When you go to choose a puppy and the puppy chooses you!
Harvey showing how our most recent raised pole fan exercise should be done.
10/10 for rhythm, suppleness and core strength.
Let see what our liveries make of it.
Two of our liveries making use of the polework exercise Katherine laid out yesterday. Good job ladies!
Donny was back out eventing at Forgandenny last weekend. He produced a nice test followed by a double clear to finish inside the top 10 in the Novice. Anyone that knows Donny will know he is a notorious pole tapper so every clear round is cherished. At 20yrs old he not only still loves his job but continues to improve as well.
Melo was here for a few weeks to help with his issues out hacking, he had become progressively worse to the point he would rear and nap when leaving the yard. There can be many reasons why a horse would nap so the first step was finding out the underlying issue. Before Melo was hacked he was first assessed in the school where it became clear he wasn’t in front of the leg. Within a few sessions he was much more forward & after a quick 10 mins in the school he went straight out the yard and up the road without even thinking about napping! Having addressed the underlying issue in a controlled space it then meant Melo had a positive, stress free experience out hacking. Now back home Melo has continued to be a confident hacking horse & has left his napping days behind him!
Do you know that we can help with a wide range of groundwork issues as well as schooling problems. When Jasper arrived he wouldn’t stand at the mounting block, now he is great at positioning himself & waiting for his rider to get on. A valuable life skill for any horse!
5yr old Maverick has been here for a few weeks schooling to help transform him from Irish plough horse to smart all rounder. Now he’s clicked that he can go forward and stay supple at the same time there’s no stopping him!