Starkie Vet Physio

Starkie Vet Physio Kate Starkie MSc is an NAVP registered Veterinary Physiotherapist in West Lancashire

Hugo loves his infrared LASER therapy and massage. He has treatments every 2 weeks alternating with his water treadmill ...

Hugo loves his infrared LASER therapy and massage. He has treatments every 2 weeks alternating with his water treadmill therapy at Trafford Park Canine Hydrotherapy. This helps him to cope with stiffness in his shoulders and hips relating to elbow and hip orthopaedic issues. He also has some targeted home exercises to do to keep him more comfortable and using his body better.

Great work Hugo ๐Ÿฆด

Harness shape makes a huge difference to your dogs comfort and movement. Personally I recommend the brand "Perfect Fit" ...

Harness shape makes a huge difference to your dogs comfort and movement. Personally I recommend the brand "Perfect Fit" for most dogs which comes in 3 sections making it fully customisable to fit your dog (chest piece, back piece, girth piece). The Julius K9 style is not ideal for any dog and neither is the figure 8 step in style. If your dog is uncomfortable on a walk their behaviour and ability to cope with external stimuli will be hugely affected. ๐Ÿพ

Amber was very sleepy after her LASER and massage session yesterday. Her owner put her magnetic coat on to stimulate inc...

Amber was very sleepy after her LASER and massage session yesterday. Her owner put her magnetic coat on to stimulate increased circulation through her body as she rests. Amber is a long term patient who benefits from regular treatments to keep her comfortable ๐Ÿพ

Poppy is a boxer x who is 10 years old. She was referred due to reduced mobility relating to her back legs, particularly...

Poppy is a boxer x who is 10 years old. She was referred due to reduced mobility relating to her back legs, particularly her knees. I have been working with Poppy for 4 weeks and she has surprised me every session with what she can do.

Often, just like people, older dogs become uncomfortable and get into habits of movement to cope with this. Once they start on pain medication it is important to address these habits to help improve movement patterns and range of motion of limbs. This helps joints to last longer and reduces overload through the forelimbs. This means that your dog can feel more comfortable through their whole body.

Poppy is able to step over raised poles easily and surprised us today by stepping up onto this wobble cushion with great confidence! If you would like help to improve or maintain your older dogs mobility please get in touch!


Clear run in the Helter Skelter today, thought Luna was running a bit slow. As soon as we came out the ring she did a poo ๐Ÿ’ฉ Often changes in behaviour have a reason behind them ๐Ÿ˜…

Jake is a gorgeous Collie x Labrador and is around 6 months old. His owner noticed that he seemed to have a strange angu...

Jake is a gorgeous Collie x Labrador and is around 6 months old. His owner noticed that he seemed to have a strange angulation to one of his front legs. I recommended getting him checked by a specialist Orthopaedic Veterinary Surgeon. After a veterinary investigation it was found that Jake is likely to need surgery due to a congenital deformity of the elbow.

If you are concerned about your dog and want to book a physiotherapy check please get in touch. It is better to target a problem early on rather than waiting to see if it develops into something more serious.

Thank you to dog training for spotting this issue at puppy class early on and advising a physio check.

Alfie has been signed off after being referred for stiffness in his hips and back. He is now back to normal following re...

Alfie has been signed off after being referred for stiffness in his hips and back. He is now back to normal following regular physiotherapy over the past 5 months, which included class IV infrared LASER therapy, massage and prescribed stretches and strengthening exercises.
Alfie enjoys obedience and hoopers and loves to show off with tricks. ๐Ÿพ

If your dog is not feeling themselves and has stopped doing things they enjoy, including jumping into the car or playing with other dogs, get in touch for an assessment as they may have become stiff and uncomfortable. Getting on top of these things early will help to prevent further complications in future, eg. Compensatory injuries such as repetitive strains, damage to ligaments in the forelimbs or back pain.

Alfie's owner says she is so happy to have the old Alfie back ๐Ÿ’œ


A wheelchair has given Suggs a new lease of life following his IVDD surgery.

It is thought that around 89.2% of French Bulldogs carry the genes which predispose them to Intervertebral Disc Disease incidents, where the disc material in the spine becomes less fluid and can potentially extrude under pressure and cause spinal nerve compression.

This doesn't mean that 89.2% will develop IVDD, but that they are at a higher risk than a dog without this gene. (

Other dogs with these genetics can include Dachshunds, Corgis, Bassett Hounds, Shih-Tzus, English Bulldogs and some Cocker Spaniels.

These 'Chondrodystrophic' dog breeds are characterized by their short legs in comparison to their body size and length. These genetics are also responsible for abnormalities in the Intervertebral Discs.

Unfortunately for Suggs his IVDD has left him predominantly paraplegic but still able to have a good quality of life thanks to the dedication of his owner. He is having regular physiotherapy and hydrotherapy to try and reclaim any nerve function possible.

