WKD Trained Dogs

WKD Trained Dogs Over 17 years and over 3000 successfully trained dogs, whatever your needs are, we can help.

Fully Trained Dogs, One to One or Residential Training even Online Training all come with our industry-leading 100% Guarantee. Here at WKD Working Dogs we pride ourselves on the knowledge that we are able to provide our clients with a dog that perfectly matches their requirements. We’re confident that whether you’re looking for a perfectly trained puppy of any breed, a fully trained personal or fa

mily protection dog or anything in between, you won’t find a better trained or better priced dog in the world. As well as being expert dog trainers we are also breeders of some of the finest working bloodline dogs available anywhere in the world. We also offer adult dogs for a variety of roles, such as; family protection dogs, personal protection dogs, dogs specially trained for females in vulnerable situations, business and property protection dogs, security dogs and dogs suitable for police, prison and MOD use.

Rest In Peace Your Majesty

Rest In Peace Your Majesty

Comments like this really make our job worthwhile

Comments like this really make our job worthwhile

Results after just one session 🥳We often get asked how long does it take to see results, the answer  is usually pretty q...

Results after just one session 🥳

We often get asked how long does it take to see results, the answer is usually pretty quickly 😊

Dont take our word for it. Have a look at the comment we received after Jen's first session.

🐾 Are you looking for a tried and tested method which works for
all dogs regardless of breed or age?

🐾 Have you tried other training methods which just didnt work for
you and your dog?

🐾 Do you want to see quick but long lasting results?

Then look no further, All of our training comes with a money back guarantee, so what are you waiting for? be like Jen and get in touch

The team are waiting to help improve the lives of you and your dog


We haven't posted any client videos for a while, but this one deserves to be seen. 🤩

Daisy is an online client. She has been working through our pulling on lead course, she has watched the lessons and sought our advice and is now smashing it 😊

Can you get this level of attention from your dog around distractions?

If not you know what to do.......

Be like Daisy and get in touch ☺️

We are waiting to help you transform the lives of you and your dog



You'll never get rid of what's hardwired into your dog.

You can manage it though.

Here's a lighthearted warning of what can happen if you don't 🤣🤣🤣


No dessert until you've eaten your greens

Remember that? It's known as grandma's rule.

You have to do what she wants before you get what you want.

And that's the next part of the puzzle.

You'll notice that most trainers only perform something that they've practices time and time again to perfection.

Not me, I'll take you through each step of the process warts and all.

If you aren't learning then I'm not interested and I thinks it's important to remember that nothing happens overnight.

Every time I get Pip out I'm reacting to what she's doing and changing my approach.

Tomorrow we're going to up the heat and start really making some moves. Today though, we're increasing understanding.

Give this vid a like to show your love and drop a comment or question below to make sure I'm covering all you want to see

Place out


Putting it all together

We've covered a lot about play over the last week.

How not to get bitten by accident, how teaching your dog to switch drives will dramatically increase your training success in other areas, how to use play to develop relationship and understanding and much more.

Today's video slows everything down and shows you how to develop a good and enjoyable game for you and your dog.

Tomorrow I'm going ti show you how to use this basic game to transform your dogs obedience.

Let me know what you think below and don't forget to show your love by liking this post.

Thanks everyone,



I've been bitten....hundreds of times by getting this wrong.

Hi folks, really happy with the response we're getting from these videos on play/drive.

I hope you're starting to realise that playing with your dog is a much deeper subject than it appears on the surface.

It's one of my biggest gripes with dog trainers. They all tell you to be more interesting, to play with your dog etc but none of them tell you how - generally it's because they don't know!

In this video I explain in more detail actually what's going in when I'm playing with my dogs. How I give them a great workout without tiring myself too much and how I avoid accidental bites when playing with intense dogs.

Meet Patsy. I hope you like her 😊❤

Comment, share and like below to show the love.


I wondered why yesterday's video flopped 🤣

Here's the full version 🙈


Good evening everyone. Thanks so much for the response to the last few videos I've posted.

