Jo Carroll Equine Services

Jo Carroll Equine Services Freelance qualified and insured instructor, bitting and bridle fitter.

🍰Cake Club 🍰For Horse ownersJuly datesFriday 12th at 11amSunday 14th at 2pmSaturday 20th at 2pmI'm aiming to hold Cake C...

🍰Cake Club 🍰
For Horse owners

July dates
Friday 12th at 11am
Sunday 14th at 2pm
Saturday 20th at 2pm

I'm aiming to hold Cake Club once a month, weather permitting, at Knightsplace EC ME2 3UB, where we will go for an hours hack, straight from the car park into beautiful woodland, then back for tea, coffee and cake.

The aim of Cake Club is to take time out from your busy lives, destress, enjoy your horse, meet new people, and of course eat cake!

Want to hack with a friend who's horseless at the moment, no problem. I can hire a licenced riding school horse for the hack for an extra £10.
£25 each Limited spaces

Please note that the hacking will be at walk, so it is not suitable for those that want to go fast.

Message to book in

One of my many great reviews on such a fab bridle and fitting!Check out all my reviews on my page

One of my many great reviews on such a fab bridle and fitting!

Check out all my reviews on my page

Find out more about the Quantum Bridle and what sets it apart!


I'm a fitter too!

I'm a fitter too!


There are so many beautiful bridles on the market, so why choose Quantum?

The second reason as to why we think you should choose a Quantum Bridle...
(the first being its SCIENTIFICALLY proven to me more comfortable )
The Quantum Bridle has SO many options!

You know the drill, you choose a bridle you LOVE, but the noseband is WAY too big, and the throatlash barely does up... and the browband is SO tight!
Not with Quantum!

You can choose the sizes especially to fit your horse, and you can even find a local fitter if you are unsure or check out our fitting guide and have the freedom to exchange pieces within 14 days!

Not only that, but you can buy the noseband type for your preference, including without a noseband entirely...

The ORIGINAL Quantum Bridle... aka The Welfare Bridle

Or a bridle from our competition collection (all BD and FEI legal)

Bespoke AND comfortable...
Shop now

Another successful Horse Owners Cake Club  🙌The sun was shining, the company was fab and the cake was yummy!July dates c...

Another successful Horse Owners Cake Club 🙌

The sun was shining, the company was fab and the cake was yummy!

July dates coming soon 👀

Let's talk about adjustable saddles 🤔

The horse world has made some staggering progress in a relatively short period of time understanding how much a horse can grow and change both as a young horse, but also through work and seasonal changes. This is great! 🌟 Rather than fitting a 4yo with their saddle for life, we are expecting change and we are actively looking for signs than adjustments are needed to protect the horse and to enable their continued development 🫶

Now, we know horses change. And we know saddles are adjustable. So why is it that I can't guarantee at an ADJUSTABLE saddle can be altered to fit for the length of a horses ridden career?

Simply put, the way a horse grows and changes isn't black and white.

There are some excellent physios and other equine professionals posting educational posts on how treatment/work/time/muscle development can take a horses posture and shape from one thing to something entirely different. And that is truly amazing 😍. But let's not pretend that these amazing changes won't affect how your saddle fits and what can be done to adjust it to fit.

When looking at possible options to fit a horse, we are looking at back shape and width initially to determine which brands/models/trees could work. And this can change drastically over time.

Now let's imagine you've bought a spindly youngster who has been lucky enough to have had a slow start in life just turned out with some ground work. This horse most likely has a big old grass tummy and lacks muscle along its back, as is only fair.

This lack of muscle means there's a natural increase in curvature through its back, and the added weight of a rider sits the saddle RIGHT back. So we look at saddles with the most suitable tree shape, a supportive length of point to give ample wither clearance, and a generous rear gusset in the panel to bring the rider back up into balance and discuss a plan to regularly check and adjust the saddle to fit. All good. ✅️

Now fast forward through the next year of this horses life. The cavaletti poles and ground work have done their job. You've been taking it slow and steady and your youngster has started to become supple and balanced. It even has core strength!

