Sapphire is a little lad from one of our multi household houses, he has a damaged eye that's untreatable so we would like an inside house for him in order to keep him safe.
He's no older than a year old and the sweetest boy , now neutered and due to start his vaccinations.
Beautiful Chewie got his Valentine as I took him to his new family this morning , he's a bit scared but it didn't stop him eating .
You won't be on those cold streets again and at 6 kg he is such a gentle lad who didn't want to fight.
Happy life big lad ❤️
Patience pays off , Martha came in with her current litter and previous litter and was very scared.
Her lovely family have given her time and space to adapt to a family life and 6 weeks on she is starting to really come out of herself , I thank them so much as it hasn't been easy and she could have remained here for a very long time . 😺
Enrichment is important and a simple box can provide hours of fun
Dave needs a confident owner with no children who can bring Dave's little behaviour issues under control.
He's so lovely but as a defence will bat you and try to bite but is not using his teeth.
I am now going to push him beyond the comfort zone he's got in to to make him realize he can't do that , he's actually confused when he's told no as to him he's playing, but is getting much better.
Is there anyone out there who likes a challenge
Diggy has come so far this week , he's learning to trust people again and I even got kisses, this has been mostly due to Gills devotion to gaining his trust- although he has been accused of two timing her 🤣
Penny Leighton is a little superstar who has frequented Leighton hospital for years, but since a change in her home circumstances she has stayed in A&E car park .
At 14 and with the roads changing and it being a very busy area to take up residency , the owners have relinquished her to us to find a better home where she will be safer.
Penny needs to be an only cat , is affectionate , has started her vaccinations and is in good health
Do you have a Penny sized hole in your home.
Making progress with another little lady who was born in the streets , she's loving a fuss now , isn't she sweet.
This young lad is the father if the ladies are pregnant , a kitten himself , so confused and petrified .
He's unwell and being isolated .