Another invaluable lesson with Josh Daly. Always demonstrating new ideas, though Ted and me aren't quite sure how we're gonna do this one.
Sidney ,Eva and Herbert
Following on from yesterday's post about introducing new horse, Eva into the group of horses, my young tb Herbert made his entrance.
Herberts only interests are rolling and rolling and playing, so just having Sidney out with Eva yesterday allowed her time to explore her new surroundings before the arrival of Herbert.
Sidney as ever is a legend.
Sidney casting a watchful eye while Eva explores 🥰
The most important thing for my horses is that they are turned out every day for as long as possible.
It can be difficult as I only have a couple of acres which this time of year resembles a mud pit.
But it's only muddy water and brushes off, I keep telling myself.
So even if they get a few hours a day to roll and run, play and touch, and graze, and all together, then that will suffice.
Introducing a new horse, like Eva, has to be done thoughtfully. She has met all the horse in the barn, but this morning for her first time out I put her with Sidney who in this situation is a calming influence and allows her to explore.