Now we've been checking it regularly and adjusting it as needed, but can we keep that original saddle fitting well to continue to allow the horse continued development and growth? Not necessarily. Lets say its core strengthened and it's back lifted. It was more able to work from behind and is no longer the shape of a fruit bowl. It's widened, through natural growth as its young and through correct training and muscle development.

So we can widen the saddle and that will solve it? Possibly not in this case. By widening the saddle to the correct width for the horse the balance has been affected. It's just doing a massive face plant now. Okay, lets lift it with flocking in front? Maybe the panel will allow it, but maybe not. And lets not forget that generous panel at the back that helped with the weak back which is no longer weak. It's making it bridge, we don't want that. So we soften the back to try and make it as level and even as possible, that will work right? Maybe. But maybe not. And even if it does, is this still the BEST fit for your horse to be allowing it to work as comfortably as possible?

Now not every horse is going to change drastically, some really do seem to be able to stay in the same saddle very happily for YEARS!!

And saddle adjustability is constantly developing. Whilst you cannot change the shape of the tree from front to back; you can change the width, how it's flocked, the girthing arrangement and in some saddles, the panels and flaps.

Saddle fitters are generally not out to sell you a saddle that is going to be unsuitable after a short period of time. We fit to the horse we see on the day, and if that horse no longer suits a saddle, despite our best efforts to adjust it, it is out duty of care to make that known. Now that not to say that a temporary fix with pads or otherwise can't work, but you hear of so many people wary of fitters who are 'just out there to sell'. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but maybe reframe the perspective to that person being accountable for the fit of the saddle and their duty of care to the horse.

And to flip it in on its head, a horse who is in great shape when a saddle has been fitted and who develops issues or has inconsistent work can start to lose muscle and change shape. Sure, poor saddle fit can also cause this, but we can't always blame the saddle, other factors can also be the cause.

The subject of adjustable saddles is vast and I've prattled on for long enough 😂

And just because, here's a photo of the lovely Gudrun from David Dyer Saddles and her beautiful youngster Belzon when we had a crack at finding the right saddle for this absolute stunner 😍 🦄

A fantastic Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic today at Willow Farm 🙌Everyone smashed it today 💪 I eve...

A fantastic Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic today at Willow Farm 🙌

Everyone smashed it today 💪 I even shed a tear with joy as how proud I am of these ladies. When they first starting coming they were terrified but today they were flying!!!

And this is why I hold these clinics.

Next dates
Sat 20th Jul Willow Farm
Sat 27th Jul Cobham Manor

Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic Sunday 30th June at Baden Stables, Sittingbourne ME9 8JX £25 each h...

Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic

Sunday 30th June at Baden Stables, Sittingbourne ME9 8JX

£25 each hour group sessions
Private sessions are available upon request

Message to book in

A fantastic Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic today at Willow Farm 🙌Everyone smashed it today 💪 I eve...

A fantastic Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic today at Willow Farm 🙌

Everyone smashed it today 💪 I even shed a tear with joy as how proud I am of these ladies. When they first starting coming they were terrified but today they were flying!!!

And this is why I hold these clinics.

Next dates
Sat 20th Jul Willow Farm
Sat 27th Jul Cobham Manor

Follow the link to book 👇


Today's Cake Club

Still have a couple of spaces for 22nd June at 2pm

More dates coming soon 👀

💥 1 space available 💥Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic Tomorrow at Willow Farm Equestrian, Faversham ...

💥 1 space available 💥

Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic
Tomorrow at Willow Farm Equestrian, Faversham at 10.30am.

Message me to book in
Willow Farm Equestrian Faversham

Fun Agility ClinicSunday 7th JulyCobham Manor A fun clinic that can be done in hand, ridden, or both.  Great for confide...

Fun Agility Clinic
Sunday 7th July
Cobham Manor

A fun clinic that can be done in hand, ridden, or both. Great for confidence building between horse and handler/rider, good way to get a horse out and about seeing the world, spook busting in a controlled way or something gentle for the older horses.