If you've got a dog that won't play or who doesn't find play more interesting than the distraction in the environment - this one's for you 😉

I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and last night I hurt my knee (just strapped it up for this video, and forgot to do up my flies...apologies 🤣)

Now, I find most of my sessions at jiu jitsu really good fun and then occasionally it's really not that nice.

The good outweighs the bad and so I keep on going.

If you played chess but got beat every single time, it wouldn't be long before you just stopped playing. Right?

So, if you've got a dog that won't play or doesn't play strongly enough I want you to think if you might be the reason why.

Enjoy folks and stick your questions down below 😊


It's like a red mist comes down!

If you're struggling with your dog having an obsession that you don't like and you can't interrupt it, this one's for you 😘

Drive. If its in the right place and under control its the most useful tool in dog training.

If its in the wrong place and unchecked then it'll ruin your life.

One things for sure though, with the right approach its always possible to control it.

Pip literally has more drive for this toy than anything else in her life. Imagine if that level of intensity was aimed at a person, a dog, a bike, a car, a squirrel or anything else.

Even I'd struggle to get it under control unless....
....I taught her how to switch drives/states.

Its easy when you know how and if you need help, I want to talk with you



Are you frustrated with elements of your dogs behaviour?

Well, here's a secret, dog trainers often feel the same.

Have a watch of this and see just how easy it is to solve problems when you think outside the box 🙂


My dog won't take food!?!

We hear it time and time again.

I've actually never met a dog who won't take food.

I've met loads that couldn't even see that food was being offered though because they were so locked on to the distraction.

It's all irrelevant though.

If a dog will only behave because you can distract it with food then it'll all fall apart when it's not hungry or you forget your treat bag.

All dogs are capable of behaving the way you desire without the need for food.

You just haven't found a trainer who knows how to achieve it....YET

We're running our ever popular FREE reactivity masterclass webinar this Saturday morning.

Reserve your seat by following this link


If you're looking to get some in person help then simply drop us a message and we'll be only too happy to explain how our money back guaranteed, no success-no fee consultations work :)
Does size matter?!

They often say that smaller dogs have 'big dog mentality'

The reality is though that owning a small dog with reactivity issues is just as difficult as owning a bigger dog.

Of course, some people find it easier to actually manage because they are able to simply hold on however

owning any dog that is reactive severely limits your ability to live a normal life with your dog.

It becomes very apparent just how much difficulty reactivity causes when you compare the way you are living to the way you imagined you would live once you were a dog owner.

Most people got a dog because they dreamt of long relaxing countryside walks, going with their dog to family BBQ's and maybe the pub at the weekend.

The reality is though that life with a reactive dog almost reduces the chances of these things to zero.

Q. How can you relax if you're always on the look out for the next distraction which your dog will react to?

A. You can't!

If you're struggling with reactivity and would like your life back then we have a few options for you.

We are running our free reactivity webinar this Saturday morning - sign up here https://fb.watch/c_6eyWlDxz/
We also have an online training course especially for reactivity issues - www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com
Finally we offer our money back guarantee, success guaranteed one2one consultations - drop us a message to find out more.

The next move is yours....


Excited greeters!!

Most of the videos we share are of highly reactive dogs that are full of barking, growling, teeth and flying slobber.

We aren't always working with that type of dog though.

Often we are working with dogs that are termed 'excited greeters'

Whilst the consequences of owning an excited greeter don't seem so bad the reality is that such behaviours are very dangerous to live with and need getting under control asap.

Being pulled off your feet, dragged across roads, physical injury, bolting to other dogs when off lead and more....

Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it won't

We're running our ever popular FREE reactivity masterclass this Saturday morning, secure your spot by following this link

If you're ready to get some fact to face help simply drop us a message and we'll explain how we can help whilst ensuring you're going to get what you pay for.


It's not just the big ones!

We get asked all the time if we have worked with various different breeds.

People tend to think that unless you find a trainer who specialises in your particular dogs breed then you won't find success.

The reality though is that somebody can have worked with hundreds of dogs of your dogs breed but if they haven't solved your specific problem then it's irrelevant.

