
We can now officially enjoy the run up to Christmas...just like our #ambassador hugsydaisy who's been super busy showing just how versatile SmartBarf is...
Fancy a yummy treat with your glass of milk Santa Paws??🎅🐾
@followers @topfans
#raw #rawdogfood #barf #barfdiet #supplements #dogfood #dogtreats #dogtreatrecipe #sunday #sundayvibes #smartbarf
A Classic...Just like SmartBarf
Who remembers this absolute #classic …
Brilliantly adapted for SmartBarf by the genius Superstar-Pets
They don’t make them like this anymore…
Happy #sundayfunday everybody 🐶🐾
@followers @topfans
#christmasadvert #advert #vintage #sunday #sundayvibes #sundaymotivation #sundaylunch #dog #dogfood #raw #rawdogfood #rawfeddog #cockapoo #advertisement #smartbarf #superstarpets #trending
Doggies really don’t like #fireworks💥
So just keep them safely inside and well fed with their SmartBarf…just like our #ambassadors Louie & Lola
#smartbarf #dogs #rawfed #rawfoods #rawdogfood #maltipoo #dogproducts #doghealth #rawfeddog
Halloween GIVEAWAY
🎃Halloween GIVEAWAY👻
🎉 WIN 3 Months Supply of SmartBarf🎉
With the help of Spooktacular Ambassador hugsydaisy...for Halloween only, we’re GIVING AWAY a Scrumptious 3 month's worth of delicious SmartBarf to add to your dog's raw meat diet...
🎃 To enter, just...
👻 Follow & like our page
🎃 Like this post
👻 Tag 2 friends
🎃 Tell us why your dog deserves to win...
👻 It’s as easy as that 👌
🏆 The winner will be announced in 7 days | 2 entries per person | UK only shipping 🇬🇧
Thank you to our friends at Superstar-Pets for this absolutely furrrbulous advert 👻
#ukgiveaway #giveawayuk #giveaway #ukgiveaways #giveawaytime #giveaways #GiveawayAlert #competition #competitiontime #ukfreeproducts #ukfreebies #winning #giveawaycollab #giveawaycontest #winner #freebies #ukcompetition #freebiesuk #SundayMotivation #dogs #rawfed #rawfood #rawfeddog #RawDogFood #spaniel #dogproducts #DogHealth
Happy #sundayfunday to all our #FurryFriends🐶
SmartBarf is an amazing start to your puppy’s journey, packed with such a blend of enriching nutrients and deliciously tasty…
Power your pup from the start…just like our absolutely adorable Ambassador Dollvetine Freda❤️
Thank you to Superstar-Pets for this wonderful creative 🙏
#smartbarf #smartbarfsupplement #foodtoppers #yummyfood #thankful #workingcockerspaniel #cockerspaniel #cockerspanielworld #pupfluencer #dogfluencer #raw #rawcommunity #rawdogfood #rawfood #RawFedDog #rawfed #rawfedpuppy #deliciousfood #SundayMotivation
Happy #sundayfunday to all our SmartBarf furiends…a Pawfect day to check out our incredible ingredients, they are pure gold…just like our Awesome Ambassadors here hugsydaisy OTIS Dexter Wade Ivaar, Macy and @Louie & Lola
This advert says it all!! 🐶🎉🐶🎉🐶🎉🐾
#ilovemydogs #dog #dogs #lovedogs #doglover #doglife #doglovers #barf #raw #rawdogfood #rawfeeding #doghealth #healthydogs #healthydogfood #nutrition #rawdogfooddiet #rawdogfoodcommunity #smartbarf #NaturalDogFood #lovemydog #dogfood
Happy #sundayfunday to all our SmartBarf furiends…a Pawfect day to have fun with SmartBarf and get creative…just like our Awesome Ambassadors here Hugsy, Otis, Drogo & Teddy & Oscar…
They don’t like it…they LOVE it!! 🐶🎉🐶🎉🐶🎉🐾
#ilovemydogs #dog #dogs #lovedogs #doglover #barf #raw #rawdogfood #rawfeeding #doghealth #healthydogs #healthydogfood #nutrition #rawdogfooddiet #rawdogfoodcommunity #smartbarf #NaturalDogFood #lovemydog #dogfood
On a sunny #sundayfunday #september Who better than our Ambassador Ivaar the Wolfdog to show that SmartBarf is always here, even when the Summer Holidays are over 🐾
If your dog is Hungry Like the Wolf...SmartBarf is the answer...just add meat and the meal's complete!
#ilovemydogs #dog #dogs #lovedogs #dogsofinstagram #dogmodels #doglovers #barf #raw #rawdogfood #rawfeeding #doghealth #healthydog #healthydogfood #nutrition #rawdogfooddiet #rawdogfoodcommunity #smartbarf #naturaldogfood #lovemydog #dogfood #wolfdog
If You Go Down to the Woods Today...
If You Go Down to the Woods Today...
You're in For a Big Surprise! 🌳
Happy #sundayfunday to all our Facebook Furiends…
Who fancies a delicious #picnic with their SmartBarf 🐶🐻
We love this SmartBarf Ambassador's Picnic with Velvet, Teddy, Oski, Sky & Spring🐾
#dog #dogfood #healthydog #raw #rawdog #rawdogfooddiet #rawdogfood #ambassador #ambassadors #ambassadogs #smartbarf #teddybearspicnic
Today's the Day for our SmartBarf Ambassadors Picnic!
If You Go Down to the Woods Today...
You're in For a Big Surprise! 🌳
Happy #sundayfunday to all our Facebook Furiends…
Who fancies a delicious #picnic with their SmartBarf 🐶🐻
We love this SmartBarf Ambssador's Picninc with Velvet, Teddy, Oski, Sky & Spring🐾
#dog #dogfood #healthydog #raw #rawdog #rawdogfooddiet #rawdogfood #ambassador #ambassadors #ambassadogs #smartbarf #teddybearspicnic
Today's the Day for our SmartBarf Ambassadors Picnic!
If You Go Down to the Woods Today...
You're in For a Big Surprise! 🌳
Happy #sundayfunday to all our Facebook Furiends…
Who fancies a delicious #picnic with their SmartBarf 🐶🐻
We love this SmartBarf Ambssador's Picninc with Velvet, Teddy, Oski, Sky & Spring🐾
#dog #dogfood #healthydog #raw #rawdog #rawdogfooddiet #rawdogfood #ambassador #ambassadors #ambassadogs #smartbarf #teddybearspicnic