The results are out for the National Dog Survey.Over 370'000 respondents took part. The most popular breed in the UK is ...

The results are out for the National Dog Survey.

Over 370'000 respondents took part. The most popular breed in the UK is the Labrador with 30'000 identified in the survey, meaning a possible 1 million labradors UK wide.

The survey also found that 40% of dogs are cross breeds.

Luna is the second most popular female dog name ๐Ÿบ after Poppy.


Daisy is having physiotherapy to strengthen her back leg muscles to help provide stabilisation for her luxating patellas. Raised poles, also known as cavaletti poles, are a great way to build muscle by increasing active range of motion through the joints. The slower and steadier the more effective this exercise is, and this takes practice and perseverance. Good work Daisy ๐Ÿพ

I have sponsored the Ridden Veterans class at today's show at Thompson House Equestrian Centre which is raising money fo...

I have sponsored the Ridden Veterans class at today's show at Thompson House Equestrian Centre which is raising money for a hoist to aid disabled riders.

Stormzy caught up with me after the pole clinic today to discuss what exercises he might like to do ๐Ÿ˜… although he didn't...

Stormzy caught up with me after the pole clinic today to discuss what exercises he might like to do ๐Ÿ˜… although he didn't take part in this clinic, pole work is an excellent way to strengthen your horse from the ground as they progress with their training towards becoming a ridden horse.

Stormzy is only 4 and is just starting his ridden work. Young horses will always benefit from working on straightness, balance and coordination in hand before bringing these exercises under saddle with the weight of a rider.

If you would like to improve your horse's core strength, balance, straightness and proprioception please get in touch to discuss options.

Today I ran a pole clinic for two of my clients. We looked at a range of exercises including slaloms, fans and a labyrin...

Today I ran a pole clinic for two of my clients. We looked at a range of exercises including slaloms, fans and a labyrinth.


Today I ran a pole clinic for two of my clients who are working on improving their horses core strength and back musculature.

This is important for any ridden horse, but particularly those who have undergone surgery to the interspinous ligaments. This surgery seeks to relieve back pain relating to the dorsal spinous processes - a condition also known as kissing spines.

These exercises can be done in hand, in long reins or under saddle, depending on the strength and experience of the horse.

Dogs who are in pain will still run and play โžก๏ธ

Dogs who are in pain will still run and play โžก๏ธ


This is Twig my yorkie, as many of you know she was born with deformed back legs. She has patella issues, cruciate issues, malformed hocks and also elbow disease.

Despite all of this, Twig would play all day. She is a young dog and would run non-stop, play with toys, play with my other dogs 24/7 if she could. She always wants to go for a walk- she never wants to turn to go home, she would walk all day if you let her.

Sheโ€™s never grumpy, never shows any aggression even when sheโ€™s in pain. She partially ruptured a cruciate a few months ago and despite not being able to use her leg she was still desperate to go for a walk and kept dropping balls in my coffee (obvs I didnโ€™t let her walk or play!) ๐Ÿ˜ณ

She has phases where her legs are really bad and she is in pain. It would be really easy for me to think sheโ€™s โ€˜fineโ€™ and not in pain as she would still play all day if I let her. My only behavioural signs of pain with her are that she wakes in the night and takes a while to settle again and she barks a bit more than normal at outside noises.

Iโ€™ve also seen night-waking with my Dalmatian, Lucky, when he was in pain and my first sign of his back issues was that he would wake up and wander around in the middle of the night. He also still wanted to walk and play.

People often think that a dog who is in pain wonโ€™t want to go for a walk but dogs in pain are often still keen to go for a walk and they will want to chase a ball etc and play if you let them. Donโ€™t ever assume they arenโ€™t in pain because they want to run and play!

Signs of pain can be subtle and these are some that I commonly see in dogs I work with -

๐Ÿ›Œ They may wake in the night or find it hard to settle in the evening, pacing or moving from bed to bed

๐Ÿ• They may vocalise more (whine or bark) and be more attention-seeking (nudging your hand to stroke them all the time or following you from room to room)

๐Ÿ›‹๏ธ Hesitating or unable to climb on/off the sofa, go up the stairs or get in and out of the car or needing a bigger run up to get in. Being slower to get up from resting.

๐Ÿ˜” Being unhappy about being handled (groomed/dried etc) or unhappy about people sitting next to them on the sofa or walking past their bed

๐Ÿฉ Changes in interactions with other dogs on walks- less keen on interacting or less keen on certain types of play etc

๐Ÿ€. Lying down on walks or walking at a slower place but also conversely running excessively (โ€˜runners highโ€™ endorphins make them feel good temporarily)

You may also notice physical changes (the way your dog moves or the way their body looks.