Tell us below what breed of dog you are struggling with....

Also, don't forget, we are running our ever popular reactivity masterclass webinar this Saturday morning, if you haven't signed up yet follow this link to book your space completely free of charge!



Rescue dogs from overseas 😲😲

At WKD we see rescue dogs that have come from abroad on a very regular basis.

Almost without exception we are tasked with either solving reactivity or extreme nervousness.

Before you read on, if you haven't already, register for our reactivity webinar this Saturday morning

Why is it so common that rescues from have such issues?

Well the the answer is fairly complex but usually the dogs are either strays who have lived free range on the streets or they are ex hunting dogs who have been discarded.

In both cases, the dog, who's spent it's life running free or in a kennels rather than a home is forced into a situation where it needs to start living in a home an go down the street on lead.

As a free ranging dog it had the choice to move away from things that made it nervous. Now it has nowhere to go and so the nervousness turns into panic or the nervousness turns into reactivity.

Luckily it's easily sorted when you know how.

If you're struggling with your dog's nervous or reactive behaviour then you know what to do....get in touch!!


Struggling with reactivity?

Tried rewards, being more exciting, taught a middle command or watch me?

It's no wonder you're still struggling really.

If it was as easy as putting a piece of chicken on your dogs nose we wouldn't be in business.

At WKD we want the difficult ones, its what we thrive on, in fact, we love the challenge!

Our money back guarantee gets owners who've 'tried it all' back out of the woodwork to finally begin enjoying their life with their dog.

If you're struggling with your dog and are serious about living a better life together drop me a comment below or send us a message.

Also, if you haven't yet registered for our reactivity webinar this Saturday morning check out our story for the link


I'll be pi$$ed off if it works!!🤬

Well it's the first time I've heard a client say that before...

You'd be amazed how many owners I meet who've been aware of WKD for a long time....

but decided to try elsewhere first.

It makes sense right?

Well kinda.... I guess...🤔🤭

If most of our clients knew what they know when they started their dog training journey they'd have taken the plunge at the start.

But you don't know.

A dog trainer is a dog trainer is a dog trainer...right?


I understand that a four hour car drive and £695 sounds like a lot of money but...

When you compare it to £2000 on wasted training and 2 years of struggle it sounds like a bargain to me.

Especially when it comes with FREE access to WKD Online, tailored training reminders and a money back guarantee!!

If you're struggling with your dog....there's one thing you should do immediately.

Send us a message!

How would you feel having  your big dog around livestock?

How would you feel having your big dog around livestock?

Happy Easter everyone 🐰🐣

Happy Easter everyone 🐰🐣



Look at this.....60KG of Alaskan Malamute!

Numerous trainers, numerous episodes of owners being dragged across the floor on their faces, numerous closed doors!

I know we all love a good 'before' video however, whilst some people think I get them for drama, the real reason is that I need to know what we are dealing with and where we are in the process as we move forwards.

In this instance, I didn't need to see it, the glimpses that I got showed me enough and the reality of this huge dog just deciding he was ready to head in a certain direction was all the justification I needed to just crack on and get the job done.

Now, many of you know me personally or through our online platforms and you'll also know that I see many owners who've 'tried it all'

Well the owners of this dog had been 'told it all' but nobody had actually shown them.

Our One2One consultations are different https://wkd-uk.com/one-one-dog-training-courses/

There's one hell of a difference between walking the walk and being able to talk it and whilst I don't feel this will be the last I see of this lovely boy and his wonderfully dedicated owners who travelled and are prepared to travel all the way from Dorset again to see me to allow them and their boy a great life together I'm very happy with the results we go during our short session together.

What's your excuse?

Too far away?
Tried it all?
Your dog won't take treats?
Find out more here https://wkd-uk.com/one-one-dog-training-courses/


Demonic Doberman!

Handler gets bit!

Problems get resolved!

I'd like everybody to give a shout out to this young man.

He had dreamt of owning a Doberman for many years and finally got his chance. Unfortunately, as is often the case, from the breeders to the trainers they have seen he has been failed by the system.

