Two-year-old Riley is all set to take part in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch for the very first time this year.
Riley comes from a family who are passionate about wild birds, with his dad growing up visiting the Isle of Mull every year with his parents to spot wildlife. Now, Riley's parents are carrying on the tradition by encouraging his growing love of birds. Mum Asia is making sure to keep their garden feeders well stocked with wild bird seed, fat balls, apples and rolled oats for Riley’s feathered friends.
Asia, who picks up her wild bird feed from Pets at Home, said: “We have a window feeder on our patio doors as Riley loves to sit and watch the birds in the garden, so much so his nursery bought him one too. His favourite birds are robins, and we’re really lucky that we get loads of them in our garden. We want to educate him as he gets older to make sure that the birds are well looked after and get the food they need throughout the year.”