๐Ÿ’Š Please chat to your vet if you see any changes, dogs donโ€™t suddenly change and start or stop doing things for no reason.

Pain is one of the primary causes of many aggression in dogs. Dogs also often donโ€™t stop running and playing when they are in pain- signs of pain can be subtle and easy to miss so please, please seek advice from your vet if you see changes

Laura McAuliffe, Dog Communication 2024


Luna is demonstrating a technique for encouraging dogs to go into a down or bow by luring under a leg, low bench etc.
For a bow rather than a down, have another treat ready up and over to bring them back up quickly. After a few reps they may decide it's easier to keep their back legs up rather than fully lying down.
Bows can be useful to stretch through the thoracic and lumbar back and forelimbs and can be part of a great warm up for dynamic activity such as agility.

Finley will be 15 in a couple of months! He has some complications with movement called ataxia and hypermetria due to ch...

Finley will be 15 in a couple of months! He has some complications with movement called ataxia and hypermetria due to changes which have occurred in his brain and nerves as he's aged. This means he can look a bit wobbly and uncoordinated.

Despite this he has a real zest for life and enjoys massage, infrared LASER therapy and some low impact physiotherapy exercises to keep his muscles strong.

He is very cheeky and likes to tell me off if he feels he's not getting his treats quickly enough.

How can your dog communicate that they are struggling and may need some help physically?Perhaps the most obvious one peo...

How can your dog communicate that they are struggling and may need some help physically?

Perhaps the most obvious one people think of is vocalising - yelping, whining, growling. But there are many ways dogs communicate without making a sound.

Dogs may become more reactive to other dogs or people in their space.
Unable to settle, getting up often and sleeping less.
Stiff or sore after lying down
Change of character (more grumpy or quiet for example)
Panting when it isn't hot and they haven't been doing fast exercise.
Less active
Loss of appetite
Limping or change in movement, walking on an angle, bunny hopping or skipping when running.
Doesn't want to do things they used to do anymore. E.g. getting into or out of car, stopping on walks, avoiding other dogs, not wanting to play.

If you have any concerns about your dog it is better to get on top of it sooner rather than seeing if it resolves itself or gets worse. Dogs have a strong pain memory and will continue to compensate for a long time after symptoms have resolved. This can cause problems such as overloading other limbs as well as secondary back pain.

As a Veterinary Physiotherapist I can identify how your dog is using their body and what we can do to improve matters and help them have a long happy life.

Vita ๐Ÿฉท is at least 15 years old and has monthly physiotherapy and LASER alongside regular pain relief for arthritis mana...

Vita ๐Ÿฉท is at least 15 years old and has monthly physiotherapy and LASER alongside regular pain relief for arthritis management. This combination of treatments works really well for her and she is ~wild~ with plenty of energy and a zest for life.

She can do balance cushion work to engage her core, as well as sit to stands, down to stands and raised poles. All of this means that she is using her body in a better way which reduces strain on her joints and helps to maintain muscle mass. Just because a dog is old, doesn't mean they don't deserve the best care and management.

Lameness, stiffness and discomfort should not be an inevitable part of aging, get in touch to find out if I can help your dog to age more comfortably.


๐ŸŽŠEntries are still open for our Amateur Fun Championship Horse Show on Sunday 25th August! Just look at that sash!๐ŸŽŠ



๐ŸŒŸThis show is open to all! From complete beginners and people who need support in the ring, to regular showing competitors!

๐ŸŒŸEach class will be place to 6th, and the winner of each class will receive a prize too!

๐ŸŒŸ1st and 2nd place prize winners from each class will be eligible for a Section Championships, where you can win a beautiful sash and a hamper!

๐ŸŒŸChampions and reserve champions from the section championships will be eligible to compete in the Supreme championship at the end of the day!

There are classes for everyone! The schedule is pinned to the top of our page and is available on our booking website

Any queries, please feel free to call on 01257 676003 or email [email protected]

Thank you to our sponsors for supporting us to put on such a fantastic event!
Croston Cycles
Inglenorth Contracting Limited
Marsden Crane Services Ltd
Beauty & The Hair Boutique
IKO Roofing
Potters Bar
The Hamill Family
Hilary Keegan
The Kennedy Family
Starkie Vet Physio
Elite Equine Laundry
Natasha Bradbury Equine Sports Massage Therapist
Ainscough Hire
The Upholstery Man
KM Design & Build
Aspull RFC
Whittingham Joinery Services

Just done an amazing scentwork session with The Crafty Canine - Dog Training  with my dog Luna.We even got a pack to tak...

Just done an amazing scentwork session with The Crafty Canine - Dog Training with my dog Luna.

We even got a pack to take home so that we can carry on proofing the basics and have fun practicing!

Unfortunately the scent we are using is catmint which means Archie ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ› had something to say about Luna's new toys.