Following numerous bites through redirected aggression, recommendations of put to sleep, rehome and sedation they reached out to WKD to see if we could help.

Most of you would think that my job is training dogs, it's not, it's training humans BUT

Before I can do that, I have to first gain their trust.

They've been given bad advice, shown the wrong way, been blamed and worse.

Now don't get me wrong, I see the rough end of the dog world. I see the dogs and owners when its all gone wrong, when nobody can help...when it's last chance saloon.

The problem is, I revel in this work so much that sometimes I forget the important things...in this case, I forgot to have my microphones charged and so I can't share some of the absolute gems of advice that were given during this session.

I'd really appreciate it if you could all show your love for this dog and his dedicated handler

The didn't give me excuses - They just got stuck in and got sorted.

All the time I see people commenting on our posts saying;

My dogs much worse
My dog won't take treats though
My dog got attacked
My dog missed socialisation
My dog lived in a crate for months
My dog left its mum too early...

They are all great excuses but that's exactly what they are. If you're comfortable letting yourself, your family and your dog live a less than ideal life because of an arbitrary reason then that's fine, I'm not here to convince you.....

If you're ready though, ready to make the change and live the life you imagined with your dog then I'm here and waiting.

Simply drop us a message.

It's £995, guaranteed results, free return if required, access to WKD Online included and ongoing support.

Sounds like a lot of money? How much have you wasted elsewhere with nothing to show for it?


Rose this morning enjoying the sunshine with her new friend Shaun 🐑

Rose this morning enjoying the sunshine with her new friend Shaun 🐑


Here’s a clip of Lucy from this morning practicing recall with head trainer Cassey.

Lucy isn’t really that motivated by food so for recall we’ve been using the ball as her reward. As you can see now Lucy has something that really motivates her, her recall is now getting much quicker and more reliable.

If your struggling to motivate your dog for recall why not try using a toy!

Residential girl Roxy enjoying the sunshine ☀️ We hope you all are enjoying the sunshine! The dogs at WKD are all loving...

Residential girl Roxy enjoying the sunshine ☀️

We hope you all are enjoying the sunshine! The dogs at WKD are all loving it!

Post you happy pooches birthday n the sunshine down below 👇🏻

How cute is little Bess!

How cute is little Bess!

How gorgeous does our Dave look during his car training? 🥰❤️What are you up to today with your dog? Drop us a comment be...

How gorgeous does our Dave look during his car training? 🥰❤️

What are you up to today with your dog? Drop us a comment below 👇

How much do we care after your dog during a residential stay?.....𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵!Your family becomes ours.We ensure that any ...

How much do we care after your dog during a residential stay?.....

𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵!

Your family becomes ours.
We ensure that any dog that comes for training with us gets the best of everything.


Isn't that how it should be done?


If you're not already doing so, check out our tiktok and give us a follow please guys!

👉 https://www.tiktok.com/


WKD Trained Dogs

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 9pm
Tuesday 7am - 9pm
Wednesday 7am - 9pm
Thursday 7am - 9pm
Friday 7am - 9pm
Saturday 7am - 9pm
Sunday 7am - 9pm


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Our Story

“If you wish to experience the joys of dog ownership then you simply will not find a more experienced, conscientious, knowledgeable and customer focused team in our area of expertise” - Matthew Wiggins

Our clients love their dogs and our training results!

Over the past five years we have moved further away from conventional concepts and training than we ever imagined. We made this move as we learnt how incorrect the mainstream approach to breed generalizations, training exercises and techniques really are. The majority of Dog owners live a life of compromise due to an incorrect temperament match and lack of effective training due to time constraints, ability, inclination and knowledge. As a result the majority of Dogs also live a life of compromise.

WKD began trading as a supplier of temperament tested, young adult dogs, for specialist work with government agencies on an international level. We also offered residential remedial training for family dogs which had severe issues and which displayed behaviours which were proving problematic for their owners. WKD was often, and still remains the last chance for these special dogs and their owners who were often on the verge of re home or more drastic measures.

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