Discover the magic of honeybees this spring as they awaken from winter slumber. Their hard work not only produces delicious honey but also supports the blooming flowers around us. So Order your over winter nucs now!!
5 or 6 Frame Over Winter Nucleus
DEPOSIT ONLY. REMAINING BALANCE DUE BEFORE COLLECTION/POSTAGE. These Nucs are the perfect way to start your beekeeping journey, or to increase your apiary size. The 5 frame nucs will be headed up by one of our carefully selected and bred F1 Buckfast or Carniolan queen bees. She will be marked Green (2024) and unclipped. In the nuc will be around 1.5 frames of stores and the remaining will be brood in all stages (eggs, Larvae, capped brood). We breed our queens to be highly productive, calm on the comb, hygienic and have a low swarm tendency. At the start of the year we will import our breeder queen who will be artificially inseminated to ensure she is an F0 breeder queen. The grafts are then moved into a hive full of honey, pollen and nurse bees, to produce the best queen cells. Once ready they are moved to our queen mating yard where they will mate and start to lay. Once we have observed a good laying pattern, and only then, will they be used in our nucs. You can have either 5 frame or 6 frame National nucs and we now also do 5 frame Langstroth Nucs, for Langstroth hives or flow hives. These are national nucs on DN4 (self spacing) frames. All hives are routinely treated for varroa mites. Bees will be provided in a correx box and are able to be posted (additional cost) These nucs are entirely weather dependant in terms of when they are ready, but we will aim for April 2025. 5 FRAME NATIONAL FULL PRICE IS £260 6 FRAME NATIONAL FULL PRICE IS £285 5 FRAME LANGSTROTH FULL PRICE IS £280 DEPOSITS ARE NON REFUNDABLE AFTER 1ST FEBRUARY, The Bees can be collected from OX39 or posted for an additional £30 per nuc. They will be posted by Royal mail, next day, before 1pm. Limited number available.