Luckily he has a vast selection of his own toys๐Ÿญ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿงถ, which means Luna's can be kept safe just for scentwork games.

Scentwork is a great way to channel your dogs natural instincts into something fun and rewarding and any dog can do it. If you are looking for ways to tire your dog out, aim to tire their brain rather than purely focussing on intense exercise, and you will have excellent results. ๐Ÿ’ค

It's International Cat Day! ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›Cats can benefit from physiotherapy too, although deciding how to treat them can be much ...

It's International Cat Day! ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›

Cats can benefit from physiotherapy too, although deciding how to treat them can be much more individual than most dogs.

๐Ÿ˜ฝMost cats will accept infrared LASER therapy, especially since this comes with a non-contact option which is better if they are easily overstimulated by touch.

๐Ÿ˜ปSome cats enjoy massage, some don't.

๐ŸŸ Some cats will do exercises for treats, some won't.

And many vary in what they will tolerate from day to day.

๐ŸงถSometimes physiotherapy for cats includes using a toy or laser pen to get them moving in specific ways.

If you think your cat needs some help with mobility or post injury or surgery please get in touch to discuss their individual requirements. ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿพ


More mantrailing with Luna, this time at a lakeside location ๐ŸŒŠ
Anyone who knows Luna, knows how much she loves water, so trailing past a lake showed some commitment on her part! Although she did go for a swim on the way back.

Some people think water reduces scent by washing it away or diluting it, however scent particles contain bacteria which accumulate and grow on water. So in fact water will capture scent and make it stronger!

When Luna hits a really good area of scent she gets excited and zooms forward with enthusiasm. I love this and call it her scent boosts โšก

Trails can be adapted to suit most dogs, even those with issues such as reactivity. And all breeds have the capacity to succeed and enjoy themselves.

The Crafty Canine - Dog Training

Billy had a great physiotherapy session today. I initially starting treating his housemate Buster before giving Billy a ...

Billy had a great physiotherapy session today. I initially starting treating his housemate Buster before giving Billy a check over and finding he also had room for improvement.

Since having physiotherapy Billy is able to move more freely though his back and his hindlimbs are less hypertonic and stiff. often these little working dogs can be very stoic and can put a very brave face on when they are quite uncomfortable. Having a once over with a veterinary physiotherapist can identify areas which can be improved before they become more severe issues. Often changes happen slowly over time, and it's not until they feel more comfortable than you realise they had stopped certain behaviours.

Billy loves a good massage to his shoulders, chest, back and hindlimbs to loosen him off ready for his spaniel adventures in the great outdoors ๐Ÿฆ†


Billy never used to like jumping fences, until recently... ๐Ÿ˜

He has been improving steadily every time I see him, with a combination of massage and laser therapy, and commitment to home exercises and stretches from his owner. Recently he has been much happier to jump into vehicles and over fences crossing country.

Go Billy!


Mantrailing with Ascent K9 this morning, Luna is on it!

Scent related training is the perfect way to challenge your dog mentally, after this Luna will be asleep for the rest of the day ๐Ÿ’ค

Mantrailing is suitable for all breeds and ages of dog and even reactive dogs can be accommodated safely.

Luna really enjoys it! ๐Ÿง€


Why is swimming my dog different to hydrotherapy and when do fun swims become dangerous? ๐ŸŒŠ

Brachycephalic breeds (those with shortened muzzles such as French Bulldogs, Boxers, Pugs, English Bulldogs and some Cavalier Spaniels and Shih Tzu's) can struggle to get enough breath when working hard. These breeds need particular care when they swim or attend hydrotherapy.

Dogs with elbow or spinal issues need professional care when swimming and may not be suitable at all as it can make some conditions much worse (water treadmill is an excellent alternative option in some cases).

Personally, I would always advise to swim or treadmill dogs with a fully qualified and insured hydrotherapist, even for fun and fitness. Often they will be able to spot issues with your dog you may not have even been aware of, and this helps to prevent further injury in the cases such as spinal instability, joint laxity, or a damaging or erratic swimming technique. (Dogs with elbow issues can be made much worse by bad swimming technique)

Check if the centre is run by or employs Registered Canine Hydrotherapists - then you can be sure of the training and standards at the hydrotherapy centre. It is possible to check the therapists are suitably qualified, registered and insured by searching registers such as NARCH or CHA and ensure the therapist holds a suitable qualification in hydrotherapy.

Throwback to Luna swimming for fun and fitness a few years ago. She now does water treadmill for muscle building and mobility to stabilise her mild patella luxation.


Cat enrichment ๐ŸŸ

Archie often attacks my arms while I'm folding washing on the bed, mostly because he's a house cat but also because he's a tiny tormentor. Today I loosely folded a tea towel with treats inside and managed to get my washing folded unscathed. ๐Ÿ‘

Follow me for more tips on avoiding physical damage from your feline housemate ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›




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