🎉 A whole year of having in house Physiotherapy & Laser here at the centre 🎉
Massive shout out to Lynsey Rout who is constantly here at all hours with us allowing us to give 100% to each and every animal we see! We are so proud to work with you!
Hydrotherapy, Physiotherapy & Laser are all great therapies in their own right but when you add them together it really is something special!!
We are super excited to see what this year brings for our little multidisciplinary team. This little centre in Spalding is constantly growing and developing so that we can give the best rehabilitation care that we possibly can!
As always thank you all for your ongoing support, we wouldn't be here without our wonderful clients and supporters 💕💦🐾
Grooming cats doesn't always need to be stressful.... it can be all about cuddles!
Here at Woozelbears we prefer a less is more approach especially when it comes to restraining cats!
It's all about the love here ❤️ #catgrooming #woozelbearsspalding #grooming #groominglife #cat #pamperedpets #pampertime #bathtime #spalding
We had the pleasure to groom Meg today, at our grooming salon at Woozelbears🐾 Meg is a Russian Black Terrier, that we groom in a pet trim✨ #russianblackterrier #woozelbearsspalding #groomingsalon #January2025
Did you know that we have underwater cameras? 📷
Underwater cameras allow us to see exactly what's happening beneath the surface... our cameras give us a clear image of how each limb and joint is moving as the dog swims, we can then use different techniques to help with their range of motion 💦 #hydrotherapyfordogs #qualityservice #newtechnology #Hydrotherapy #woozelbearsspalding #woozelbears #rehabilitation #dogrehabilitation #justkeepswimming #underwatercamera
Hello 2025, we now have new technology allowing us to provide an even better quality service! This new camera system means that you can now see all details, big and small and not miss out on a moment! #hydrotherapy #hydrotherapyfordogs #rehabilitation #newtechnology #qualityservice
After 2,694 appointments we are officially saying goodbye 2024! Tonight we reflect and let go of this year as we take with us so many lessons, knowledge and power into 2025. Massive Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support!! Thank you to our amazing team for all their effort this year we are so proud and honoured to work with you all ❤️ here's to helping many more paws next year 🐾 #Goodbye2024 #Hello2025 #hydrotherapy #hydrotherapyfordogs #doggrooming #dogphysio #laser #HappyNewYear #bestteam
After 2,694 appointments we are officially saying goodbye 2024! Tonight we reflect and let go of this year as we take with us so many lessons, knowledge and power into 2025. Massive Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support!! , thank you to our amazing team for all their effort this year we are so proud and honoured to work with you all ❤️ here's to helping many more paws next year 🐾 #Goodbye2024 #Hello2025 #hydrotherapy #hydrotherapyfordogs #doggrooming #dogphysio #laser #HappyNewYear #bestteam
Crinkles, Pamela & Nessa have had a fun filled Christmas Eve here at the centre! Be sure to get those paws 🐾 to bed early tonight because SANTA IS ON HIS WAY! 🎅 #christmas2024 #Woozelbearsspalding #naughtyelf #dogchristmas #hydrotherapyfordogs #grooming #Physiotherapy
It was an absolute honour to have been sat in the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday, surrounded by some amazing people doing extraordinary things in the animal welfare world! We are two people who started this centre with nothing more than a dream and drive to help but we are just little fish in comparison to those who we sat with in Parliament. Massive shout out to Broken Biscuits who were one of the speakers, you guys were amazing advocating for dogs with IVDD it's a pleasure to work alongside you we were very proud watching you. Thank you for the invite! 💕 We were absolutely star struck meeting Marc the Vet what an honour! We hope to be back there soon meeting more amazing humans!
Of course we had to take our mascot 'Pamela' with us! Enjoy her journey to the "big house" (we may have got some strange looks 🤣) #APDAWG #housesofparliament #hydrotherapy #caninehydrotherapy #animalwelfare
A massive congratulations to Dasher, who was diagnosed with IVDD in October, as off today he has now been discharged from our clinic‼️ He will be back from time to time to check in with his gait and to give him an overall MOT but as far as we are all concerned he is no longer on a ridged rehab plan! This was a great way for us to end the day, on a high as we are going to parliament tomorrow to talk about IVDD in dogs 🐾 We are so proud of Dasher for his recovery and that we can share his journey with others to show everyone that it is possible and there are other options to help dogs that have IVDD❤️🩹 #APDAWG #markthevet #housesofparliament #hydrotherapy #physiotherapy #woozelbearsspalding #Graduation2024
Christmas has arrived at woozelbears🎄 Meet our new friends, Crinkles the elf ✨, Pamela and Nessa the dogs 🐾 #whatsoccuring
Christmas makeover 🎄🐾️ With the help of our wonderful groomer, we were able to use some of our Christmas magic 🪄 and give our fur-friends the makeover they truly deserve🫧 #ChristmasMakeover #GroomingMagic