Getting your dog to use it’s nose to sniff things (food) out helps get them using their natural ability to sniff, if your dog loves to sniff on a walk and because of the weather (or injury) they can’t go for a walk this helps satisfy their want to sniff.
If your interested in learning how to do scent work with your dog I will have classes coming soon so keep an eye out & get in touch for more info.
Collar grab
Collar grab training is great to get dogs comfortable with being grabbed/taken by the collar, by making it a game in an emergency when you need to get hold of them quickly, because you never know what may happen, they are used to a person moving quickly towards their collar. It’s another great tool for teaching a dog recall, because your not taking the collar & not letting go your rewarding by letting them go to chase a treat as in this example or a ball which could be an alternative to treat throwing.
Any well fitted collar is good for this exercise I do love ones with small handles for the likes of Pigeon here as her hair is medium length & I don’t want to accidentally take hair in my hand with the collar, if your dog only wears a harness you can play this game to by just taking a hold of the harness instead of a collar.
Have fun & I’d love to see your videos trying it out.
Nose touch
This is a great game to play which is simple to teach & you don’t need any equipment.
The uses of nose touch are vast, from teaching recall to tricks.
If your dog seems to struggle with the concept please comment on this video and I’ll share a hack for troubleshooting.