🎄⭐️ Its Christmas time .. Mistletoe & wine .. AND a long list of other toxic items for your Fur babies.. ⭐️🎄
With Christmas fast approaching please keep an eye out for any of the following -
ALCOHOL – Pets are much more susceptible to alcohol poisoning than humans are. They can be exposed by ingesting alcoholic drinks, liquor chocolates or even by eating unbaked bread dough.
ANTI FREEZE – Antifreeze contains the substance Ethylene Glycol which is extremely toxic to pets. Make sure to store Antifreeze correctly and watch out for any spillages.
BATTERIES – Batteries can cause serious blockages, burns and perforation of the gastrointestinal tract once swallowed.
CHOCOLATE – Pets are unable to process chocolate the same way that humans can, making it toxic rather than a treat.
GRAPES & THEIR DRIED FRUITS – Raisins, currants & sultanas can cause kidney failure in dogs, so keep any mince pies, hot cross buns or simnel cakes hidden from mischievous fur babies.
MEDICATION – Many medications that are helpful for humans can be extremely harmful to pets.
MOULDY FOOD (MYCOTOXINS) – Food waste is often in an abundance over the festive period, it may be very tempting to pets, but mycotoxins in mouldy food can cause very worrying symptoms if ingested.
NICOTINE – Ingestion of nicotine in any form can pose a danger to pets. Popular E-Cigarette devices are particular risk, as their refill cartridges contain high concentrations of nicotine.
ONIONS & GARLIC – Onions & Garlic (& their plant relatives like Chives or leeks) can cause anaemia in pets. Concentrated onion/garlic powder is also hidden in many food items like gravy & stuffing.
PLANTS – Many indoor & outdoor plants can be poisonous to pets. Holly, Amaryllis, Ivy and Mistletoe are some of Winters culprits to be aware of.
RAT POISON – The most commonly used class of Rat poison in the UK is what is called an ‘anticoagulant’ poison. It stops the blood from clotting and causes the Rat to bleed to death. Unfortunately, the same symptoms can occur in any animals that consume this.
SALT - Ingestion can result in a high blood sodium concentration which can cause thirst, vomiting and lethargy, and in severe cases there is a risk of convulsions and kidney damage. Even a small bit of Pure salt can be dangerous.
XYLITOL – Xylitol is an artificial sweetener found in chewing gum, dental products & many confectionary items. It can cause dangerously low blood sugar & liver failure in dogs.