PES dog training

PES dog training Helping you to build an amazing relationship with your dog! Board & Train
1-2-1 Training and Behaviour sessions
Online Training and Coaching

Me and my buddy Roco.

Me and my buddy Roco.


I love to focus on beautiful things! Brings me joy and peace.


Lead reactivity is a common and challenging problem these days for many dog owners.

It is a well-known fact that there are two main causes of leash reactivity - fear/insecurity (by far the biggest group) or frustration/anxiety.

To be able to solve this problem we need to make sure that we understand what is the cause so we can find the best and most efficient way to deal with this issue, successfully.

The next step is a lot of work on improving the relationship which needs to be based on TRUST, RESPECT and LOVE, rather than solely on LOVE.

Structure, rules, boundaries, discipline and clarity in communication is must, without it, there will never be a meaningful conversation between you and your dog, especially when things go pear-shape.

We also need to work a lot on building some character traits in a dog that will allow us to work and communicate with a reactive dog in those challenging situations.

We need to introduce the work ethic into a daily lifestyle and establish ourselves as trustworthy leaders and decision-makers who got it all cover no matter what.

Then a Loose lead walk or Structured walk is something that needs to be mastered even before we go out into the battlefield.

If your dog cannot stay at your heels when asked to he is in constant free decision-making mode, so don’t be surprised he will not listen to you when the triggers will show up.

Master all components on their own then put it all together, and the work on solving the severe reactivity can begin.

Slowly but surely!

It was an amazing experience to work with this boy. We both learned and achieved a lot. Ted 4-year-old Gordon Setter was...

It was an amazing experience to work with this boy. We both learned and achieved a lot.

Ted 4-year-old Gordon Setter was a hard puller and reactive to dogs, cats, squirrels and joggers.

We worked a lot and hard.

Started from the ground up, we worked on basics as there was no working ethic established, no obedience, and the relationship based entirely on love without any concept of structure, discipline and clear-meaningful communication.

Before I even put him into any challenging situations we worked a lot on building the relationship based on clarity, trust and respect.

Walking on the loose lead was the next thing we had to master otherwise there wouldn't be any chance to even think of modifying that reactive behaviour.

We came a long way. Ted has done a brilliant job and is a different dog now.

There is still much work that needs to be done, but for now, the owners gained so much needed confidence and can walk Ted finally after long 3 years when none of the family members was able or brave enough to walk him at all.

I am looking forward to working with Ted in October again and get him an even better position to enjoy his new way of life.


How do you create a strong and respectful relationship with your dog?

By giving him a job to do and working together to achieve something every day.

By understanding his natural needs and fulfilling the animal and breed inside of him.

By exercising her physically and mentally every day.

By createing clarity in your communication and structure around her daily routine.

By rewarding and praising good decisions she makes and stopping or correcting every unwanted behaviour every single time.

Create a balance in everything you do and give them space and time to be on their own, learning and be okay with doing nothing.

Nurture calmness and bring the crazy side out of them when the time and place are suitable.

Always stay calm and assertive because this is the energy they love and will naturally follow, respect and listen to without too much of a need for convincing.

All this is dog training. We are all dog trainers, and we train every single minute we interact with our dogs.

Be proud of yourself and your dog and what you have achieved together. Have fun with it all and learn something new every day in the process at the same time.

A bit of love time with Frank after training.If I can I like to keep training sessions short, 10-15 min., several times ...

A bit of love time with Frank after training.

If I can I like to keep training sessions short, 10-15 min., several times a day to keep them focused, engaged, eager and willing to learn.

It should be fun and they should be looking forward to training/learning, engaging with you, every time.

You must motivate them to work, with food, toy or praise. You should know your dog and whatever works to get your dog excited and willing to learn is what you need to use.

I like to finish every session when they still want to keep going, before they loose interest with some structured play, affection, love and cuddles.

This is the recipe to create a healthy relationship and strong bond. A bit of structured work they perceive as fun balanced out with some love and ever present joy.

Happy training!

It was my pleasure to work with this crazy boy Cooper and her amazing mom Terri for a couple of months. We put some foun...

It was my pleasure to work with this crazy boy Cooper and her amazing mom Terri for a couple of months.

We put some foundation in place and I cannot wait to see this boy to grow up into a confident, proud, balanced and well behaved dog eventually.

Thank you Terri for giving me an opportunity to be part of this exciting journey even for a short period of time.