Hour group sessions, £25 each
Private sessions are available upon request

Follow the link to book 👇

Cobham Manor Events


I went to see Dana and Blaze back in May, and poor Dana was nearly at the point of making the decision to retire Blaze at the age of 8 years.

A year ago, Blaze was diagnosed with TMJ disease. After many treatments and her TMJ being medicated, nothing seemed to help or make poor Blaze comfortable in her ridden work. To the point, she refused to move with a bridle on and throw people off.

I went to do a bit consult and fit the Quantum Bridle to see if we could help Blaze and Dana. I didn't video the before as it was horrendous, and even I wasn't sure if I could help. But the transformation once we put the new bit and bridle on was amazing! I could feel Blaze relaxing into the bridle as I was fitting it, and it just got better and better as time went on.

This is Dana story in her own words...

"In March last year Blaze started head flicking, evading putting her bit and bridle on, pulling and feeling like she wasn’t working correctly. We had a few chiropractor sessions, several dental appointments to see if we could correct what ever was bothering her, but nothing changed. We then went down the vet route to get to the bottom of the issue, had multiple x-rays after osteopathy did not help as much as hoped and she then had her TMJs medicated after being told that she has TMJ disease. Unfortunately we then had to take another break in November 2023 due to having canker and requiring surgery. Once she came back into work in the new year it wasn’t long before the steroid injections wore off and Blaze was visibly uncomfortable again, planting as soon as I asked for trot and threatening to buck and constantly head flicking, in fact it was worse than before! Blaze was a lot more comfortable after a massage and osteopathy session however I was reluctant to carry on just medicating and masking the problem. My mum then suggested we try the quantum bridle and have a bit fitted, I was really at the end of my teather and didn’t really think it would help, I was on the verge of just giving up because I had poured so much energy in trying to fix something that didn’t feel like it was getting better. Jo was lovely, she came out and spent time with Blaze, understanding the situation and the results really speak for them selves, I feel like I have my pony back! We still have lots to work on but we now have something that we can work with and I can actually enjoy my pony again!"

Quantum Bridle

Another fabulous 🍰 Cake Club 🍰 for horse owners today at Knightsplace in Rochester! Beautiful,  quiet hacking followed b...

Another fabulous 🍰 Cake Club 🍰 for horse owners today at Knightsplace in Rochester!

Beautiful, quiet hacking followed by tea, coffee, and cake. What more could you want 🤷‍♀️

Future dates
Friday 14th at 11.30am
Saturday 22nd at 2pm

The aim of Cake Club is to take time out from your busy lives, destress, enjoy your horse, meet new people, and, of course, eat cake!

I'm aiming to hold Cake Club a couple of times a month, weather permitting, at Knightsplace EC ME2 3UB, where we will go for an hours hack, straight from the car park into beautiful woodland, then back for tea, coffee and cake.

Want to hack with a friend who's horseless at the moment, no problem. I can hire a licenced riding school horse for the hack for an extra £10.
£25 each Limited spaces

Please note that the hacking will be at walk, so it is not suitable for those who want to go fast.

Message to book in

July dates coming soon 👀

🍰Cake Club 🍰For Horse owners💥 I still have a few spaces left for this Sunday, 9th 💥Future datesSunday 9th June 10amFrida...

🍰Cake Club 🍰
For Horse owners

💥 I still have a few spaces left for this Sunday, 9th 💥

Future dates
Sunday 9th June 10am
Friday 14th June 11.30am
Saturday 22nd June 2pm

I'm aiming to hold Cake Club once a month, weather permitting, at Knightsplace EC ME2 3UB, where we will go for an hours hack, straight from the car park into beautiful woodland, then back for tea, coffee and cake.

The aim of Cake Club is to take time out from your busy lives, destress, enjoy your horse, meet new people, and of course eat cake!

Want to hack with a friend who's horseless at the moment, no problem. I can hire a licenced riding school horse for the hack for an extra £10.
£25 each Limited spaces

Please note that the hacking will be at walk, so it is not suitable for those that want to go fast.

Message to book in

Thank you to all my new likes and  follows. For those of you who don't know me and what I do, here's the services I offe...

