Just been through emails ,always find a few with the usual few disagreeing with fact i put horses down, always the same lines "it should only be by injection as shooting is cruel".
What can i say, everyone has a preferance to how there horses are put down,
but shooting if done correctly is never cruel, its instant for the horse, the fact bullet is faster than sound the horse is dead before sound reachs its ears.
A nice bucket of food is all they knew. If i had to go thats how i would want it not knowing anything about it.
The injection works as well but there is sometimes a stage where the horse relises its dying, if the horse fights the drugs then it can take a while.
All methods have there pros and cons
Shooting requires correct gun and lots of experiance to ensures its instant, also some horses bleed a bit but it is the quickest method for horse, just it is very abrupt and some owners dont like this.
the most common drugs used in injection, can have a paralytic action on some horses so some horses know they are dying, some just drift off, others fight it, but it can look more peaceful for the owner.
so in short shooting is often best for horse, injection some times best for the owner.
But what i do is nver cruel, i got into this job to make a difference to welfare at the end, and i like to do it in a manner that the horse knows nothing about it.
Thats why i always talk to the horses and like to use a bucket of their favorite treats, best way to go in my eyes, food, no pain, over.
This is also why i aways allow a hour to put a horse down, so its never rushed as if you are rushed then things are more likley to go wrong, the hour often handy so if needed the horses feild companions can come and look afterwards and say goodbye.
The other emails i get is it is cruel to use the horses for feed for zoo's, as they are dead not sure how this one works.
it is upto owner what they want to happen afterwards.
Many like the zoo option as it means their horse helps other animals at the end, other owners do not want their horse used in which case it goes for standard disposal or individual cremation depending on their wishes.
Its owners choice, in over half of the horses i collect the owner wants them to be used for zoo as they can often go even if on some types of medication. but many people want the other options . its Owners choice which disposal option they want and their choice alone.
I always try to do whats best for the horses in every situation, but there in no pleasing everyone.
If anyone has questiions please comment or message i am always happy to answer,