When your dog is walking you, while she keeps herself dry and the "handler" is getting soaking wet. 🤣


Proud to work with Darcie and her incredible mom Lucie.

I have nothing but huge respect for this young woman, raising two teenagers, a small baby and a puppy at the same time. I have no idea how but she is doing it.

Seeing things like this makes me do what I do. Helping people who want to achieve the best outcome possible.

Who are dedicated and eager to learn, not afraid to ask for help and support and then listen and put in practice all those subtle seemingly unimportant things and prove themselves that no matter what they will succeed.

And they will and they are.


We all have the best dogs in the world!

Let's enjoy every minute we spend together the time is flying and it all just goes too fast.

So let's learn from each other, let's grow together and cherish those moments when sitting on the grass, doing nothing, sinking the sun in and being happy in each other company.


They are not bad dogs, they just, unfortunately, didn’t get a proper introduction into the human world.
Yes, some of them are easier, the others are more challenging.
But in most cases with “bad dogs”, nobody took the lead, nobody showed them what to do and how to do it.
Nobody taught them a simple language so the messages can be delivered and properly communicated.
Usually, a human wasn’t able to step up to the position of being a respectful and trusted leader and forgot or didn’t know how to lead consistently with clarity and confidence.
But there is hope and all can be changed in most cases in a relatively short time.
After 3-4 weeks of hard and consistent work, you can and will have a different dog who will learn how to learn, who will look up to you for guidance, respect you as a decision-maker, feel secure and fulfilled and eager to learn and please.
The dog you always wanted to have.
All it takes is the willingness to learn and educate yourself just like if you decide to learn to play chess or bake a cake. You study the rules first and then you practice and practice and practice.
Why would it be different with raising and caring for a different species that you will be responsible for for the next 10 to 15 years?
There is no difference except that learning how to raise a well-behaved dog is more important than learning how to bake a cake.
At least in my world, especially when I have baking cakes covered. (Thank you, Eva, Love you! And not only for baking cakes.)😊


Happy 1st. Birthday to my amazing trainee Nala.

We love you to bits already and we are so proud of you.

You work so hard everyday, always eager to please and learning incredibly fast.

Can't wait for upcoming days to have much more fun with you beautiful, sweet girl.


There is no-one like you! Be nice to yourself!

We just love our four legs, furry companions. Don’t we? They are so cute, so fluffy, so adorable, so funny, joyful, play...

We just love our four legs, furry companions. Don’t we? They are so cute, so fluffy, so adorable, so funny, joyful, playful and innocent. Right?

We bring them into our lives ready to give them anything and everything. Abundantly!
We constantly shower them with our love, affection, attention, millions of toys, ever-present food and treats and even clothes.

Until one day, we suddenly realize that something is not right, that something went wrong.The cuteness is gone and madness and struggle is a name of the new game.

We gave them everything and still, it seems they don’t appreciate it, what’s even worse they start to be aggressive, reactive, anxious, they bark, bite, chew, tear the house apart. The life with our companion turned into a nightmare.

Without even realizing it we slowly but surely created an edict with no skills and no clue how to operate in our complicated world.

They do their best but that’s not enough for them to be able to live happy fulfilled life without conflicts, causing problems, headaches, tension and eventually many times even losing their homes in some cases even their lives.

For whatever reason, we forgot or didn’t realize, that providing only love will not be enough for a different species to fulfil our expectations of them to behave appropriately in our society.

So maybe it’s time now to stop wondering and take responsibility for what is happening with our pets instead, turn down the love a notch and start providing what they really need to be successful.

And they desperately need us to teach them, to explain, to show, to guide and even to correct so they can release that pressure and take a deep breath, calm down, take a passenger seat and enjoy the ride finally.

It is all about the BALANCE in this universe. Without it, everything would fall apart. Doesn’t matter if it is your life or life of your dog, it all comes down to finding that sweet balanced spot in the middle, where the tension is gone where everything starts to harmonise, where too much and too little will mix into the appropriate amount of what is needed.

Many of us strive for perfection, for being there fully, finished, done, complete.We set our ambitious goals and embark ...

Many of us strive for perfection, for being there fully, finished, done, complete.

We set our ambitious goals and embark on the journey to do what it takes to get there.

When we do, we celebrate usually for a couple of minutes, hours, rarely days and then we start repeating the cycle again and again with new goals and more challenging destinations.

Very soon we realise there is no end of it.

