A late post - which I apologise for!! Been a very busy weekend 🙈
Last week was a VERY wet and muddy week! After snow and storm Bert the dogs were all brown after their walks 😆🙈 Alfie and Pip had the best time in a group walkies, Pip can be quite bossy and loves the sound of his own voice but soon learnt that barking doesn’t always make you get your own way especially when the spaniels have the ball😂 Teddy claimed the new ball at the secure field!😆 Sparrow had the day with us and the craziness! Ended the week with the feral spaniels and Pesto 😍
Also I met some(4) newbies who are joining in January just for let outs but we are going to build up the visits over December so the doggies are happy with me seeing them everyday🥰🐶