It’s National Love Your Pet Day and the ‘purr-fect’ excuse for you to share your favourite pet photos with us!
Comment below or tag us in your pictures of you enjoying life together. After all, life is so much better when you have a pet to love…
#TheMarketTownVet #ShrewsburyVet #OswestryVet #Pets #NationalLoveYourPetDay
❤️ Pets can go years without a heart condition visibly affecting them, whereas others have severe and life-threatening symptoms which develop quickly. The former can make it difficult to detect when something may be wrong.❤️
Given heart conditions are relatively common in pets, it is helpful to be aware of the common signs that something heart-related could be affecting your pet.
Certain breeds are more pre-disposed:
> Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Dobermans, Boxers, Great Danes and Maine Coon cats are more prone to developing serious inherited heart conditions and so require careful monitoring.
The best way to avoid developing a heart condition is to develop healthy habits for your pet. Ensure they:
> Maintain a healthy weight
> Eat a balanced diet
> Undertake daily exercise
> Have regular check-ups with your vet
The main function of the heart is to pump blood around the body, providing oxygen and removing waste products. Early diagnosis of a condition can increase the chance of effective management so they can live a long and happy life.
#TheMarketTownVet #OswestryVets #ShrewsburyVets #CardiacConditions
Does your bunny have a buddy? 🐰🐰
The month of love is upon us, and we’re considering the five animal welfare needs! To be more precise - companionship. Did you know that rabbits are highly social animals and need the company of another rabbit?
If you think of rabbits in the wild, they live in large, sociable groups. Our domestic rabbits are really no different and need the company of another rabbit to be happy. Without another bunny, they can become stressed and lonely - and no one wants that for their four-legged friend!
We recommend keeping rabbits in pairs and, ideally, a neutered female with a neutered male. If you’d like more advice on how to have a bonded pair of rabbits, or how to introduce rabbits, get in touch with our team - we’re always happy to help!
#TheMarketTownVet #ShrewsburyVet #OswestryVet #RabbitCompanionship #AnimalWelfareNeeds
What a treat for our team today 👌
These delicious bakes were made by Widnall Bakery and we are proud to be supporting a fellow local business. They specialise in cruffins but can cater for all needs such as bread and other bakes, including gluten-free and vegan!
Their pages are below if you'd like to check them out but these speak for themselves...delicious!
Widnall Bakery
#TMTV #TheMarketTownVet #WidnallBakery #SupportLocal
We would like to wish all our clients and their pets a wonderful new year.
We look forward to seeing you very soon!
#TMTV #TheMarketTownVets #OswestryVet #ShrewsburyVet
We would like to wish all our clients and their pets the most wonderful festive break!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year.
From all of our team at The Market Town Vet
#TheMarketTownVet #TMTV #OswestryVet #ShrewsburyVet
Have a carefree Christmas with your pets!
To ensure your festive season goes by without a hitch, here are our top tips to ensure all the common hazards are covered!
🎄Provide a safe space for pets: Christmas tends to mean more visitors and noise, which can be overwhelming. Ensure your pet has a familiar safe space they can retreat to and this can help to avoid pet anxiety which often leads to upset tummies.
🎄Christmas treats: Christmas often leads to a rise in cases of pancreatitis which is most commonly caused by richer foods. If you like to give your pet a treat, be careful with mixing meats and additional sauces or gravies on leftover veggies. They often have garlic or onion present, which are toxic to our pets and can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Of course, also be careful of chocolate, sultanas in mince pies, blue cheese and macadamia nuts which are common culprits, often quite accessible on the table or wrapped as gifts.
🎄Bones: Many pet owners give their dogs bones as a Christmas treat, but these commonly splinter and cause blockages as well as internal damage. So, ensure the only bones given are in biscuit form!
🎄Keep a routine: Christmas is one day of the year when most routines go out the window! For your pet, they will appreciate some stability whether that's the same feeding times or a long walk to tire them out.
🎄Festive outfits: Some pets wear their festive outfit with pride but for others, this can cause a lot of distress. So whilst a festive bandana may be fine for one dog, a Christmas jumper or antlers with bells may not be welcomed by another.
Above all, enjoy the celebrations with your furry friends!
#TheMarketTownVet #TMTV #OswestryVet #ShrewsburyVet #Christmas
🐕🦺 Winter dog walking can mean limited daylight, boggy fields, pounding pavements - not quite as enjoyable as those cool summer evenings!
It is still one of the highlights of our pets’ days. Here are our top tips to stay safe whilst walking this winter…
#TheMarketTownVet #TMTV #OswestryVet #ShrewsburyVet #WinterDogWalks
Often, fireworks during autumn and winter are not isolated to Bonfire Night and New Year celebrations. This means that prepping our pets can be difficult.
If you hear fireworks or are aware of a last-minute display, here are our top tips to make it bearable for pets!
#TheMarketTownVet #TMTV #OswestryVet #ShrewsburyVet #Fireworks
Our team is in your pocket! Making pet care, convenient!
PetsApp is FREE to download and you can use this to:
🐾 Chat with our team
🐾 Order medication
🐾 Book appointments
It is available on the AppStore and GooglePlay. We look forward to chatting with you through the app!
#TheMarketTownVet #ShrewsburyVet #OswestryVet #PetsApp
Arthritis is a very common condition in our four-legged friends. It doesn’t make it any less painful and debilitating though!
What's more, symptoms seemingly become worse in the cold weather.
If your pet has been diagnosed with arthritis, there is plenty that can be done to help manage their condition and improve their wellbeing.
🦴 Medications: your vet can prescribe medications which can help reduce swelling and pain
🦴 Joint supplements: Some supplements can help manage existing damage and prevent further deterioration of the joint
🦴 Alternative therapies: There are many effective alternative therapies available (many of which are included by most insurance companies) from hydrotherapy to laser therapy which can reduce inflammation and help treat painful joints
🦴 Home alterations: Simple changes such as anti-slip mats, ramps, raised food and water bowls, orthopaedic beds, extra warmth and extra padding in their sleeping area will all help ease any mobility difficulties and discomfort
🦴 Routine alterations: Whilst your pet may be finding their daily exercise a little more challenging, for their wellbeing, they may still like to go out! Consider wrapping them up warm in a coat, avoid walking in the rain, and keeping exercise steady, short and at their pace.
Your pets will thank you.
#TheMarketTownVet #TMTV #OswestryVet #ShrewsburyVet #NationalArthritisWeek
Crunchy leaves, cosy evenings and the colours changing - it can only mean autumn has arrived.
What does that mean for our pets?
🎆 Fireworks
Now is the time to start preparing your anxious pets to cope with the fireworks season. There are a variety of products available to help, but you can also start by introducing a safe space and ensuring your pet's microchip details are up-to-date.
🍂 Autumnal Toxins
Conkers, acorns and mushrooms are the most common hazards to dogs as we enter the autumn season. As well as causing blockages, they can cause internal damage, kidney disease and upset stomachs. If your pet is showing signs of illness, don't hesitate to get in touch.
🦟 Preventative care
Fleas and ticks are resilient. It is a common misconception that they die off when the seasons change. In the colder weather, they tend to seek warmer locations, hitching a ride on your pet and arriving in your home. Be sure to keep on top of your pet's preventative care to avoid any unwanted infestations!
#TheMarketTownVet #TMTV #OswestryVet #ShrewsburyVet #AutumnAwareness