No matter what we try to do or achieve it seems like we are just chasing the flirt pole with a different bait on it, every time we think we managed to get a firm grip finally.

And that is exactly how it is supposed to be, the way it was all designed so the whole eternity would be always filled with something interesting to do or to be.

So, strive for perfection but know and make peace with that you will never achieve it .

You will be never done, because if you would that would be the end. And there is no end in creation and creating.

This applies in all endeavours in your life, dog training not excluded.

You teach your dog everything you need to, to live a conflict free, happy balanced life with you and your family and then you just need to LIVE IT - meaning you repeat, repeat, repeat every day for the rest of the days.

"Training" never stops - for your, for your dog, for anyone.

It is the way of life.

It is the journey of life, the process of never ending learning, growing, exploring, progressing, improving, striving for that imaginary/illusionary perfect spot in time and space.

So, you better start enjoying it NOW because it will never STOP!

And that is what I call perfection!

Happy Birthday to our beloved companion Sunny!  She turned 3 today and I what to express my huge gratitude to this amazi...

Happy Birthday to our beloved companion Sunny!

She turned 3 today and I what to express my huge gratitude to this amazing being.

What a stunning animal she is. What a fabulous dog. What an incredible teacher she has been to me along this beautiful journey of ours.

I took a moment today to think about those 3 years we have been together.

Undoubtedly, she helped to shape who I am now.

Patience, perseverance, connection, communication, attention to details, timing, being present, letting go of the past, looking forward to the future, self-control, eagerness to learn more, following the passion, physical exercise, unconditional love – and these are just a fraction of our daily lessons we have been mastering and practising together tirelessly.

I want to thank you Sunny for everything you have taught me so far, for loving me unconditionally even after so many mistakes I have done and I cannot wait to learn much more about you, myself, about us and the mother nature in the following years.

Happy Birthday, Sunny! And thank you!

Thank you for documenting this wonderful journey and being part of it ❤

Calm and confident energy is the recipe for making the most impact in your world.It can be tempting to use the raw power...

Calm and confident energy is the recipe for making the most impact in your world.

It can be tempting to use the raw power to make something or someone change but such an approach will never create long lasting and mutually beneficial results.

Instead of trying to force the change use the power of influence and inspire to make better choices by your behaviour and example.

Calmness and confidence are contagious and everything in nature naturally tends to follow this energy. Take advantage of it!

One who chooses to use this approach becomes more powerful than millions who don't.  

The greatest and most inspirational leaders in our history have been showing us over and over that the greatest power requires the lightest touch.

Decide to become such a leader today.

People and animals around you need this now more than ever.

Be a calm and confident leader your dog will look up to for guidance and leadership.

This way you will finally be able to gain much needed control through unconditional trust and respect.

Working with Tilly beautiful 9 months old Weimaraner these days. She is responding extremely well, eager to learn and pl...

Working with Tilly beautiful 9 months old Weimaraner these days.

She is responding extremely well, eager to learn and please.

Tilly is in a process of learning how to communicate with humans sufficiently, respect their rules and boundaries, and be able to manage her emotions and find her switch off button.

Also, a big thing we are working on is her walking nicely on a loose-leash as she has been a strong puller like most Weimaraners are. 😊

It is such a pleasure for me working with this family who understands that changing their dog will require some changes in how they interact with her and adjusting their lifestyle to be able to create an environment where Tilly will thrive and grow into a well-behaved, balanced dog eventually.

Well, hi there everyone! I am sure this one will be a surprise for many, but that’s how life operates many times. At lea...

Well, hi there everyone!
I am sure this one will be a surprise for many, but that’s how life operates many times. At least mine.

I am aware this post will reach initially most of the people who had no idea that I have been into the dog training for these last 4 years like crazy.

So I would like to make this first post about the three most important, very special and precious beings who taught me as much as no else all combined did who made me and build me step by step on this journey to be who I am now.

And I am so proud to be who I am!

Thank you, Eva, Sunny and Simon, my wise teachers, tireless supporters and unconditional lovers.

Thank you for showing me and reminding me day by day, that yes you can start to listen to your heart, and yes you can follow your dreams and take actions to make your passion reality no matter how silly it might look.

Without you Eva I would not experience what I have and definitely would not be brave enough to make one of the best decisions I’ve made to invite Sunny into our lives.

Without you Sunny, I would not know what I know and would not be so patient and present as I am now.

And without you Simon, my beloved soul, my life simply would not be my life. Period!

I love you all!



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