Thank you to all my new likes and follows.

For those of you who don't know me and what I do, here's the services I offer

👉 Coaching - specialising in confidence Building
👉 Bitting consultant
👉Quantum Bridle fitter
👉Fun Agility clinics
👉Educational talks & demos

Please take a look at my website for more details or drop me a dm

Fun Fact about about me.....

I'm allergic to chocolate 😲

Fab morning with the Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic at Cobham Manor.Everyone did so well and achie...

Fab morning with the Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic at Cobham Manor.

Everyone did so well and achieved so much, with bits to go away and work on 😉💪

Next dates
Fri 14th Cobham Manor 4pm start
Sat 15th Willow Farm

Follow the link to book 👇


Cobham Manor Events

🍰 Cake Club 🍰For horse owners Super morning spent hacking through the beautiful woodlands at Knightsplace Equestrian Cen...

🍰 Cake Club 🍰
For horse owners

Super morning spent hacking through the beautiful woodlands at Knightsplace Equestrian Centre, Rochester, followed by tea, coffee, and cake!!!

Future Cake Club Dates
Sun 9th June 10am - 2 spaces left
Fri 14th June 11.30am
Sat 22nd June 2pm - 2 spaces left

An hours hack followed by tea, coffee, and cake £25 each
No horse, no problem. You can hire a riding school horse for an extra £10

To book message 07887245717
Please note this is a walking hack only
Knightsplace Equestrian Events

First time Darcy and Tuppence have jumped together....I think they smashed it today 🙌If anyone else has photos from toda...

First time Darcy and Tuppence have jumped together....I think they smashed it today 🙌

If anyone else has photos from today at Willow Farm, please post them on here, I would love to see them!

What a fantastic afternoon at Willow Farm with the Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic 🙌What I love abo...

What a fantastic afternoon at Willow Farm with the Confidence Building Poles to Jumping a Course Clinic 🙌

What I love about these clinics is that everyone comes in nervous, even terrified and wondering what the hell they were thinking booking it. But then they very quickly realise there is no pressure, lots of encouragement from each other, and lots of fun to be had!

Guaranteed everyone goes away with a big smile on their faces 🙌

Next dates
Mon 27th May Cobham Manor
Fri 14th June Cobham Manor
Sat 15th June Willow Farm

Willow Farm Equestrian Faversham

Out and about all over Kent the last couple of days bit and Quantum Bridle fitting.It was lovely to be out in sunshine i...

Out and about all over Kent the last couple of days bit and Quantum Bridle fitting.

It was lovely to be out in sunshine instead of the rain and cold. Hopefully, the sun will stay a while 🤞

If you would like to book a Bit Consult or Quantum Bridle fitting, please drop me a message for more details and to book in.
Bit Consult £55
Quantum Bridle fitting £35
Both £75
Plus, travel fee

Quantum Bridle

Last of the photos from today at Speedgate Equestrian

Last of the photos from today at Speedgate Equestrian

More photos from today at Speedgate Equestrian  with the Fun Agility Obstacles

More photos from today at Speedgate Equestrian with the Fun Agility Obstacles

Mire photos from today at  Speedgate Equestrian

Mire photos from today at Speedgate Equestrian

A fabulous day spent at Speedgate Equestrian with the liveries tackling the fun agility obstacles.Everyone had lots of f...

A fabulous day spent at Speedgate Equestrian with the liveries tackling the fun agility obstacles.

Everyone had lots of fun, giggled, encouraged, and supported one another in a great yard day 🙌

Everyone did more than they thought and achieved so much 👏

We even had someone conquer their space hopper fears 🙈😂

Speedgate Equestrian

All setup for a busy one at Speedgate with the Fun Agility Obstacles ☺️

All setup for a busy one at Speedgate with the Fun Agility Obstacles ☺️

Last of the photos from today 📸Baden Stables & Stud

Last of the photos from today 📸
Baden Stables & Stud

More photos from today's Fun Agility clinic at Baden Stables & Stud

More photos from today's Fun Agility clinic at Baden Stables & Stud


Isle Of Sheppey


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