What Our Clients Tell Us..
The truth is, that hiring a dog walker can provide amazing benefits for your pet, as well as for you. Here are the top 5 reasons our clients tell us why hiring Pawsome Dog Care is incredibly important:
Reason 1. The Need To Work Long Hours - The pressures of work can mean that they can’t be at home for long periods of time. This is by far the most commonly quoted reason why clients engage our service.
During these hours, not only does your pet miss you, but can certainly experience loneliness and boredom.
How long should dogs be left alone?
The amount of time it is suitable to leave a dog alone will very much depend on the individual dog. The Dogs Trust & the PDSA, recommend that a dog is not left for more than 4 hours a day. The Battersea Dogs & Cats Home state that dogs over 5 years of age should not be left for more than four to six hours on a regular basis. They go on to state that younger dogs can generally be left alone a couple of hours but puppies shouldn’t really be left at all when they are very young and the time they spend alone should be very gradually built up.
Realistically this means that owners of puppies and adolescent dogs should not leave their dogs or will have to make arrangements for their dogs’ care during the day. Owners of mature dogs need to return to them at lunch time, at the very least for half an hour. Without the support of family, friends, or professional dog walkers – most people who work full time will find this very difficult to achieve.
We all live busy lives, and every minute counts. Sometimes, consistent lengthy walks are difficult to fit into our schedules. We often wake up extra early, head home for our lunch hours, and rush home from work in an effort to make sure our dogs get the care they need. With a regular dog walker, your dog still gets all of the exercise and attention they deserve, while you get back a great deal of time. Everyone wins!
Reason 2. Socialisation and Stimulation – Walking not only gives your dog the exercise they need, but it also stimulates their senses. Pawsome Walks ensure that our clients dog’s get to see, smell, feel, and hear all types of new and interesting things every day. This stimulation includes meeting and playing with other people and other dogs, which is an excellent way to encourage proper socialisation for your pup. As Human’s we can easily forget that playing and interacting are the highlights of our pet’s day.
Reason 3. Improved Behaviour – Simply put, a tired dog is a good dog. Regular walking helps to release excess energy and results in calmer behaviour at home. With frequent, lengthy walks, your dog will be less inclined to bark, chew, bite, use your house floor as their toilet.
Reason 4. Peace of Mind – Our client’s tell us that engaging Pawsome Dog Care gives them the peace of mind that their dog is being well taken care of, even when they aren’t at home. With our daily walks they don’t have to worry if they need to stay late for work, or if they have not been able to take them on a walk in the morning. The knowledge that their dog will get quality time outdoors during the day also helps relieve the guilt or stress of knowing their dog is otherwise cooped up alone, often for 8 or more hours every day. They can feel confident that they are doing the best they can for their pet, and be safe in the knowledge that their dog is living a rewarding, happy life.
Reason 5. Better Dog Health
Just like humans, in order to live long, happy and healthy lives, dog need consistent, quality exercise. Lack of exercise easily leads to obesity, which is not just a problem in itself, but also a predisposing factor that leads to other conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases and certain types of cancer. With proper exercise, these can be both prevented and greatly diminished.
There are many other reasons to hire a professional dog walker, but the benefits should be clear. Pawsome Dog Care makes hiring a professional dog walker simple and affordable.
We’d love to help you and your dog get the benefits that our Service provides. Message us today via Facebook, drop us an email at [email protected] or give us a call on 07734 55 42 43